Chapter 119 Just a meal
Gu Fuyun said to Brother Yu: "Brother Yu is really a sincere child."

Brother Yu thought that Gu Fuyun was praising him, so he said: "I don't like this cousin who treats herself like a charming lady just because she is pregnant. The sisters-in-law in my family are not as delicate as her. I The eldest sister-in-law is still setting rules in front of my mother with her eight-month-old belly, and my second sister-in-law is also pregnant, and she still has to serve my mother for dinner."

The crowd was speechless.

Gu Fuyun raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Brother Yu, it just so happens that I don't like you either, what should I do?"

Brother Yu was stunned.

Gu Fuyun suddenly picked up a chicken feather marble and hit Brother Yu's arm.Brother Yu was caught off guard and was beaten until he screamed.

The women of the Gu family, from the old lady to the Zhou family, were all startled, but they didn't stop Gu Fuyun.Because Brother Yu's behavior is really annoying.

Qian Gushi was startled, and hurried forward to hug Brother Yu, and said in a loud voice, "Fifth girl, what are you doing? You are such a big person, why are you still fussing over children?"

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "I'm sorry, aunt, I'm actually not that old. I'm only fourteen years old this year, and I'm still a child. I just don't like Brother Yu." She winked at Qingsi , "Pull Yuge over here."

Fortunately, I brought Qingsi over tonight.

With great strength, Qingsi strode forward, roughly pulled Qian Gu away, and picked up Brother Yu like a chicken.

Gu Fuyun picked up the chicken feather marbles and hit her head and face. She didn't have any more strength at this moment, so she yanked it in a fit of annoyance. My brother screamed from the beating, tried his best to dodge, and shouted: "Grandmother save me."

Gu Fuyun yelled while beating: "What are you? My Gu family's eldest granddaughter-in-law is also something you can push? Are you the king of heaven? Why don't you turn the world upside down?"

Qian Gu became anxious, and yelled: "Fifth girl, how can you hit your cousin?" He hurried forward to stop Gu Fuyun.

Gu Xiaoyun took a step forward and said with a smile: "Auntie, I know you love Brother Yu and you don't want to fight, so let my fifth sister teach him for you. Fortunately, my sister-in-law is fine. If there is something wrong with my sister-in-law, let's not talk about our Gu family. , Even the Jiang family will not let it go. Aunt, do you think that a child is ignorant or he can expose it when he is still a child? It is too naive."

The old lady said coldly: "Madam, you don't want to punish your grandson, so let the fifth girl teach you a lesson."

Looking at Brother Yu who was beaten by Gu Fuyun and kept crying and begging for mercy, Mrs. Zhou felt serious and comfortable in her heart, and said solemnly: "This kind of lawless person, if it were my son, he would have been beaten to death by his father long ago."

Qiao also thinks that Brother Yu really deserves to be beaten, but Ah Fu shouldn't be the one to beat him. How can this offend others?So he said: "Ah Fu, brother Yu has no tutor, just send him back to the Qian family to discipline him, why do you need to go overboard?"

Mrs. Qian Gu hurriedly said: "That's right, fifth girl, stop, I'll take Brother Yu back and clean it up myself. You are a boudoir daughter's house, how can you beat a cousin who is younger than yourself in public? How can you spread the word? , it’s a joke.”

Gu Fuyun was also very tired. Hearing this, he stopped, stroked the hair beside his ears, and said with a smile: "My aunt's words are serious. I'm a child too. Brother Yu can see whoever doesn't like it and ask for it." Pushing people, why can't I? Besides, our Gu family has strict upbringing, and our aunt is strict in running the family, so it's impossible for such a thing to spread."

Qian Gu's face turned ashen.

Mrs. Zhou knew the elegant meaning when she heard the string song, and said, "Don't worry, fifth girl, no one will spread the word about today's matter. Auntie, you probably don't want outsiders to know that your precious grandson is a vicious and selfish person?"

