The sun kissed the window lattice lightly, and the town was shrouded in brilliant white.

Outside the castle, the gorgeous roses were in full bloom and almost rotted, and the blood girl stood in the sun, her golden long hair showing a holy aura.

"Her Majesty the Queen."

Sean appeared behind her wrapped up tightly, his eyelashes drooping, and his delicate face was covered by a pitch-black hood: "The ghost hunting organization is showing signs of rioting, and they are starting to cast silver arrows in large quantities."

He paused: "And this time they joined hands with the human organization. I heard that the leader of the human ghost hunting organization has joined them today."

The young vampire queen turned around, and the sun hit her rich and magnificent crimson eyes. She was wearing a complicated and gorgeous robe, and even the hem of the skirt was inlaid with expensive gems.

Her voice was cold: "I see, you go back and rest."

The young man looked up at the other party's beautiful fair face under the sun, pursed his lower lip, nodded and stepped back.

The roses were used as the background, and after Tang Zhu watched Xi En disappear, he seemed to have noticed it, raised his chin slightly, and looked towards the balcony on the top floor from a distance——

The young god tightened his snow-white long fingers helplessly, lowered his pale golden eyelashes, and his pure eyes once again rested on the blurred characters on the page in his hand.

The tip of the ear gradually became hot.

He is extremely innocent and doesn't understand love.

He only knew that if he wanted to get Tang Zhu's first embrace, he had to please her and make her happy.

But he didn't know how to please him, so Tang Zhu threw him a book.

... He is now thinking about this book.

The blood girl stared at the slender and beautiful figure on the terrace, with a clear smile in her crimson eyes.

That book was snatched from Song Qinggu's hand by her last plane.

In order to take care of this god who has poor eyesight.

She also made the system a Braille version.

She plans to dawdle here for a while, and then go back to accept Amus's learning results later.

She slowly looked away, went to the pavilion in the courtyard, and poured herself a cup of rose tea.

Light red is poured slowly from the exquisite and noble white porcelain tea set.

The girl stared, thinking of Amus for no reason, and unconsciously licked the tips of her snow-white teeth.

This was the first time she looked at the world.

Her ears recalled the news that Sean brought just now.

This was her first contact with the Western Fantasy Plane, but it wasn't the first time she lamented the stupidity of some people.

According to the information sent by the system, the original owner Otilos advocated peaceful coexistence.

But the ghost hunting organization can't understand her attitude of avoiding the world, hates her but is jealous of her high position, and wants to kill her and take her position, so that the world will return to chaos.

Tang Zhu was actually happy to watch the melee.

It's just because the original owner wants a peaceful and prosperous world, and the blood race doesn't need to rely on fangs to gain respect.

She respects Otilos' wishes and is willing to help her maintain the current situation.

She gently tapped the warm table with her white fingertips.

It's really interesting to say.

It's not a secret that she has a semi-bright blood, and anyone who is interested will know it.

But those ignorant humans and members of the ghost hunting organization tried to punish her with silverware.

Very good, kind of interesting.

It was at sunset that she slowly returned to the top floor with her skirt in her hands.

At that time, Amus was leaning against the window sill and sleeping lightly.

He closed his eyes, his sleeping face was extremely pure, and the light of the setting sun fell on his side face, as if the holy light descended, which was unbearable to be profaned.

The blond blood girl was playing with a gorgeous blood-red rose flower in her hand. She stared at him for a while, and then looked at the beautiful petals in her hand.

Then he walked over, lowered his body slightly, and lightly hid the rose branches whose thorns were pulled out by her into his golden hair.


The opponent's eyelashes trembled.

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