Chapter 120 Twilight Falls (6)

But it was only a knock, and soon someone came over and kicked the knocker away.

Tang Zhu clearly felt the god beside him breathe a sigh of relief.

Don't ask her dullness why she can observe such fine details.

With a blank expression on her face, she ruthlessly pulled her fingertips out of Amus' palm.

... on horseback.

The fingertips, which were as white as jade, turned red when he suddenly squeezed them.

Tang Zhu, who was awakened by the pain, glanced at the young man beside him.

It looks like a fragile and pitiful person who is locked and restrained by numerous magic circles, but unexpectedly, she has a lot of strength.

She moved slowly and slightly, which Amus noticed.

"you're awake."

The tone of affirmation was still gentle and polite.

After a pause, he blinked his eyelashes again, obediently curled up beside her, his huge snow-white wings circled around and gently hugged her, the deity looked calm, his ears were as white as jade but red at the tips.

"Sorry, I was so tired last night that I took your bed."

Tang Zhu simply turned to look at him.

Ah, what a pretty face.

Eyes are eyes and mouths are mouths.

She thought for a moment.

It was clearly she who caught him back last night while he was not paying attention, and she was the one who threw him on the bed afterwards.

He didn't seem to have done anything subjectively from beginning to end.

But he apologized politely.

... Truly worthy of being the Supreme God of Light.

She was less than willing to bow her head and apologize.

She fell asleep when she encountered difficulties, and whoever said she was wrong, she would just say impatiently: "Yes, I did it, how about it."

The gap between gods and demons is now revealed.

Tang Zhu pondered for a rare moment, then got up and waved his hands, as if he didn't care.

"It's okay, we're all friends, we just sleep in the same bed, it's no big deal."

Amus: "..."

He never expected that Tang Zhu would say this.

It was still very noisy outside, with flustered footsteps and shouts mixed together in a chaotic manner. Tang Zhu tried to stay awake, so he decided to get up and shout on the balcony.

It is a capital offense to disturb her sleep.


After Tang Zhu got up.

Sensing her departure, the golden magic circles that had been silent all night began to move, the young man lowered his eyes, and his delicate and beautiful face was a little careless.

He held out his fingertips.

Lightly touched the magic circle glowing with golden light.

The latter seemed to have endured it for a long time, almost biting towards him violently.

…So the familiar and intense burning sensation spread from the fingertips, and the white and warm fingertips were infected pink by the burning pain.

But he didn't seem to feel the pain, just meditating.

The legend says, indeed.

The young god stood up slowly and looked towards the direction where Tang Zhu made the last movement.

He had tried it last night.

The magic circle really didn't dare to do anything wrong with her.

So maybe...

He lowered his eyes again, staring at the darkness in a daze.

It is possible to unshackle through First Embrace.

Then the problem comes again.

What should he do to make Tang Zhu fall in love with him?

This is a good question.

Amus pondered for a long time, and even wrote a 2.0plus version of the plan to capture Tang Zhu's heart in his mind.

When he belatedly realized that Tang Zhu was not here, the latter had already put on his cloak to finish today's prayer for him.

Tang Zhu willing?

She has a cold face: just to complete the task.

Let her lead the residents to meditate quietly for half an hour, it is better to let her make up outrageous stories for Amus for another half hour.

She, Tang Zhu, is a Chinese nation.

Believe in the great Marxism.

 Hey, don't look at Amus now who seems innocent and doesn't understand anything
  He's just pretending to be innocent to seduce Tang Zhu.

  Of course he knows that lifting the seal requires the first embrace of the vampires
  Although he doesn't like blood clans, it's not impossible for Tang Zhu to

  In general, this is a story of "I set a trap and lured you to the bait at every step, but in the end I was the one who died or lived"
  Can I ask for a ticket? Good night~

(End of this chapter)

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