The shape of the wrist bones of Lord Shenming is exquisite and beautiful, and under the pure white color, the light blue veins are particularly obvious and deceptive.

The girl's eyes lit up for a moment.

She put on a pajamas casually, bent her lips forward, and lightly touched his palm with her fingertips.

As he got closer, he could detect a trace of strange and familiar blood clan scent hidden under the strong fragrance of medicine.


He frowned imperceptibly.

Then he withdrew his hand proudly and arrogantly, and slightly raised his chin at her.

"Go take a shower first."

Tang Zhu: "6."

Seeing food for the first time and asking for it.

She glanced at him: "I'm injured, the wound can't touch water, can you wash it for me?"


Amus's clear eyes were blank for a moment.

Inexplicably, the word "first embrace" popped out of his mind unconsciously.

He fell silent.

The tips of the white ears slowly turned pink.

"...I'm blind, I'm afraid I can't."

Tang Zhu approached him: "It's okay, I'm not blind."

Amus: "..."

His pale and beautiful cheeks were stained crimson. He paused for a moment, then slowly turned his face, and gently touched her shoulder with his slender fingertips, and said in a warm voice, "...Go and wash, or I won't be bitten."

Really temperamental.

Tang Zhu let out a "tsk".

Reluctantly, she walked into the bathroom and sniffed herself suspiciously.

Forgive her for not being able to smell anything.

She obviously cleans up every day for nothing.

Is Amus a dog nose?Can you smell something that ordinary people can't smell?
The sound of water coming from the bathroom next door.

Lord Shenming slightly turned his face to the side and looked towards the source of the sound.

Then he frowned slightly.


When she came back recently, she always had the breath of other blood races on her body.

As if from the same person.

She has recently gotten very close to a blood race.

This cognition made Lord Shenming slightly displeased.

She is his chosen one.

Her... first embrace can help him escape from the shackles.

Before changing it, he never had the idea of ​​using the first blood embrace to solve the magic circle...just because he met Tang Zhu.

She made him think that perhaps the Kindred weren't all bad and disgusting.

If it was her.

He hoped that he could let the other party be lucky to him.

He was willing to be pressed under her without any resentment.

He is willing to dye her with lust, and take off the pure and holy clothes of the God of Light for her.

The expression of Lord Shenming is a bit heavy thinking, but in the heaviness, there is a trace of shame and confusion that wants to escape, like a white porcelain doll whose blush is rubbed with the pulp of a finger, with thick eyelashes drooping, half covered With clear and beautiful glass pupils.

When Tang Zhu came out, he saw the expression of Amus.

As always, she is pure and delicate, with a dazed but vivid innocence.

She approached quietly, and when Amus raised his eyes belatedly, the other party's breath was about to spray in front of him.

The girl looked down at him condescendingly: "Your Majesty."

The address looks respectful, but the tone is not very serious.

"...Huh?" The tip of the young man's nose touched the girl's soft and pure white pajamas, and the knuckles hidden in the wide sleeves tightened helplessly, turning white with force.

"Can we start now?" Sensing the other party's sensitive reaction, Tang Zhu suddenly felt guilty, lowered his body again, and slowly elongated his voice, "Where does Your Majesty want me to bite this time?"


He seemed to tremble.

Tang Zhuwei lowered his eyes at the snow-white collar wrapped with thin golden edges, and could see the exquisite collarbone of the other party hidden under the collar.

Crimson eyes light up.

She suddenly felt that it would be fine if she didn't bite her neck tonight.

His collarbones are fine.

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