Chapter 127 Twilight Falls (13)

Sean was abandoned in the ice and snow when he was young. It was the blood king and queen who brought back the little milk dumpling in only a single shirt to the palace, which solved his basic food and clothing.

But it only solved his basic food and clothing.

There are too many things to deal with in the castle, and no one can take care of him by his side all the time.

The vampire family advocates class civilization, and those who occupy a place in the castle are either rich or noble, so one can imagine how pitiful Sean, who was just picked up, lived in an invisible place.

It was used as a toy by people, and it was brought to the fragile and frozen lake in cold weather. Some people threw branches into the sky and asked Sean to crawl over to pick them up like a dog.

If he dissatisfies them, he will scare him by pretending to take off his cloak and throw him in the sun.

Over time he learned to beg for mercy.

This is more like a conditioned reflex... He can't learn to resist in the face of absolute power suppression, he can only subconsciously beg for mercy.

He knows how important it is to be alive...he just wants to be alive.

Only by being alive can we seize power.

Only by living after seizing power can we not be bullied.

For him, sunshine is a double shadow both physically and psychologically.

So he is willing to do almost anything in order to survive...not to mention just calling Tang Zhu two elder sisters.

But this is far from meeting the conditions for Tang Zhu to feel sympathetic.

Forgive him?That's what Our Lady did.

All she has to do is make him pay the price.

Then willingly, he became her obedient and loyal dog.


The little broken bird didn't know how things developed like this.

It is clear that in the plot, the host is only required to provoke His Royal Highness, the blood clan crown prince.

But it doesn't know why.

Sean seems to be sent to the guillotine now.

Tang Zhu bound his hands with vines and forced him to kneel on the ground respectfully, facing the rolling hills that were about to usher in the first day, ready to welcome the morning sun.

I can't control it anymore.

The little broken bird is also broken.

It can be regarded as understanding, anyway, the god will only follow her.

The so-called system law is farting.

Then just let nature take its course, it will wait and see what happens, and at worst, reset it with one button, and then be attacked by the host.

Shane was quiet at the moment.

He turned his eyes away from Tang Zhu, but his bound fingertips were almost bleeding from pinching.

He was clearly ready to be wiped out.

However, he was suddenly wrapped in a brand new black cloak thrown down by the other party as if playing.

The youth gasped for breath.

He blinked slowly.

Then Tang Zhu pulled him up from the ground like a dog.

Not only that, but she also took off her cloak in disgust.

"...Otilos." He was held in her hand like a delicate and beautiful puppet, and said in a low voice.

Tang Zhu had no expression on his face: "You idiot."

"You seem to have changed."

He wondered.

In the past, Otilos almost indulged him, but today he has a murderous intent.

... It was as if there were really two temperaments colliding in her body.

He thought so, and was hit hard by Tang Zhu.

In the small town after sunrise, a gray-haired grandmother is sitting on both sides of the road selling flowers.

There is silence and serenity here.

Tang Zhu still remembered Amus who was waiting for her, so he bought a jasmine garland, and planned to take it back to increase his favorability.

When leaving, he inadvertently glanced at Sean.

A few seconds later, the other party met her gaze.

His ears turned red strangely, and he turned his face: "...I'm not interested."

The corners of Tang Zhu's lips twitched: "Walk so slowly, your legs were sawed off, right?"

 Scientific research shows that once a person has love, his IQ and EQ will increase by 95%, and his troubles will disappear by 95%.But here comes the problem——

  Where does love come from?

  The scientist refused to say, leaving only a string of strange words:

  Vote star card!

(End of this chapter)

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