Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 116 I Am Specially Rich For You

Chapter 116 I Am Specially Rich For You
Wen Cuo was in his heart, but he cursed bitterly: "Just drag it, be arrogant, wait until you marry into my family, and see how I deal with you."

Here, Gu Fuyun was also a little angry.How could there be such a shameless woman in this world?

Gu Fuyun was not the kind of person who would swallow his anger even when he was angry, so after thinking about it, he went to Qiao's, added fuel and vinegar, and poured out a lot of bad things about Wen's.

"Your cousin thinks you are Brother Yan's daughter-in-law?" What made Gu Fuyun depressed was that Qiao Shi didn't have much anger, but was calculating instead.

The daughter was divorced by the Chu family, and such a thing happened with Su Liu. There will be no results in the marriage for the time being, and there will be no good family to find.That Jiang Yan is also not bad, at the age of eighteen, he is gentle and talented.The Jiang family is a well-known prominent family in Jinling, with in-laws spread all over the Jiangnan area, and they are also a family of scholars and family heirs.In the future, if Jiang Yan passes the exam and has the support of the Jiang family and the Gu family, his future should not be far behind.

Gu Fuyun saw that Qiao's eyes blinked brightly, and became angry, he quickly shook Qiao's arm, and said: "Mother, cousin Jiang Yan is indeed not bad, gentle and handsome, gentle, he is indeed a lot of mothers-in-law But you also know that for a woman, to marry is to marry the whole family, and the mother-in-law is the one who has the most dealings with her. Look at the face of my cousin, she didn't even write a word, just take me as her Mother, it’s a reprimand. But if I ate too much at noon, she said that I ate too much, and she would not like it. I want to manage Zhuangzi, but she said I am vulgar, and I should learn from Qing Biao Sister-in-law, stay at home and make clothes for her every day, and make her shoes. Do you think this is human? Your daughter is spoiled, how can I bear this kind of mother-in-law? Also, according to what she said, I was dismissed Once married, I should be thankful if she is willing to accept me. My God, how can there be such a person in this world? "

Qiao's face changed slightly: "She really said that about you?"

"Although I didn't say it clearly, can I not hear it?" Gu Fuyun said angrily.

Qiao Shi was a little entangled. To be honest, she didn't like Wen Shi's personality very much, but she was very optimistic about Jiang Yan.

So, Qiao said: "Your cousin is not easy to get along with, but it is Brother Yan who lives with you, not her. Only Brother Yan respects you, and other grievances are nothing. What's more, the Gu family Although the younger brother is not visible, compared with the Jiang family, it is more than enough. I think your cousin will not go too far."

Gu Fuyun laughed angrily: "Mother, grandma is a rare and good mother-in-law. You have never been trained by your mother-in-law, and you don't have back pain when you stand and talk. Let me ask you, a man like daddy is not good at one thing, nor at the other. Dazhi, who eats and drinks all day long, if your grandmother is also a strict and unreasonable mother-in-law, how would you live your life?"

Qiao Shi was both angry and funny, and said: "What a bastard girl, you actually arrange the elders like this, are there any rules?"

Gu Fuyun raised her head and said: "Mother, you don't know the virtues of a person like Aunt Biao. It is obvious that she wants to climb up our Gu family. But while climbing up, she also tries to find ways to manipulate me. This kind of person has too low a vision and a big heart." It's too narrow, she only has her own interests and face in her eyes, and has no overall view. Being the daughter-in-law of this kind of person is tiring. Cousin Jiang Yan hasn't made a show yet, and she hasn't even written a word, so she just thinks about how to deal with me. If Cousin Jiang Yan is really promising, it will probably be a different face. I have seen this kind of person a lot. Mother, you stay in the deep house all the year round. I don’t know that there is another kind of mother-in-law in the world. This cousin is one of them."

After finally convincing Mrs. Qiao, Gu Fuyun went to Shou'an Hall again to complain to the old lady.

She wanted to vaccinate the old lady first, so as not to let Wenshi strike first.

Coincidentally, Mrs. Wen was also in Shou'an Hall, talking to the old lady.

When Gu Fuyun went, he noticed that Wen's face was a bit strange, and the old lady also had a serious face.

I greeted my grandmother, and blessed my body with Wen Shi, and then I sat down beside my grandmother, and took out the forehead wipe I made like a treasure, "Grandma, although the granddaughter's female celebrity is not very good, but after a period of time After working hard for a long time, I have finally made some progress. This is a forehead wipe specially made by my granddaughter for my grandmother, so I will give it a try."

The old lady looked at the light green forehead, smiled gratifiedly, and said, "Fifth girl has a heart, why did she think of wiping the forehead for grandma?"

"It's only natural for a granddaughter to respect her grandmother. You are the granddaughter's real grandmother, teach me and raise me, and the granddaughter's return is only one in a hundred." Gu Fuyun stood up, put the old lady's forehead on her head, and looked around. Take a look and say. "Hee hee, I'm really amazing, this forehead wipe is just right."

The old lady couldn't help but patted her twice, and said, "No one is so boastful, and I'm not afraid of being laughed at."

Gu Fuyun took advantage of the opportunity to sit beside the old lady, put his arms around her arm, and said coquettishly: "This is also an expression of my confidence. By the way, grandma, my sister is getting married soon. As a younger sister, I should also prepare for my sisters. Some gifts are the only ones. The granddaughter wants to go to Qianjin Pavilion tomorrow and make a better set of beaded headdresses for her sister."

The old lady said: "You sisters are so affectionate that grandma is too late to be happy. But, why do you want to go to Qianjin Pavilion?"

Qianjin Pavilion is the largest silver building in the capital city, with a complete range of products and novel styles, but the price is not very affordable, and with Gu's family's economic conditions, it can only be used once in a while.

Gu Fuyun said: "My granddaughter just earned a fortune a while ago, and I really feel itchy not to go out and spend some money. I want to create a whole set of ruby ​​hair for my sister, so that my sister's husband's family won't look down on my sister." go."

The old lady said: "Ruby top face, the big set is worth at least a thousand taels, and the small set is worth two hundred taels of silver. Are you willing?"

Wen's heart trembled, and he quickly said, "How much is a set of face worth? It's too extravagant. If it is replaced by grain, I don't know how many stones I will buy."

I am specially rich to show you!

Gu Fuyun waited for her words, and said with a smile: "Cousin, no matter how bad my third sister is, she will be married equally. It's just good enough to make a set of two hundred taels of silver for my sister. This is already worried about the servant's mansion." Brother, otherwise I will prepare a set of headdress inlaid with hundreds of treasures for my sister."

Wen took a deep breath, twisted the handkerchief, and said distressedly: "Fifth sister, I know you have silver, but you can't spend it like this? This hand is too loose, even Jinshan Silver Mine is not enough for you to spend. "

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "This is my private money, I can spend it as I want. Grandma didn't interfere with me, and outsiders can't control me. I just gave my sister a few hundred taels of silver, and my cousin felt distressed. If it’s like this, can’t it be that my aunt’s family can’t afford to wear a few hundred taels of hair?”

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(End of this chapter)

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