Chapter 124 regret

The old lady was very happy and said: "I came back early today, is there anything going on in the barracks?"

Chu Rui is now the Commander of the Jingwei Commander, Commander Qianshi, Commander Qianshi, and one of the three major battalions, the Knife and Crossbow Battalion. They are all errands with real power in their hands, and their busyness can be imagined.

On the one hand, the old lady was happy about her grandson's future, but on the other hand, she was worried about his grandson's marriage. She was so busy every day, and she didn't know when she would be able to marry a daughter-in-law.

If it wasn't for Xiao Liu's vicious slut, she would have embraced her great-grandson long ago.

The old lady hated Xiao Liu to the bone, and she cherished her grandson more and more. She looked at Chu Rui distressedly, and said, "Why are you thin again? No matter how busy you are, you still have to take care of your body." Guard commanders and envoys are all positions of real power, but they also have great responsibilities.

The Knife and Crossbow Battalion is not only the main force in the army, but also undertakes the duty of guarding high-ranking officials of the third rank and above in Beijing.The soldiers from the Knives and Crossbow Battalion are all good at stopping one against ten.In order to prevent long-term protection of these high-ranking officials with real power from being bought by the other party, the defense will be changed every three months, and the soldiers who have returned have to continue to practice to maintain absolute combat effectiveness.Chu Rui has to go to the Knife and Bow Battalion every two days to check the drill status of the soldiers, and arrange the escort work for the senior officials to travel, which is extremely busy.

Chu Rui smiled and said: "Grandmother don't have to worry about me, I am very strong. But grandma, what's the matter with me?"

The old lady sighed and said: "You haven't eaten yet, let's eat first, let's talk after filling our stomachs."

Obviously not a big deal.

Chu Rui breathed a sigh of relief and began to concentrate on eating.

After eating, the grandfather and grandson cleared their mouths, each holding a cup of Xiaoshi tea in their hands.

The old lady looked at Chu Rui and said softly: "Your aunt will bring a new daughter-in-law over to greet me in two days. I will go to the Qianjin Pavilion today and choose a set of masks for the new daughter-in-law as a meeting gift."

The old lady had four sons and a daughter, two of whom died young.The grown-up eldest son and second son died in battle, while the only fourth son stood guard at the border. Chu Rui, the aunt, was only a concubine of the Duke's Mansion.But the old lady still treats her as her own daughter.With the relationship of the old lady, Chu Rui still respects this concubine's aunt.

So Chu Rui smiled and said: "I don't know when my aunt will come? I don't know if I will be free that day."

The old lady said: "Just next month, come when the weather is cooler. I'm not talking about this, but another thing." She looked at Chu Rui and said softly, "Grandmother met the Gu family in Qianjin Pavilion. That girl."

Chu Rui's heart tightened. There are still several people named Gu in the capital. Could it be Yongning Bo Gu's family?

The old lady said again: "That girl looks really cute and cute. She was accompanied by her brother. When she saw me coming down the stairs, she stood aside and waited for me to go up the stairs. I praised her for being good-looking and generous. Thank you. It is quite inconsistent with the rumored scheming."

Chu Rui slowed down his breathing, moved his body slightly, and said, "Grandmother has seen Gu Wu? Did she recognize grandma?"

"No." The old lady didn't know whether she was lucky or regretful, she said quietly, "I went to the Duke Qing's mansion today, and the old lady Wu asked me about Gu Wu's temperament and personality. You also know that the old lady Wu has a noble status. How could such an idle person catch her eyes? Now she asked me about Gu Wu, and I asked a strange question. Who would have thought that Mrs. Wu would tell me that she also asked for others. Mrs. Jiang from the envoy's family and Mrs. Marquis Wu'an are asking about Gu Wu."

Chu Rui froze, and gradually clenched the hand holding the teacup. He suppressed the tension in his heart, and asked again: "What do they ask Gu Wu for?"

"Madam Wu is not very clear, but I heard that Mrs. Wu'an Housu has posted a post to the Gu family, saying that she will visit the Gu family in the near future. It is either a matchmaker, or Gu Wu. Otherwise Mrs. Su and Mrs. Jiang wouldn’t have asked Mrs. Wu to ask me about Gu Wu.” Seeing his grandson’s face was dazed, he said, “I’ve never met Gu Wu before, so I’ll meet you at Qianjin Pavilion today. It's just a coincidence that when I went to buy flowers at the flower market on Fengtai Street, I ran into Gu Wu again."

Chu Rui took a deep breath, suppressed the horror and unknown tension in his heart, and said, "How does grandma feel?"

The old lady is getting more and more upset: "I have a good impression." Others are rushing to get things they don't want, and generally arrogant people will think that these people have no vision.If she had never met Gu Wu, Mrs. Chu would think so too.But today I met Gu Wu by chance, apart from his face that made people unable to take his eyes off him, his temperament of sticking to his heart and not being alarmed by any situation was also quite in line with the temper of the old lady, so he felt a faint regret.

Outsiders only see the magnificence of the Chu family, and think that with the Chu family's disciples, what kind of wealthy daughter cannot marry?
But only she knows that the more prominent the disciple is, the harder it is to choose a wife.It is really difficult for Dalang to support the Chu family by himself. She hopes to find him a wife who Dalang likes and has excellent abilities to help him.Instead of holding him back.

Although the Gu family is not visible, their family style is clean, at least they won't drag their in-laws back.

Although Gu Wu's reputation is not very good, the grand old Mrs. Chu admires her ability to save herself from danger and her strong communication skills.

But the old lady also understands that the marriage has already been retired, and it is impossible to renew the relationship.

She and Mrs. Gu were quite close when they were in the boudoir, and they knew her well.

How could people let their granddaughter eat Dalang's turning back again?
And if she came to the door to propose marriage again, she couldn't hold back that face.

Chu Rui's heart is also quite uncomfortable, suffering in every possible way.

Now regret and guilt gnawed at him even more, making him want to rush to Gu's family desperately many times after he left the office at night.But the closed door of the Gu family stopped him again.

The distance between him and Gu Wu will be heaven and earth.

If they haven't divorced, he can open the closed door openly.

It's not like now, how many times I rode past Gu's house, but couldn't muster the courage to enter.

He wanted to see Gu Wu, dreamed of it, wanted to apologize to her, wanted to ask her to forgive, but the two parties no longer had the fetters of a marriage contract, and he couldn't find a reason to see her.

He is a foreigner and she is a girl in a boudoir. It is not easy to see him even through a courtyard wall, not to mention that the Duke's Mansion is a few streets away from the Gu family.

Grandmother is looking for girls for him.

The grandmother has been trying to make up for him, and the girls she is looking for are not only beautiful, but also from first-class family backgrounds, all of whom are prostitutes from top-notch families.

But after seeing several of them in succession, he couldn't arouse his interest anymore.

Before he clarified the misunderstanding, Gu Wu was always on his mind.

After learning that he wronged Gu Wu but made a big mistake, Chu Rui's whole body and mind are full of Gu Wu's shadow, and the cold and disdainful face after knowing that he is the man behind the scenes. , Sitting in the carriage, she cast a cold and indifferent glance at him, feeling her whole body hurt and her heart aching.


Out of words
There is only one update tonight, good night babies!
(End of this chapter)

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