The long eyelashes of the girl in her arms trembled.

When she opened her eyes, there was no one on the terrace, and Amus's beautiful face had a holy smile like God loves the world, as if she hadn't noticed that there were people standing outside the terrace.

"I woke you up..."

Before the word "ha" was out of the mouth, the blonde girl turned over and wrapped her arms around Lord Shenming's waist very deftly.

The other party's face was buried in his cold and crisp robe.

His body froze slightly, holding her thin shoulders with his fingertips, almost subconsciously about to push her away.

But finally stopped.

"Tired, Your Majesty will sleep with me for a while."

Her voice was lazy, but it added a bit of confusing and ambiguous color for no reason.

what tired.

What to sleep with.

Lord Shenming opened his pupils in a daze, and bit his bright red soft lips.

The royal family among the vampires received a good education since they were young, and they are reserved and courteous. Those who can have errands in the castle should also be cautious and courteous.

Amus also thought that Tang Zhu would be a bit rigid and polite.

But the way she hugged her was very natural.

Like it's been done thousands of times.

He pursed his lower lip.

...Is that the one outside the window just now?

Amus looked calm, but for the first time he seemed a little unhappy.

The other party's breath is very familiar.

It was no different from what he smelled on Tang Zhu before.

Is it him, the one who has been very close to Tang Zhu recently and has a close relationship with him.

The young god blinked, and the beautiful arc of the long eyelashes trembled slightly.

He didn't realize that he now had an inexplicable possessive desire for Tang Zhu, and these emotions should not have appeared on him.

"Tang Zhu."

With pure eyes, he called out in a low voice, not sure if Tang Zhu heard it.

The voice fell on top of her head, like a siren whispering.

"...It's okay, you will only have me."

Tang Zhu heard it.

But she didn't take it seriously.

It was noon when she slowly opened her eyes again, and the sun was shining brightly. Amus was facing her sideways, his eyelashes were hanging down to cover his beautiful pupils, and he was breathing lightly.

She gently rubbed the other's chin with the top of her head.

Then he left lightly.

Before leaving, she couldn't help but look at him twice more.

The other party still maintains the posture, there is a kind of tranquility that has been quiet for years.

...he really smells good.

The bright breath is extremely pure, holding him for two breaths is like completing a prayer.

She liked his breath very much.

But obviously, she has more important things to do now.

Love love compared to these feelings.

She prefers to do business.

She wants to get rid of the ghost hunting organization that doesn't know good or bad first.

Then go back and spoil the Lord God.

She moved slowly in the corridor, and finally stopped in front of a door engraved with gorgeous Ukiyo-e patterns.

This is Sean's room.

The curtains inside cut out the sunlight, and it was still dark even in broad daylight.

Only two candles were burning.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince did not seem to notice her arrival.

The young man turned his back to her, his figure outlined by the candlelight.

He looked cold and indifferent, with a standard villain appearance, but he fell at her feet a few days ago, which made her remember it belatedly——

The system seems to have mentioned that Sean is also attackable.

Her movements froze.

The young man has a hot figure, with smooth and beautiful waist lines and abdominal muscles, which arouses people's imagination.

Sean seemed to have sensed something, and he stopped abruptly, quickly cleaned up the hem of his clothes, and then turned his head.

There was no one behind him.

At the same time, Tang Zhu was covered by a sudden person.

Lightly against the wall.

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