Chapter 128
Marquis Wu An said again: "Gu Wu...that day in Tiansheng Tower, I had a good impression, you have seen it before, and she should be able to restrain Xiao Liu, the devil king of the world. Xiao Liu should marry a wife who can restrain her .”

Mrs. Su: "...But, the Gu family rejected our Xiaoliu without saying a word. They clearly didn't look at Xiaoliu who wanted us." This is also the reason why Mrs. Su felt uncomfortable.

Marquis Wu An glanced at his wife, and said, "Why can't the Gu family refuse? Don't you know the virtues of your own son? Also, it's not good for you to invite someone, but to invite that Qi family? That Qi family is originally a A mean person, stepping on the high and flattering the low, did this woman go to the Gu family and raise her chin too high? To make the Gu family feel disgusted?"

Mrs. Su: "..." Facing her husband's accusations against the Qi family, she dared not speak the truth even more.

Looking at his wife's expression, Marquis Wu An knew what she was up to, and snorted coldly: "Tomorrow, you will go to the Gu family in person and show your sincerity. Although the Gu family is not visible, it is a hereditary Earl's mansion after all. Six is ​​more than enough. I think Gu Wu is just right."

Seeing his wife's reluctance, Marquis Wu'an asked again: "Why, do you still want to marry Xiao Liu to a wealthy family?"

Generally, families that pay attention to the eldest son will marry the eldest son's daughter-in-law as a daughter-in-law.But the daughter-in-law of the second son or the youngest son will not be higher than the eldest daughter-in-law, at least they will not marry another eldest daughter or a strong-tempered daughter-in-law.In case the sisters-in-law are all of noble birth, and no one will obey the other, they will fight in the back house all day long and compete in the ring to affect the family's fortune.

Mrs. Su hurriedly said: "No, I was just thinking about what clothes to wear to Gu's family tomorrow."

"Just dress plainly." Marquis Wu An said directly.


Mrs. Gu comforted Mrs. Qiao: "The fifth girl is a good girl, but her reputation is weak, and it is not easy to find a good family. But you can't choose carefully just because of your poor reputation. A girl's marriage is a major event in her life, and it can't be sloppy. "

The old lady has always understood righteousness and loved the younger generation deeply, Qiao's heart was relieved, and she served the old lady sincerely.Then he comforted his daughter and asked her not to worry about her marriage, the old lady would not harm her.

Gu Fuyun heaved a sigh of relief, she really doesn't care about a rich family, especially a bastard man like Su Liu.

When a woman married in ancient times, she married the entire in-law's family. Modern women may not be able to deal with the seven aunts and eight aunts of the in-law's family, let alone her.

The disciples of the Su family are prominent, but there are in-laws on the top, maids and concubines on the bottom, and sisters-in-law and sister-in-law in between. Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

So Gu Fuyun snuggled into Qiao's arms, and said coquettishly: "Mother, at least find me a family with a simple family, no mother-in-law, no sister-in-law, no sister-in-law."

Qiao said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about. For families with a little brother, which one doesn't have parents-in-law, aunts, sisters-in-law, seven aunts and eight aunts." Even if there are simple families, the children will never be so prominent where to go.Even if there were such people, their family background and connections would definitely not be much better.How can my daughter bear it when she is spoiled and spoiled?

Gu Fuyun also knew that he was whimsical, and filtered out all the men he knew in his mind.

Jiang Yan was pretty good, but his top-notch old lady made her stay away.

Zhu Gan has a simple population, but it is still a question mark whether the bandit family who has just been recruited can get a good death in the future.

In the end it was Chu Rui.

Needless to say, although this guy is hateful and hateful, his family is really simple. There are no parents-in-law, no sister-in-law, only an elderly grandmother.

But just think about it.


Mrs. Qiao was called to Shou'an Hall again today.

As soon as Mrs. Qiao came in, she saw a well-dressed middle-aged woman sitting on the big kang by the window with the old lady.

The eldest wife, Mrs. Zhou, sits in the first position on the left side of the old lady.

Mrs. Gu waved to Mrs. Qiao: "This is Mrs. Su, Marquis of Wu'an, why don't you come over to greet Mrs. Su?"

Shocked, Qiao Shi suppressed her thoughts and hurriedly saluted Mrs. Su.

Knowing that this woman is Gu Wu's mother, Mrs. Su returned a half salute.

Mrs. Qiao complimented Mrs. Su before taking her seat.Then secretly looked at Mrs. Su.

