Chapter 105 Fight Back
Here, the noble ladies ate some snacks and fruits, and when they were half full, they went to the racecourse.

The horse farm of Prince Cheng's Mansion is spacious, with stands on both sides and tall tents hanging to block out all the sunlight and heat.

The noble ladies have already gone to the designated dressing room and changed into their riding and archery uniforms.

For a time, the noble and dignified lady turned into a heroic heroine, and the riding and archery uniforms of different colors became a beautiful landscape of this racecourse.

The fifth princess came wearing a riding and archery uniform, so she didn't need to change it, so she asked Gu Fuyun, "Why are you just like me, just wearing a riding and archery uniform?"

"Mainly because I'm afraid of trouble." She is really not used to changing clothes in other people's homes.

The fifth princess said: "You know how to ride a horse? Let's compete in a while."

Gu Fuyun quickly shook his head and said, "No, I don't know how to ride a horse."

The fifth princess was surprised and said, "Since you don't know how to ride a horse, why are you still here?"

"I can watch everyone ride." Gu Fuyun took it for granted even more than the fifth princess, "However, I can find a docile pony to ride slowly beside, hehe..."

Princess Scorching Sun also changed into a red riding and shooting uniform. The red dress and black hair made her whole face more white and bright.The hair is tied on the top of the head, and the forehead inlaid with Dongzhu is set off in the middle of the forehead, making the jade face more radiant and heroic.

The other noble ladies were also wearing their own riding and archery uniforms, and their attire was even more tricky, but Gu Fuyun still felt that the princess of Jiaoyang County was the real beauty, regardless of temperament or beauty, they were all first-class .

Princess Jiaoyang also noticed Gu Fuyun's gaze, and asked with a smile, "Gu Wu, go on a horse."

Gu Fuyun said: "I don't know how to ride a horse."

"No, you can learn." Princess Gu Jiaoyang immediately ordered the groom to find a docile and underage pony, let Gu Fuyun ride on the horse, and walked slowly along the edge of the racecourse.She gallops on the horse farm with the five princesses and a group of noble girls who are good at riding.

After a few laps, the fifth princess felt bored, rode her horse to Gu Fuyun's side, and asked with a smile, "Can you ride?"

"How fast? I'm very timid, I don't dare to ride too fast." Gu Fuyun carefully held the rein, and could only let the horse trot.

"Coward, it's really boring." The fifth princess muttered a few words, and galloped away again.

The other noble ladies also galloped on their horses, passing Gu Wu like the wind from time to time, and would give meaningful glances from time to time, then turned their heads and continued to sprint.

Most of these gazes are due to the self-satisfaction and strong sense of superiority that he can ride while others cannot.

The Dasheng Dynasty was good at riding and archery, no matter from literature to martial arts. Some wealthy and powerful families would hold equestrian competitions from time to time to show their own strength.The royal family will also have grand hunting activities around the Mid-Autumn Festival every year.The sons and daughters who are good at riding and shooting are the protagonists in these activities, which are eye-catching all over the world and attract much attention.

Aristocratic women don't say they are good at riding and archery, at least they must be good at riding. Many noble women are proud of owning a world-class BMW and being able to run across the racecourse.

Most of the noble ladies who were invited by Princess Scorching Sun brought their own BMWs.

Every BMW is inlaid with gold and jade, gold saddles and silver pedals, and even the horsewhip is inlaid with precious gems.

The comparison between noble ladies, the breed of their respective BMWs, their origins, and their attire have all become manifestations of soft power.

Those noble girls who own BMW unconditionally are at least good at riding.

Gu Fuyun, on the other hand, neither has a BMW nor is he good at riding.Compared with the top ladies, it is indeed far behind.

Miss Zhu, the daughter of Duke Qing, was humiliated by Gu Fuyun just now, but now that she entered the racecourse, the tall and heroic black clouds covered the snow, the men and horses were dressed in golden attire, coupled with her strong riding skills, Miss Zhu finally found her. Returning to the pride and wanton joy of being the daughter of Duke Qing.

When passing by Gu Fuyun's side, a heavy snort came from his nose roar.

People bully the weak and fear the strong, and even seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Knowing that Gu Wu is not easy to provoke, Ms. Wu really dare not provoke her again, but it is still possible to crush her with superb riding skills and expensive BMWs.

Gu Fuyun didn't take it seriously, and continued to ride the horse slowly. Compared with life, face is of course more important, even if she was laughed at by others, she would admit it.


In the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, Prince Cheng was painting with his friends, but Su Lan was bored and suddenly got up and said, "Since Gu Wu is here, I'll take a look too."

Prince Cheng was stunned, and said with a smile: "It's okay, the pancakes made by Miss Gu Wu just now are not bad, please ask me how to make them, or ask for the recipe for me. Thank you."

Su Lan's eyes lit up, and she said with a smile: "Zhengchou can't find a valid reason to approach her, brother Mu Yu, thank you."

Prince Cheng was stunned.

Everyone laughed loudly, all laughing at Su Lan's worthlessness and embarrassment.

But Su Lan didn't take it seriously, and said, "As long as you can embrace a beautiful woman, you can be ashamed if you are ashamed."

Everyone was joking and sarcasm again, saying that it was hopeless.

