Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 126 Someone Came to Talk About a Matchmaker

Chapter 126 Someone Came to Talk About a Matchmaker
Gu Fuyun smiled lightly: "You can stay if you want, but how much income do you promise to give me every year?"

The two village heads gritted their teeth. One said that they could produce sixty taels of silver a year, and the other said they could produce seventy taels of silver.

Gu Fuyun was thinking about it, he had asked his aunt Zhou before, that Zhou had a [-]-acre farm as a dowry Zhuangzi.Zhou once said that a good Zhuangtou can double the income.A poor banker may lose money.Therefore, whether a Zhuangzi's harvest is good or bad, in addition to watching the sky and eating, the importance of Zhuangtou is self-evident.

Uncle Zhao and Li Tieniu are both farm heads hired by the old lady from outside. They are responsible for managing the old lady's dowry farm. There is only one thousand mu of land on the hill, but they can produce three hundred taels of silver a year.In addition, half of the Gu family's chicken, duck, fish, pork, beef, and sheep, including fruits and vegetables, come from this village.

Gu Fuyun calculated the area of ​​his own Zhuangzi, and his mind became more firm.As for the two Zhuangtou who were unwilling to leave, Gu Fuyun chuckled lightly: "Okay, you guys stay."

The two Zhuang heads were proud, but they walked away respectfully.

Qiao said: "You know that these two people have no real skills and can't manage Zhuangzi better, why do you keep them?"

Gu Fuyun blinked and said: "Before, this village was ownerless, and the income from the output would be turned over to the national treasury. These two people have eaten a lot, obviously they have been greedy for a lot of pockets over the years. Wan If the two of them ran away, who would the government ask to make up for it?"

Qiao Shi suddenly realized: "What does Ah Fu mean?"

Gu Xiaoyun had already understood it, and said with a smile; "Mother, don't you understand? The fifth younger sister will leave the two of them first. When the government officials come, they will measure the land, deliver the land deed, and liquidate the proceeds. It’s the head of the village. If the head of the village runs away, it’s still unclear.”

Qiao suddenly realized: "I forgot about this." Then he asked Gu Fuyun, "Does the government really want people to measure the land?"

Gu Fuyun said: "It's natural, otherwise how can we carry out the delivery?" The Zhuangzi bestowed by the emperor is still beneficial, in addition to not having to pay taxes, no one would dare to seize the land.After all, it was bestowed by the emperor, even the domineering relatives of the emperor would not dare to make up their minds.

Gu Fuyun was going to keep the old man Zhao and Li Tieniu, but the two were the old lady's manager in the village, so even if they wanted to keep them, they had to be discussed with the old lady, and the two of them were the ones who took care of the family in the village. , even if the old lady agrees, they still have to give them some time to clean up.

Gu Fuyun, old man Zhao, and Li Tieniu visited both villages, and they gave a lot of advice. Planting fruit trees and raising livestock in the mountains and woods is no worse than growing grain.But the ancients depended on food, and even if those thin fields were not suitable for growing rice and wheat, they should at least grow potatoes and corn that could fill their stomachs, in order to cope with the crisis of famine one day.

The Dasheng Dynasty has entered a period of in-depth development of intensive farming, and there is a general contradiction between more people and less land, and agricultural production is developing towards further intensive farming.Many overseas crops were introduced into China, which had a major impact on the crop structure.Diversification and multi-crop planting have become the main methods of agricultural production.However, farmers in the feudal era still focused on planting, especially grain, supplemented by livestock breeding.

The Zhuangzi given by the emperor is not suitable for growing rice, but it is still possible to grow some millet, millet, wheat, bean, and hemp. Gu Fuyun knows that natural disasters and man-made disasters often occurred in ancient times. Not only the court, but also the common people were keen on grain storage.In this era, you have to do as the Romans do, be prepared for danger in times of peace, store more food, or grow crops that can fill your belly.

Modern food planting technology is changing with each passing day, and one mu of land can feed a family. Even if there is a natural disaster, there is no fear of war.The opening of world trade is a matter of exchanging food with other countries in the form of economic reciprocity.

In ancient times, an acre of fertile land could only yield four to five hundred catties, with backward productivity and low planting techniques, which had little power to resist natural disasters, and the people living at the bottom were often hungry.If the natural disaster is serious, even a lord's family like the Gu family will be vulnerable.

Therefore, even if these fields are not suitable for growing food, Gu Fuyun will suggest that the long-term workers grow some crops of potatoes, corn, and grains, which is not only an income, but also a guarantee for the future.

"...I have an idea, but I don't know if it's feasible. The two of you can give me an idea." Gu Fuyun said to Li Niutie, the old man Zhao, "I want to rent out the developed fields to tenants for cultivation. One mu of land can A half-money rent is all it takes. Those mountain and forest lands must be carefully developed, in addition to planting millet, millet, wheat, bean, and hemp, and planting other underground crops such as potatoes and taro. Crops." Gu Fuyun thought about the ice powder seeds he had obtained at the Great Buddha Temple before, and it was not worthwhile to find land to plant them. The rocky land that is not suitable for planting crops is suitable for planting ice powder trees. Ice powder is also a summer delicacy.You can also show filial piety to the emperor, which can serve multiple purposes.

