Chapter 110 The Beauty Immortal Venerable She Is Pious (50)

Tang Zhu apologized for her untimely curiosity.

She pinched the other person's face expressionlessly, and was threatened by Xie Qingzhao.

He raised the end of his eyes lazily, and said in a slow tone, "I let go and let you go down, I really let go."

When the voice fell to the ground, he realized urgently that he shouldn't talk like that to the person he likes, so he rubbed his forehead against her aggrievedly, as if a little shy, " don't have a Taoist companion anyway, why can't you try it with me?" Try it."

He pursed his lips: "Or you don't want to be the demon queen?"

The demon king was born beautiful, and he felt delicate and beautiful at a glance. He trembled his eyelashes dyed with the cold moonlight, and looked at the other side's face affectionately like spring water in an apricot forest.

"It's not right if you don't want to be that, we can live in seclusion."

His eyes darkened, and the bewitching Adam's apple twitched between his neckline.

"Not to mention I've never... so you can tune/teach me to be what you like."

He was so ashamed that he almost whispered these words in Tang Zhu's ear.

Tang Zhu smiled: "Who told you that I don't have a Taoist companion?"

Xie Qingzhao: "?"

The noble and indifferent Demon King pursed his lips a little hurt.

He really liked Tang Zhu, but when he held it, it seemed like he had been played hard by someone. His expression was brightly displeased, but he quickly tightened the hand around her waist.

He gritted his teeth: "...Nothing, I can be a concubine."

Seeing that she was still unmoved, he moved closer, and all the warm breath fell on Tang Zhu's ear.

He lightly tossed out his trump card: "I can even give birth to a son for you, Tang Zhu, you won't suffer from a contract with me."

Tang Zhu: "..."

No, can this be said?
What's the matter with her a little heartbeat.

Looking at Xie Qingzhao again, it was the first time he told this secret in front of people, his face was blushing to death, and the last half of the sentence was almost buried in her neck.

"Can't you have me? The three of us can live together."

He died poorly.

After he escaped from Qingyun Peak's Qingyou Valley, she was by his side, and then only her, only she touched his tail feathers, and only she would protect him.

It is clear that she is also the so-called righteous way.

But understand him, help him, and don't hate him.

She is obviously a very good person.

How could he be willing to let her go.

Tang Zhu: "..."


She admits she was a little tempted by the proposal, but the review didn't allow it.

So she raised her hand and touched the other person's head.

Ink hair is like satin, delicate and soft.

Her movements were so gentle that Xie Qingzhao felt that she was going to agree to him in the next second.

But no, she just pushed him away lightly.

With red phoenix eyes, he was about to cry: "...Even so, don't you want me?"

"Yeah, don't."

She raised her eyes and continued casually.

"You have built the demon world very well. I like you like this, not..." She paused, "You who are addicted to love."


For an instant everything was silent, Xie Qingzhao stared blankly at her, his beautiful and gorgeous wings trembled slightly, and he murmured: "I like me."

Then why can't we be together?
Little Phoenix's brain obviously couldn't understand this question, but Tang Zhu frowned and didn't want to say more, so he also shut his mouth and obediently stopped asking.


He lowered his eyes in disappointment, and his expression was still full of grievances.

"I will be my demon king well, and I will wait for you."

 Today I turned off the air conditioner, washed three pieces of clothes by hand, and got used to the life after school in advance. I'm not particularly sad, but I just don't want to live

  People really want to cry and cry hot, take a ticket to comfort me
  Boo!Boo! !Boo! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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