Mrs. Su's winged phoenix hairpin inlaid with emeralds the size of longan among the treasures dazzles the eyes.Small phoenix hairpin praising gold beads, emerald jade hairpin inlaid with roses, gold silk and jasper hairpin, diamond-encrusted jade comb, phoenix raising its head and spitting out beads to press the hairpin, large south pearls on the forehead, ruby ​​and pearl earrings, huge inlaid opal neck beads in mother-of-pearl , which made Mrs. Su so imposing that she didn't dare to stare at her.Ginger-yellow gold makeup brocade skirts, orange smoky gold silk embroidered auspicious clouds, mountains and rivers and six blessings Hunan skirt, every stitch and every thread on the skirt is so lifelike, the gold thread is even more bright, the setting sun shines brightly from Baige The window sill let in, and the embroidered gold thread on Mrs. Su's skirt reflected the dazzling gold.

Mrs. Su also brought eight maidservants of different colors, gold and silver, all of them lowered their eyebrows and looked at each other quietly, holding their breath.The clothes on her body are all brocade.The four women also stood at the door with their heads held high, full of energy, even when they saw themselves, they just bowed reservedly.

Mrs. Su also got up and returned a salute. The two sat down, talking and looking at each other calmly.

Qiao thought to herself: Mrs. Su dressed so magnificently and brought so many maids and servants, is this to show off the grandeur of Marquis Wu'an's mansion?
Raise your head to marry a daughter, bow your head to marry a wife.

If Mrs. Su is like this, then her daughter really can't marry.

Mrs. Su is also looking at Mrs. Qiao. She is wearing a red peony-patterned white-sleeved tribute satin bijia, her lower body is a water-red silver silk embroidered skirt with colorful borders, and the five-tailed hairpin with pearls on her head and the magpie with gold beads on the branch. , quite a bit of rich and noble temperament.

Qiao's skin is fair and fair. Although her figure is slightly plump, she is also handsome. It is rare for a person who has given birth to six children to maintain such a figure and skin.

Mrs. Qiao's eldest son died early, her second son was married, and her youngest son was almost ten years old. Mrs. Qiao was at least forty years old, but she looked like thirty-two or thirty-two, with peaceful eyebrows, clear eyes, and the corners of her lips With a calm loneliness.

Madam Su was shocked.

With the conditions of the Gu family, Gu Wu's reputation is not good, and Master Gu San has done such a thing again, the Qiao family who has given birth to six children should not be so young.A woman from a poor family is worrying about all kinds of things, working hard, how can she be peaceful, and how can she relax her brows?

Mrs. Su said softly: "The third wife really doesn't look like a mother of six children."

Qiao's expression darkened, and said: "It's also because of my poor fortune. I only support four of my six children. It's not worrying about each of them."

Whose family can feed all the children?

Mrs. Su raised four children, but only three survived.

After giving birth to Xiao Liu, her figure has gained a lot, and she can never go back to the past. Although her husband still comes to her house, he just simply sleeps.

Qiao said with a smile, "I will never end my life worrying about my children's debts."

Mrs. Su said again: "I heard from the old lady that the third wife took the girl to the village village?"

Qiao said with a smile: "Yes, I just came back, and I'm very happy to hear that Mrs. Su came to the door."

Mrs. Su smiled faintly: "I heard that the eldest sister of the third wife is about to get married, so I also prepared some small gifts for the eldest sister. It is not a respect, but I hope to accept it."

Mrs. Su glanced at the maid behind her.The maid in red came in with a purple box with wishful sea patterns.

According to etiquette, if you receive something from someone else, you have to ask the person concerned to greet the giver in person.

So, Qiao's sent someone to call Gu Xiaoyun to thank Mrs. Su.

Mrs. Su looked at Gu Xiaoyun, and said with a smile: "It's really rare to see a lady from a famous family, and the old lady can teach people. Look at the third girl, she is quiet and elegant, dignified and dignified. This whole body is worthy of being a daughter of the uncle's family."

The old lady smiled and said, "Mrs. Su Hou is too proud."

Mrs. Su asked again: "The three girls are all so dignified and steady, so they must be no different than the fifth girl, who is a mother and sibling to the third girl. Why don't you see the fifth girl?"

Now, you guys have to call Gu Wu out, right?


Besides, the last update is gone today, so don't wait any longer.

The monthly ticket continues~~~
(End of this chapter)

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