Chapter 24
Fu Qianyu broke the casserole and asked the end, Li Jingman did not hesitate, and agreed to ask Lin Heng to come out and let her know.

Lin Heng is a northerner with healthy wheat-colored skin, broad shoulders and long legs, and rough facial features.

It won't surprise people at first glance, but it is very attractive.

As a girl from Sichuan, Li Jingman grew up among a bunch of milky white boys. Most of the boys there were afraid of their mothers when they were young, and afraid of their wives when they grew up.

Li Jingman's own father had that kind of personality. At home, his father was submissive, and her mother was obedient.

But Li Jingman himself didn't really like this kind of docile man with no assertive personality.

Taizhou is famous for Taiwanese dramas, and the idol drama industry is booming. Li Jingman is not interested in idol dramas. She grew up watching Wolf Warriors, and her aesthetics tend to be Wu Jing's type...

Yes, that's right, Fu Jingxing, who has alluring facial features, never appeared on her aesthetic passing line from the very beginning.

As for finding Lin Heng, it was really a coincidence. Li Jingman wanted to find a way not to delay the friendship between her and Fu Qianyu, but also to make Fu Jingxing give up.

Just at this time, Lin Heng's phone call inspired Li Jingman, and she asked Lin Heng to pretend to be her "boyfriend".

Of course, Lin Heng couldn't refuse Xiaohua's request for help. For him, it was like a pie in the sky.

The time to bring someone to meet Fu Qianyu was set on the night before Lin Heng went to teach, and the meeting place was at a hot pot restaurant.

When Fu Qianyu arrived, Li Jingman and Lin Heng had already arrived. The two were sitting together and chatting. The little fairy had a slight smile on her face and looked at Lin Heng seriously and intently.

Fu Qianyu took a breath, and said in an embarrassing tone, "Brother, I feel like she's serious. I've never seen Manman get so close to anyone of the opposite sex..."

After hearing that Li Jingman had a boyfriend, Fu Jingxing, who insisted on following him, turned black on the spot.

"Didn't you just smile at him? What's that? She and I still..."

Fu Qianyu stopped after hearing Fu Jingxing's speech, she couldn't help being curious: "Brother, what happened to you and Manman?"

Fu Jingxing thought of the bright red eyes of the little fairy, and swallowed his words, avoiding the serious and light: "She smiled at me too."

Fu Qianyu was very helpless: "It's nothing to laugh, if I smile at you, I like you. Manman would have married me long ago."

Fu Jingxing's face darkened again, wondering if his family's genes had mutated, how could such a fool as Fu Qianyu be born.

Seeing that Li Jingman chatted more and more happily with that ordinary boy who couldn't find any bright spots, he walked towards Li Jingman.

Lin Heng was telling Li Jingman an interesting story about going to the mountains to catch rabbits in winter. There is no winter in Sichuan and Sichuan, only damp and cold. Lin Heng took out the photos on his mobile phone and showed her the snow houses and ice sculptures in the north. Li Jingman His eyes were full of surprise.

Just as they were chatting happily, there was the sound of a chair being pulled away from the opposite side. Li Jingman thought it was Fu Qianyu who had arrived, so he decided to play a full set, and then moved closer to Lin Heng on the right, and then he looked natural Look up.


Li Jingman's smile froze.

On the opposite side, Fu Jingxing raised his eyebrows at her lightly, with a relaxed and comfortable posture.

"Meet you again, Classmate Li."

Fu Qianyu rushed over on her thin legs and sat beside Fu Jingxing.

"I'm sorry, Manman, I happened to meet my brother nearby, and it happened that he didn't have dinner, so I called him over together."

Fu Qianyu looked at Li Jingman cautiously: "It's just a pair of chopsticks, don't you mind?"

The smile on Li Jingman's face could hardly be maintained, and he met Fu Jingxing near the hotpot restaurant, and it happened that he didn't have dinner?

Is there such a coincidence?She believed her ghost!

"I don't mind, of course I don't mind." Lin Heng has a hearty and generous personality, and he greeted Fu Qianyu warmly: "Since you are Manman's friend, then you are my friend. I invite you to eat whatever you want today." point."

He handed the menu to Fu Qianyu, Li Jingman pursed his lips and looked at Fu Jingxing: "Brother Fu, are you sure you want to stay here and eat with us?"

Ever since Fu Jingxing took his seat, his eyes had been fixed on her. Hearing this, the corners of his lips curled slightly: "Otherwise?"

Li Jingman didn't say any more: "It's as long as you are happy."

This is a hot pot restaurant in Chongqing. Although the base material is not as good as the devil's spicy soup that day, it is not too bad.

Li Jingman originally thought that Fu Qianyu would consider Fu Jingxing's physical condition and order something lighter.

Who would have thought that Fu Qianyu and Fu Jingxing were really not familiar with each other, completely unaware that her brother couldn't eat spicy food, so she just ordered the signature Chuanxiang according to her previous eating habits with Li Jingman.

Li Jingman didn't speak all the time, Fu Jingxing kept observing her expression and didn't pay attention to Fu Qianyu's side at all.

Lin Heng was happy to liven up the atmosphere, showing the enthusiasm of the northerners and finding topics to chat with a few people.

Fu Jingxing chatted with him casually, but he couldn't feel the attractiveness of such a young boy who had nothing but youth.

Li Jingman was always on his mind, until the waiter came to collect the order paper, Li Jingman frowned slightly, stopped the person, and said softly: "Change the bottom of the pot, change the pot of mandarin ducks."

Fu Qianyu was taken aback, and looked at Lin Heng: "Can't you eat spicy food?"

The little fairy likes everything spicy, how can she find a boyfriend who eats clear soup when eating hot pot?

How could it be that Lin Heng can't eat spicy food, but he didn't explain much, just smiled and accepted it.

However, when the food came to the table, what Lin Heng ate was the same spicy pot as Li Jingman.

Fu Jingxing, on the other hand, monopolizes half of the bottom of the pot, boils cabbage with clear soup, and eats in a gentle and elegant manner.

Fu Qianyu was nervous, but not stupid, and soon realized that something was wrong, and looked at Li Jingman in surprise.

She doesn't even know that her brother doesn't eat spicy food, but Li Jingman already knows, the relationship between these two...

Fu Jingxing was sitting opposite, even if he didn't do anything, he still had a lingering sense of oppression on his body. Li Jingman's taste was like chewing wax, and he lost interest after eating two bites of beef.

She saw beads of sweat on Lin Heng's forehead due to the mist from the hot pot, hesitated for a moment, and was about to hand him a napkin, but out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Fu Qianyu who was looking at her and Lin Heng with tangled eyes, and changed Hand for immediate rubbing.

"Lin Heng." She called softly to the person next to her, and Lin Heng looked over in response, his eyes were bright: "What's wrong?"

Li Jingman took the napkin and gently wiped the sweat off his face.

Lin Heng was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Li Jingman flattered, showing a bright smile.

Fu Qianyu also looked at the sudden interaction between the two in surprise, and was stunned when there was a click from beside her.

Fu Qianyu turned her head to look over, and found that in Fu Jingxing's hand, the mahogany chopsticks for eating hot pot had been broken into two pieces.

Fu Qianyu, who always thought her brother was a gentle, refined and civilized person: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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