After Gu Fuyun finished speaking, he went to beat Brother Yu again, until Brother Yu screamed again and again.

Qian Gu's heart ached like a knife, and shouted: "Fifth girl, that's enough, are you really going to beat your cousin to death? He's just ignorant, so just let him go."

Gu Fuyun ignored it, and said while beating: "Don't worry, Auntie, brother Yu is just suffering from skin and flesh, compared to my sister-in-law, you are already very lucky."

Qian Gu hurriedly said, "Isn't eldest brother and daughter-in-law all right?"

Gu Xiaoyun said slowly: "Auntie, thanks to my sister-in-law, if something goes wrong, Brother Yu won't be as simple as being beaten."

Qian Gu was anxious and angry: "You... how can you be so vicious? The eldest brother and daughter-in-law are fine, why can't you just forgive others?"

Gu Xiaoyun said with a strange expression: "My sister-in-law is the future wife of the Gu family, and she is pregnant with the future eldest son of the Gu family, so her status is very precious. What is Brother Yu? It's just a child of a relative's family. My aunt should be more grateful to me Sister-in-law is fine. Otherwise, not only brother Yu will be unlucky, but both of our relatives will have nothing to do."

The old lady was angry with Qian Gu's twisted face, and said angrily: "Third girl is right, if the old lady aunt says a word, the relationship between Gu Qian and the family will come to an end."

Qian Gu's complexion changed drastically, he was angry and angry, but he really didn't dare to say another word.Because she knew that this sister-in-law always kept her word.Moreover, the current Gu family has long been headed by a sister-in-law, and her useless elder brother is a hands-off shopkeeper.

Qian Gushi looked at his grandson who was beaten by Gu Fuyun and screamed, the chicken feather bullet was strong, and it was dull and painful when he hit his body, every time he heard the crisp sound of skin and flesh being hit on his body, his heart shuddered. throbbing pain.He also secretly regretted that if he knew that the Gu family was so domineering and unreasonable, he shouldn't have brought Brother Yu here.

In this room, Gu Fuyun was tired from beating, so she stopped. She still has a sense of proportion in beating people.Although Brother Yu was beaten terribly, there was not a single part of his body intact, all were blood-soaked bruises.But it didn't hurt the vitals, it just hurt for a few days.

Gu Fuyun sat down again, wiped the sweat off his face with a light blue embroidered handkerchief embroidered with plum blossoms, and then asked, "Has the doctor come yet?"

"I've already sent someone to invite me, and it should be here soon." A maid said immediately.

Gu Fuyun said: "Although my sister-in-law is fine, she was also overly frightened. Tocolytics and calming soup must be taken, and pregnant women have to eat bird's nest every day to nourish their bodies. Also, just now I When saving my sister-in-law, I also suffered serious injuries and needed to see a doctor. All of this was caused by brother Yu. The son did not teach, the father's fault, the aunt, the doctor's money, and my sister-in-law's money. For the money for anti-abortion supplements, should I get it from my cousin, or from my aunt?"

The crowd was stunned.

Qian Gu even pointed at her with trembling fingers and said, "You beat my brother Yu like this, and you want us to pay money?"

Gu Fuyun said: "The misfortune caused by Brother Yu cannot be offset by a single beating. Not only will he be beaten, but he will also have to pay for the damage. Otherwise, how can he have a long memory? Brother Yu, do you think it is right? Should I pay?"

Brother Yu was beaten terribly by Gu Fuyun, his whole body was still in pain, and Qingbi twisted his hands backwards. He couldn't struggle, and was even more afraid of continuing to be beaten. Hearing this, he hurriedly said: "Pay, I really deserve it."

"Look, if you don't beat a child, you won't be able to succeed, but after a beating, you will become more sensible." Gu Fuyun was extremely pleased.

Everyone: "..."


one more soon

(End of this chapter)

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