Chu Rui stared at his back, clenched his fists, and there was an unknown evil fire in his chest.


Gu Fuyun hasn't ridden a horse for a long time, because after riding for a long time, her back is sore and her legs are sore, and she also doesn't drink water for some time, so she has to get off the horse to drink some water.

Shuqing knew that her daughter drank a lot of water every day, and when she saw her get off the horse, she quickly picked up the water bag hanging on her waist and handed it over.

Gu Fuyun took it, gulped down a mouthful of cold water soaked in Dendrobium dendrobium, and went to the official room again.


After coming out of the official room, Gu Fuyun sat in the tent, watching the Princess of Scorching Sun galloping like a red flame between the sky and the earth, that beautiful and heroic figure really made people unable to take their eyes off, could not help being envious and jealous, good background, good looks, talented , good at riding horses, both civil and military, is there any wood?
Even the other noble girls did not give up too much, they were radiant and majestic, and they did not give way to men.

Crisp laughter spread far and wide.

There are many eyes shot here.

Gu Fuyun was jealous for a while, then regained his mood, and warned himself, don't be jealous, don't be jealous!In fact, God is still kind to me, and people should not be too greedy.

Thinking of this, Gu Fuyun regained his balance.

He picked up a grape, put it in his mouth and ate it.

The palace does not serve meals at noon, but there are all kinds of tea, snacks, cakes and other wraps.

Gu Fuyun tasted some cakes, and generally speaking, the cakes made by Wangfu are quite up to standard.At least as far as Gu Fuyun's tongue is concerned, it still suits her taste very well.

It's a pity that I didn't bring Qing'e here. If she was here, as long as I let her eat it once, I'm sure I can copy these delicious delicacies.

Seeing that Gu Fuyun kept eating fruit snacks, most of them disappeared after a few plates of snacks, his face turned dark, and he quickly whispered: "Girl, let's eat less."

"Why?" Gu Fuyun was puzzled.

"Look, it's still early in the day, and the cakes on other tables haven't been touched much, but more than half of yours have been eaten." Shuqing said.

Gu Fuyun looked down at his own desktop, then at other people's desktops, and suddenly blushed a little.There is a plate of seasonal melons and fruits on each table, as well as four plates of pastries and water tea. The other noble ladies have not touched much, except that I have almost eaten.

"That's weird, aren't they hungry?" Gu Fuyun wondered.

Shuqing said: "When you are away from home, the girl should eat less, so as not to make people laugh. When you go back, you can eat whatever you want."

Gu Fuyun was determined not to eat any more.

Gu Fuyun was only half full after eating, and complained endlessly.


The ladies didn't ride for long, and after about ten laps, they were tired, thirsty, and hungry.Get off the horse again, enter the tent, eat snacks and drink tea.

The fifth princess was sweating all over, and was changed into a new set of riding clothes by the waiters. Then she sat next to Gu Fuyun, and said with a smile, "You know how to be lazy, do you know how to ride?"

"It's okay to trot slowly." Gu Fuyun answered honestly.

"It's not bad. After a few more rides, you can gallop the horse."

"But I don't have a horse farm at home, and I don't have any horses to ride. I guess I won't be able to ride a horse in my life." Gu Fuyun said truthfully.

Immediately there was a snort from next to him, Gu Fuyun didn't care, but the fifth princess turned her head to look at that person, then turned her head and smiled lightly: "I just love your Shicheng, it's better than someone who likes to slap a swollen face to pretend to be fat." Those who come are strong."

"Thank you for the compliment. The main reason is that it is no longer popular to think fat is rich, but thin is beautiful." Gu Fuyun laughed.

The fifth princess glanced at the other party again, and suddenly laughed.

During the Tang Dynasty, people’s aesthetics was that women regarded fat as beautiful, but everyone misunderstood that women’s fat was not fat, but plump but dissatisfied, and they were all called tall.In fact, the Tang Dynasty was still measured by thinness.It's just that the Tang Dynasty was the first dynasty in all dynasties to achieve prosperity for all.Moreover, in the aesthetics at that time, the oval face was not popular, and the round face had a kind of richness and beauty, and a fleshy and plump face could completely prove that the person's family was rich.When some painters draw portraits of people, if they draw the owner thin, they don't like it, thinking that a thin face is the posture of a poor person.Under the circumstances at that time, there was a saying of slapping a swollen face to pretend to be a fat man.

But in today's prosperous dynasty, the aesthetics generally regard thinness as beauty.Fat people from rich and powerful families are to be despised. Either you are lazy than a pig, or you are greedy for food. In short, laziness and gluttony are both ridiculed. People think that being born as a human being, how can you compare with a pig? Than fat?

It is impossible to slap a swollen face and pretend to be fat.

Gu Fuyun's words have two meanings, that is, I don't like slapping my face to look fat.But others have such suspicions.

As for the noble girl who was suspected of being "swollen face to pretend to be fat", although she didn't specify it, everyone looked at her with a vague look.

This noble girl is round and round, which really does not meet the current aesthetics. She laughed at Gu Fuyun's poor family and couldn't even ride a horse. It's not going anywhere" to fight back.

very beautiful.


Adding up to half a month, finally there is a scholar rank among the readers, haha!

(End of this chapter)

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