Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 280 [280] Jumped into the pit

【Ding!The Xinghai worker module has been opened, but this module is an unscheduled task release module, and there is no task update for the time being, please wait patiently for the host. 】

Bai Xingkuan's face was numb when he heard this, and he was so excited!

"It's late, go to sleep!" The trash system, wasting feelings, cheated me of sleep!
【Ding!Klaas star recruits [-] miners, regardless of working hours, regardless of race or gender, only need to work for eight hours a day, and the salary is a basic biological mecha, or a medium-level water purifier, and the settlement is settled on a full month.Does the host sign up? 】

Bai Xingkuan, who was half asleep and half awake, heard in a daze about hundreds of people, salary, and whether to sign up.

Immediately answered yes, this is also a habit developed by group buying, no matter what the goods are, buy first and then talk.

【Ding!Signing up, reviewing, passing the review, and issuing worker tokens, congratulations to the host for receiving the first task of working as a worker, and wishing the host a happy working experience! 】

In just a few breaths, the system's feedback sounded, and she signed up successfully!
And at this time, Bai Xingkuang had come to his senses, and asked in surprise, "I received a mission? What kind of mission is it?"

The system didn't make a sound, but there was an extra token in Bai Xingkuang's hand, and when she held the token, a message appeared in Bai Xingkuang's mind.

Worker Token: The task of a miner on Klass Star requires eight hours of work per day, and the salary is a primary biological mech, or a mid-level water purifier, and the payment is settled on a full moon.

Does the host want to start today's mission and go to Klass star?

"Miner? Miner?" Bai Xingkui looked at the token in his hand in disbelief. Why did her newly appointed empress, the invincible and powerful Lord Wu Wang, want to be a miner?
And what are the biological mechs and water purifiers?It doesn't sound like food at all, why would she be a miner for a month to exchange for that kind of thing, she's not out of her mind!
"Can I not go?" Bai Xingkuan asked uncertainly, the system has always been a bit stuck, she felt that if she jumped this time, the system might not let her climb out.

[Yes, but you have to pay liquidated damages! ] The system finally spoke, and the answer wasn't too bad.

Bai Xingkuo asked cautiously: "How much is the compensation?"

[The owner of the mine demands compensation of five million star coins, or [-] catties of green vegetables. 】

Bai Xingkuan was speechless, she was just confused, why did she treat her like this!It's not that she doesn't have five million, but she can't do it if she is so aggrieved to give it out!

Bai Xingkuan anxiously paced back and forth in the bedroom, Zhao Fengji, who was woken up, asked with a puzzled expression: "What's wrong with you?"

Bai Xingkuan talked about blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Zhao Fengji wanted to laugh inexplicably, "Losing money, let's not do that coolie."

A miner is not just a coolie, Zhao Fengji couldn't bear to let Bai Xingkuang do that kind of thing, he still feels sore whenever he thinks of the scene of Bai Xingkuang moving goods at the dock.

"Five million star coins is five thousand taels of silver! It's too bad!" Bai Xingkui couldn't bear it, and his heart ached when he thought about it.

Zhao Fengji said proudly: "I will pay the money."

Bai Xingxuan glared at Zhao Fengji, isn't Xiongxiong's home not his own money?That's not a reason!
Zhao Fengji looked at Bai Xingkuan innocently, and with a flash of inspiration, he suddenly said, "How much is [-] catties of green vegetables worth?"

Bai Xingkuo was taken aback for a moment, and then replied dumbfounded: "I don't know about that either!"

The two novices who knew nothing about market prices could only find Weijing, Bai Qing and others, and asked the question again.

In the past, Metropark was in charge of the logistics = work of the entire palace, and had some understanding of the prices of ingredients.

"The vegetables that our palace buys are all the best varieties, usually around [-] Wen a catty." Weijing replied.

"What about the others, aren't they so good?" When Bai Xingkuang heard the twenty words, he wanted to count with his fingers.

"The vegetables that the common people eat every day, because of different varieties, the cheap ones may only cost two or three pennies a catty, and the expensive ones can be anywhere from seven to eight pennies." Weijing didn't know what the two masters were going to do, why did they suddenly Asked about the price of the food.

Bai Xingkuan looked at Zhao Fengji expectantly, "Do the math, which one is suitable?"

Zhao Fengji smiled and said, "According to five renminbi a catty, [-] catties is about fifty taels of silver."

"Wow! Five thousand taels has become fifty taels? I can do this!" When she first heard that it was [-] catties of vegetables, her first reaction was that it was a lot, but she didn't expect that it would be so cheap after all the calculations!

"Then I'll send someone to buy vegetables?" Zhao Fengji didn't say that the [-] jin of vegetables didn't sound expensive, but it would be troublesome for people to buy them. As long as Bai Xingkuang is happy, he can do anything.

"Go ahead, buy the cheapest one!" Bai Xingkuang happily agreed, "Remember to buy the green one!"

"Yes, I see." Zhao Fengji continued to agree with a smile.

Bai Xingkuan tilted his head, and asked suddenly: "Are you kidding me?"

"Absolutely not!" Zhao Fengji denied without hesitation!

"...a lie!" Bai Xingkuan told herself with a keen intuition that Zhao Fengji was just laughing at her. She thought about it and asked, "Are you kidding me that I can't do arithmetic?"

"No!" Zhao Fengji denied it again, but seeing Bai Xingkuan's disbelieving expression, he could only add, "I just think that you look cute even if you don't know how to do arithmetic!"

"...Cough, you've passed the test!"

A large number of people rushed out of the palace soon, some of them went to the vegetable shop in the city, some went to the surrounding villages and counties, and then there were cart after cart of vegetables, like ants moving house, They were moved into the palace one after another.

During this period, Bai Xingkuan suddenly thought of a question, "Do you really don't want that mecha or water purifier? It doesn't sound like something to eat, but it looks very powerful!"

"If this is what you got in exchange for a month's labor, then I don't want it at all!" Zhao Fengji replied seriously, without any perfunctory.It's not that he doesn't want those miraculous things, but compared to Bai Xingkuan's hard work, that little desire is worthless!

"...Actually, I have great strength, so it's okay to go mining." Bai Xingkui understood Zhao Fengji's meaning, and suddenly felt a little bit embarrassed.She is a female, she was supposed to be responsible for supporting the family, but now she is just doing a little physical work, but she has tossed so many things, it seems a bit unreasonable.

Beside Zhao Fengji, although she worked hard, she seemed to have become a little bit more delicate!


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