In fact, Gu Fuyun also wanted to develop these hills to plant flowers, such as jasmine, roses, and rose flowers. Nowadays, noble ladies love to use them to make cosmetics such as toilet water and face cream, and they also need a lot of flowers.

"If conditions permit, it would be great to raise more cattle and sheep." Gu Fuyun said expectantly.Beef in this era is actually very cheap. The price of beef is about 12 yuan per catty, while the price of pork is 18 yuan.The main reason is that the government does not allow the slaughter of cattle.Although beef is also sold on the market, the price is strictly controlled by the government and cannot be sold at a high price.The growth cycle of cattle is long, and the cost of breeding is higher than that of pigs, but the price is still lower than that of pork.

When a farmer sells a cow, Lizheng and the government need to come forward to go through the formalities, and they have to manage it left and right.In such an environment of strict price control, apart from farming cattle, there are not many professional cattle farmers.

And in this era, beef was not served on the table as the main meat, so not many people ate beef.

Mutton is one of the meats on the table, but the price is not cheap.Even people like the Gu family don't eat mutton all the time.

Gu Fuyun is also a meat lover, his favorite thing in life is to eat meat, especially beef and mutton.

Li Tieniu saw that Gu Fuyun was young, but he knew a lot about farming and was proficient in general affairs, and that Gu Fuyun had no airs, so he was willing to confess to her.

"If a girl wants to eat beef, she can raise a few cows in the village. But you can't raise too many, mainly because raising cattle can't make money. It's okay to raise them to eat by yourself."

Gu Fuyun hurriedly said, "It's just for eating by myself."

Li Tieniu said: "It turns out that the girl likes to eat beef. It's easy. The old lady has a few cows in her village, which have grown up. It's just that the weather is hot and she has never been willing to slaughter. Since the girl likes to eat beef, when the weather is colder If there are some, they will be slaughtered to honor the girl."

There are no refrigerators in this era, and cattle are big, and they will spoil if they are eaten before they are slaughtered.If the weather is colder, you can spend more time.

Li Tieniu was also thoughtful.

Gu Fuyun was very satisfied, and rewarded old man Zhao and Li Tieniu with a penny each, and became more determined to ask Li Tieniu to be her boss.

Back at Gu's house, it was already the afternoon of the second day.

When the mother and daughter returned home, Mrs. Qiao was called away by the old lady's people, saying that there were guests at home, and Mrs. Qiao was asked to go and receive them.

Mrs. Qiao didn't dare to be negligent, so she hurried back to the house and changed into a suit of clothes, then hurried to Shou'an Hall.

Gu Fuyun returned to Hanxiang Courtyard, where the maids took care of washing his mouth, so he was very busy.

Gu Fuyun's cleaning room is not spacious, and after putting a cedar wooden bathtub, it can only accommodate two or three people, so Gu Fuyun only left Qinghong and Qingjuan to serve her, rubbing her shoulders back.

Coming out of the tub, Gu Fuyun twisted her wet long hair while asking Shuqing: "What kind of guests are here, grandma?"

Shu Qing said: "It's the second wife of Uncle Yongping's residence."

"What is she here for?"

"My servant is not very clear. According to my servant's knowledge, our family does not have much contact with Yongping uncle's mansion." Shu Qing said.

"The third wife was also called, could it be that she came to see the girl?" Qinghong said,
Shu Qing frowned and said: "I'm not sure, anyway, I've been sitting for a long time."

There are three other girls in the Gu family. Among them, Gu Fuyun is the oldest. Once a lady of high status comes to the house as a guest, the old lady will usually let her out to meet the guests. Firstly, it is to give a good impression. The second is to sell to others.

Ever since he divorced the Chu family, Gu Fuyun hasn't seen any guests yet.

Thinking of the second wife of Uncle Yongping, Gu Fuyun felt a little uneasy.In the modern age of equality between men and women, there will still be tragedies of women marrying the wrong person and being tortured by their in-laws from time to time, not to mention the ancient times when men were superior to women and mother-in-law was greater than the sky.

So Gu Fu quickly sent Qingjuan to Shou'an Hall to inquire.

After a while, Qingjuan really ran back, panting and said: "Sure enough, I came to match the girl."

"Which family are you talking about?" Shu Qing hurriedly asked.As the first-class maid beside Gu Fuyun, her future fate also depends on Gu Fuyun.The disciples, character, and behavior of the future son-in-law all have a vital interest relationship with them.

Chunjuan said: "Marquis Wu'an, Sixth Master Su."

As soon as he heard that it was the dude Su Liu, Gu Fu Que immediately became furious and wanted to kill him in Shou'an Hall and reject the marriage.But he was stopped by Shuqing.

"Girl, you can't go!" He told her about the pros and cons of the matter.As a girl who has not left the court, she has to be reserved.A girl's marriage has always been about the words of the matchmaker and the orders of her parents.A girl can't talk about her own marriage.If it spreads out, the girl will have a bad reputation, and it will really ruin the street.

At this moment, at this moment, at this scene, Gu Fuyun suddenly realized, who said that being a rich lady in ancient times was a happy thing?


Out of words
There are only two updates in the morning, and the rest are updated in the evening.

Thank you lanmeigui111, the Juren rank in the fan list, love you
I also thank the many babies who have genuine support and votes, you are the source of motivation for Tao Zi

(End of this chapter)

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