Chapter 110 Running
Chu Rui rode the horse forward all the way, holding the horse's belly constantly, and whipping the horse's buttocks. At this time, there was a fire in his chest that trapped him, but he couldn't break out of the encirclement of the flames, and he was extremely uncomfortable.

His mind was full of Xiao Liu's words. Xiao Liu said that she did not conspire with Gu Wu to plot against him, but just wanted to poison Gu Wu to death so that he could confirm the rumors about his wife.

At that time, Chu Rui only felt five thunders hitting the top, and his mind was buzzing.

He knew that he had wronged Gu Wu.

And he retaliated against Gu Wushi without any verification.

He and Gu Wu divorced.

He also instigated Su Liu to take revenge on Gu Wu...

And Gu Wu already knew what he did...

Chu Rui was so upset that he rushed out immediately, he was going to see Gu Wu.Explain to her, admit to her the mistake, and ask for her forgiveness.

He arrived at Gu's house, but the closed vermilion lacquer gate of Gu's house made him deter again.

What reason should he knock on the door of the Gu family?
How should he face Gu Wu?
Su Liu schemed against Gu Gaojie, causing Gu Wu to almost become Su Liu's concubine, which made Gu Wu extremely disgusted, and he, the murderer behind the scenes... He couldn't imagine how Gu Wu would hate him.

At this moment, he was distraught and light-headed.

One piece after another in his mind, he recalled Gu Wu's tone of voice when he spoke to him, which made Chu Rui's three souls blow away.

The night was like ink, and the house shrouded in darkness in the distance seemed to wink at him, as if mocking him for what he deserved.

I don't know how long it has passed, and there is a loud beeping sound from a distance, reminding the sky to be dry and things to be cautious, be careful of candles.

Chu Rui's body moved, and then took a deep look at the closed red lacquer door, and slowly rode away.


But at the beginning of Xu Shi, most of the Gu family had already rested.

But Gu Fuyun put on his homemade sportswear as before, tightened his trousers, and started running in the back garden.

She likes running. Not only can she exercise her body and strengthen her physique, but she can also use running to clear the negative information and thoughts in her mind.

That bastard Su Liu!

Chu Rui is also a big villain!

Compared with Chu Rui, Su Liu is a little better, at least he knows how to say sorry to her.

And people like Chu Rui, even if they know the truth, so what?For his sake, he had to continue to make mistakes.These dignitaries take face extremely seriously.How could he admit that he was also deceived?

Maybe, see Chu Rui next time...

Really, there can be no next time.She is a girl in a boudoir, and she doesn't go out often, so it's okay if she doesn't see her.

Even though he plotted against her, she didn't suffer any loss. Instead, she got a blessing in disguise and earned [-] taels of silver back.

The old dandy father was also imprisoned in the ancestral hall by the old lady.

Thinking about it this way, Gu Fuyun finally calmed down.

At this time, two men came out from the door of another moon cave next to the front yard. The first one was wearing a green robe, looked in the direction of the dark back garden in confusion, and asked the boy beside him: "Duanyan, do you hear any signs in front of you?" What strange noise?"

The servant named Duanyan listened carefully, and Fang said, "My lord, it's the sound of footsteps."

"Footsteps?" The man was startled, and listened carefully again. It was indeed the sound of footsteps, and he said, "How could there be such a sound of footsteps?" It was as if there were multiple pairs of shoes falling on the ground, and the steps of the voices were the same, sometimes Far and near, in this dim night, it seems strange.

The boy said: "My lord, it's getting late, let's go back. This is the back garden of the uncle's mansion. It's so late, and there are still a few lanterns hanging on the trees. It looks gloomy... and still There were queer footsteps, which sounded frightening."

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw a group of people appearing from far to near under the flickering lanterns in the hazy night, all dressed in white... The dim yellow and slightly scarlet lights on the trees brought a strange feeling to the night. same color.Because the two masters and servants wanted to go to the bad side, the women in white clothes they saw running towards them seemed to be foxes and fairies that only appeared in every storybook, or they were killed unjustly in the courtyard of a deep house. The innocent soul who died in vain...

The master and servant were so frightened that their faces were pale, their hearts were pounding, as if they were going to jump out of their chests, but their legs were immobile as if they had been filled with lead.Fortunately, the group of female ghosts didn't really run towards them, but turned a corner a few feet ahead and ran in another direction.

Several white figures disappeared from sight, and the sound of orderly footsteps still rang in my ears, but it took away the tension and fear of the two servants.It was replaced by the curiosity of the survivors.

"My lord, the footsteps are so loud, they shouldn't be female ghosts." Duan Yan said suddenly.

Young Master Tsing Yi had already guessed it, and while he was relieved, more curiosity welled up in his heart.

It was so late, and there were still people running in the back garden.

I don't know the identities of these women, whether they are the masters or servants of the mansion.

There are still lanterns hanging on the trees in the back garden, and the candles inside are burning brightly. Are they specially prepared for these women?

Then... only the master in the mansion should have this qualification.

Those who accompanied Gu Fuyun on the night run were Shuqing, Qinghong, Qingsi, and Qing'e. Everyone was panting from exhaustion at first, but after running for more than ten days in a row, they got used to this level of exercise intensity.He can also run and talk about family affairs.

Although there are candles hanging in the back garden, you can barely see them at night, and some scenes in the dark are difficult to see clearly unless you look carefully.Therefore, Gu Fuyun did not notice the pair of master and servant.

"Girl, I've been running for half a month, why haven't I lost weight?" Qing'e said while running, and when Gu Fuyun first caught her to run with her at night, she still complained endlessly.It wasn't until I heard that if I kept running every day, I could lose weight, I became interested.At the beginning, I was exhausted from running. After running for half a month, I got used to it.Now I can still talk while running, without being rough or panting.

Gu Fuyun said: "It's not so fast, let alone persist for more than a year."

"Ah, it will take a year?" Qing'e screamed.

Gu Fuyun said: "Don't bark, there are many benefits to running, just follow me and run."

After speaking, the five people ran to the vicinity of the pair of master and servant, but they did not find the pair of master and servant under the moon cave door.

Qing'e said while running: "Young Master Yan Biao of Mrs. Biao's family lives in Songzhuxuan. You can see Young Master Biao through the moon gate in front."

"Who is Young Master Yanbiao?" Gu Fuyun wiped the sweat from his face while running.

"It's the cousin's son, the grandson of the old lady's direct sister, from Jinlingjiang's family." Qing'e said.

Gu Fuyun said "Oh", but did not speak.

Duan Yan just heard this passage and said: "My lord, it should be the lady in the mansion. I just don't know which girl it is."

Jiang Yan heard it too, the voice was clear and clear, like pearls and jade falling on a plate, but it was quite unfamiliar, presumably it was the second daughter and fifth cousin of the third cousin who hadn't been able to see him when he went to Cheng Wang's mansion during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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