Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 101 You looked really ugly just now

Chapter 101 Your appearance just now was really ugly

Shocking this group of noble girls, their ears are quiet, but they are also isolated, and the feeling of being isolated is not good.Although the noble lady did not embarrass Gu Fuyun openly like the loyal Hou Qianjin, no one came forward to talk to her.

Gu Fuyun was proud of blowing Zhongding Hou's daughter into scum, but it was true that he had no face.But if people ignore her, she won't have the cheek to curry favor with them.Fortunately, there are people who are more ashamed to worry about the bottom, so it is not too shameless.Then he ate the melons and fruits wholeheartedly.

The plump and crystal-clear grapes would dirty your hands when you peel them, so I gave up the grapes and started eating green dates.The green dates are big and sweet, and there are honeydew melons cut into chunks. This is a royal tribute, and most people can't eat it. How can Gu Fuyun, who is a foodie, let it go?

Gu Fuyun concentrated on eating the fruit, Zhongdinghouqianjin regained her composure under the comfort of other young ladies.He glared at Gu Fuyun resentfully, and swore secretly, wait for me, I will definitely make you look good.

Gu Fuyun ate so seriously that it made people uncomfortable again.A young lady looked contemptuously and whispered to the people next to her, "You can't stop eating as soon as you come here, can't you starve to death?"

Another voice came: "Do you think it's you? You probably won't be able to eat this kind of melon from Xinjiang all year round. Naturally, you should eat more so you can brag about it when you go home."

"Why did Princess Jiaoyang invite such a person? It's too embarrassing."

A woman in red suddenly took Zhongdinghouqianjin's hand and said, "You wait, I will vent your anger for you."

The Marquis of Zhongding looked gratefully at the woman in red. She was born as a marquis, and she was already honorable, but this woman in red was born in a public family. Her mother was the eldest princess of Anyang, the granddaughter of the empress dowager, and she was also named the county head. , the status is noble, not much different from the princess.

The girl in red came to Gu Fuyun's desk and questioned: "I suspect that you sneaked into Prince Cheng's residence, show me your invitation card."

Gu Fuyun ignored them and continued to eat melons and fruits.

"Is the Lord Jiahe talking to you, are you deaf?" Another noble woman with ginger yellow long gold thread embroidered veiled shepherd pattern had a shrill voice.

"Qingsi." Gu Fuyun stopped and called.

"Girl, what's your order?" Qingsi hurriedly asked.

"Someone disturbed my enjoyment of eating, please take him away immediately."

"Yes." Qingsi came to the girl in the turmeric dress: "This girl, you disturb my girl's interest in eating, please stay away from my girl."

Unexpectedly, she was chased away. The ginger-clothed girl was so angry that her whole body trembled. In front of so many people, how did she get off the stage? She pointed at Gu Fuyun: "How dare you chase me away? Do you know who I am?"

"You're not a princess, how do I know who you are?" Gu Fuyun retorted, "Should I know you?"

"You!" The turmeric-clothed noble girl was frustrated, she held back her anger and said, "I am the daughter of Duke Qing."

"So what?" Gu Fuyun asked back, glancing at Qingsi.

Qingsi hugged Duke Qing's daughter, and amidst her screams, carried her to sit at the table farthest from Gu Fuyun, and pressed her shoulder, saying word by word: "Qing Si Grand Duke's daughter, you disturbed my girl's interest in eating just now, please stay away from my girl. It's not too late to talk to her after my girl finishes eating. "

Look at what he said, it seems that the daughter of Duke Qing is going to curry favor with others.

Someone in the crowd laughed lowly.

Duke Qing's daughter screamed angrily, pointing at Qingsi: "You dog slave, how dare you be rude to me!"

Qingsi was also angry, and pressed her heavily on the stool: "You are not my master, what prestige are you showing in front of me?"

Duke Qing's daughter's bones almost fell apart under the pressure of Qingsi, and the pain in her bones that she had spoiled since she was a child made her almost cry, so she could only shout: "Bi Liu, Qingsi, what are you doing standing there? Hurry up and beat this lowly servant girl out. "

The two maids brought by Duke Qing's daughter came back to their senses, and hurried forward to pull Qingsi.

But Qingsi threw them to the ground one by one, staring at the two of them and said: "You are also called Qingsi? Who is Qingsi?"

A maidservant in Tsing Yi got up angrily, patted her skirt, and said, "I am Qingsi." Then she stared at Qingsi's fat body with disdain.With such a strong figure, she had the nerve to name her Qingsi.

But Qingsi gave her a slap, causing the other Qingsi to turn more than half a circle on the spot.

"You're so weak, you deserve the same name as me? Quickly ask your master to change your name. Otherwise, I'll beat you every time I see you in the future."

Not only the ladies were stunned, but Gu Fuyun was also stunned.

She never thought that this girl would be so violent.

The maid in Tsing Yi was beaten with burning pain on her face, as if there were countless needle pricks in the place where she was beaten, not only hurt, but also lost face, she couldn't help crying.She couldn't beat Qingsi again, so she had no choice but to come to Duke Qing's daughter and ask the girl to make decisions for her.

Duke Qing's daughter was also stunned, pointing at Qingsi, she said harshly to Gu Fuyun: "You actually ordered the servant girl to be rude to me and beat my servant girl, Gu Wu, you want to make me my enemy, right?"

Gu Fuyun wiped his fingers with a handkerchief, then got up, put his hands behind his back, and walked slowly towards Duke Qing's daughter.

She is slightly taller than the other party, and has more than [-] years of life experience, as well as more than ten years of teaching students. She has a lot of experience in dealing with this kind of little kid.Just approaching slowly, there was fear in the face of the other party, and he forced his momentum, and said sternly: "What are you going to do? This is Cheng Wang's mansion, not a place for you to run wild."

Gu Fuyun suddenly took out the dagger, Duke Qing's daughter screamed in fright, and instinctively wanted to run away, but because of panic, she ran into Qingsi.The slender and delicate body of Duke Qing's daughter collided with Qingsi's strong and tall body, and the outcome was predictable, Qingsi's body remained motionless, while Duke Qing's daughter fell backwards, falling all over the place.

Duke Qing's daughter's maid exclaimed, and hurried forward to help her.

Gu Fuyun looked in surprise at the embarrassing and angry Duke Qing's daughter, who took the apple on the stone table beside her, peeled it with a dagger, and said, "I just peeled an apple, why am I so scared? "Smiled to Si Xia and said, "Such a coward, do you have the nerve to show off in front of me?"

There was silence all around.

The way he looked at Gu Fuyun quietly changed.

Duke Qing's face flushed with anger, "You" for a long time, but she really didn't dare to say a word.She was really afraid of this humble woman.

Gu Fuyun sat down again, and while peeling apples, he said calmly: "This is not the Duke of Qing's mansion. You can flaunt your might at home and do whatever you want, but don't let me come here. As a boudoir girl , a noble birth should be accompanied by a noble conduct and a noble soul. Instead of bossing around, showing off your power, and crushing others with your birth. Your appearance just now is really ugly, without the demeanor that a noble girl should have and upbringing, you know?"

Duke Qing's daughter's face turned green and pale, but she couldn't refute.

(End of this chapter)

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