Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 163 The Trick of Popularity

Chapter 163 The Trick of Popularity
In the residence of Duke Huguo, Mrs. Chu sighed to Chu Rui: "I had a crush on the granddaughter from Linge's hometown, but my grandmother thinks that this person is proud of her talent, so she might not be a good match for you."

Now that the prosperous age is slightly prosperous, the Chu family who started their family with martial arts will naturally no longer marry the nobles who also support soldiers and self-respect.The object of Chu Rui's marriage can only be selected in the civil service circle. It is a pity that many noble families pay too much attention to reputation, but they don't like to associate with nobles.Mrs. Chu has been looking for girls everywhere these days, and she is unwilling to climb into the honorary circle when she likes her.And the other party came forward on his own initiative, and she felt that he was of low background and had no background.Pick and choose, still not satisfied.It was so easy for Mrs. Lin Ge to offer an olive branch. The grandfather of the Lin family is the current head assistant, and the Lin family is also a famous family. Unfortunately, Mrs. Chu doesn't think much of Miss Lin's high-sighted and offending temperament.

The old lady Chu talked about several young ladies in succession. Although her family background was not as good as that of Miss Lin, her family was quite rich and well-known for generations.But seeing that Chu Rui was not in the mood, he said slowly: "I also saw Gu Wu..."

Chu Rui's eyelids slammed up, and the old monk's eyes, which were originally in sedation, suddenly shot out a bright light, looking at the old lady with expectant eyes.

The old lady Chu said calmly: "Then Gu Wu... is quite liked by Mrs. Wu Anhou."

Chu Rui's bright eyes gradually lost their brilliance, and turned into a deep and bottomless ancient pool.Seeing that Mrs. Chu was about to speak again, he suddenly got up and said: "Son'er suddenly realized that there is still an errand that the emperor asked him to do. Suner is going to do the errand now."

Why can't the old lady Chu see that the child is escaping?It's just hard to explain clearly, so he said: "The emperor's errands are important, but my body is also very important. Look at you, these days you are busy until midnight every day, so don't waste your body just because you are young." Since Chu Rui took over the new errand, he has been busy day by day, and Mrs. Chu is naturally distressed when she sees it.

Chu Rui had a straight face, and Wei Wei responded in a polite manner, and then strode away from Songhe Hall.

As soon as the gate of the courtyard was closed, the original grand stride suddenly turned into a shambling gait, with his body arched like a shrimp, his hands covering his crotch, and gritted his teeth to Zhou Qing who was running over in shock, "Hurry up and ask the imperial doctor, my lower Jiaozhi The disease happened again. Don’t disturb grandma.” I don’t want to let grandma worry about it, and besides, the place where it happened is really embarrassing.


Every noble lady's ceremony will create a certain impact in the circle of upper-class ladies and form a trend of word of mouth.Princess Jiaoyang is talented and beautiful, and her status is also precious, and anything that happens at the ceremony can become the talk of everyone.With this wedding ceremony, Princess Jiaoyang has officially become the ideal daughter-in-law that every family is vying for.

And Gu Fuyun also began to emerge.After all, to be favored by Princess Scorching Sun and the Fifth Princess at the same time is not easy in itself.

Although Gu Fuyun caught the eyes of some noble ladies, but because of his marriage contract with Su Liu, no matter how famous he was, he still couldn't stir up any ripples among these noble ladies.But Gu Fuyun's remark against Chen Yan, passed word of mouth, made the wives of the family look at Gu Fuyun with admiration.Facing Bai Lianhua who pretended to pity Jindouzi in front of men again and again, she also had a counterattack, and the effect was quite good.

But Gu Fuyun is well-known in the circle of noble women.Whether it is the reputation of making a marriage contract with Chu Rui as he wished, but finally falling short because of Xiao Liu, or the glory of defeating Su Liu with an ordinary old hen and turning defeat into victory, all of them make people laugh. All the ladies in the circle looked sideways at him.Now that there are two handkerchiefs, the Fifth Princess and Princess Scorching Sun, it is even more eye-catching.

"Now you are famous." Zhu Wei also asked Gu Fuyun privately: "I have met the fifth princess twice, and she has always been arrogant and self-willed. Why did she just see you right?"

Gu Fuyun smiled mysteriously, and waved to Zhu Wei: "If you want to predict the truth, come here with your ears."

Sure enough, Zhu Wei put her ear close to her.

Gu Fuyun whispered in her ear: "In addition to me trying to save face in front of people, it's also because of my ignorance."

Zhu Wei was puzzled at first, and then suddenly realized: "So that's the case." She sighed and said, "It's really a fool's blessing to be a fool." People who are ignorant and incompetent will not be liked no matter where they go.But Gu Fuyun fell into the eyes of the fifth princess because of his ignorance.To put it more bluntly, both of them are ignorant people, so they feel sorry for each other.To put it bluntly, with Gu Fuyun at the bottom, the fifth princess's ignorance is not so conspicuous.

Gu Fuyun smiled slightly: "People can be stupid, but they can't talk nonsense." In this world, there is a kind of people who are full of talents and learning, but suffer from not being able to speak, which makes them get twice the result with half the effort.To be a teacher, not only must you have something in your stomach, but you must also be able to speak.Otherwise, how to make the superiors satisfied with you, how to make the students willing to listen to your class?If you really can't speak, you have to keep your mouth shut, don't talk nonsense when you shouldn't, and try to post as little as possible even in Moments.Don't let people use a magnifying glass to catch your fault if you don't pay attention, then ten mouths can't tell clearly.

Due to his occupational disease, Gu Fuyun would never speak ill of anyone in front of the Fifth Princess, and would coax her as much as possible, even ask her for advice occasionally, and even cover up her ugliness, so that the Fifth Princess had a sense of satisfaction of accomplishment.With such a stupid person who is not threatening and still wholeheartedly defending her, the fifth princess will naturally treat her well, at least within the scope of her ability, she will also protect her.

Gu Fuyun and Zhu Wei are sworn sisters. They are not only dog ​​meat friends, but also rare like-minded people.The two have a common love for food, and they are both cute on the outside but treacherous on the inside. In addition, both of them appreciate and love each other's inner temperament.Zhu Wei cured the pimples on her face by relying on Gu Fuyun, and lost weight, and Gu Fuyun also relied on Zhu Wei, and gained a lot of real benefits.

With a purse filled with snake-attracting powder, he extorted a sum of money from Mrs. Chu; by massaging an old hen, he won Su Liu's cockfight.Gu Fuyun knew that Zhu Wei also had some unknown abilities.Now, relying on Zhu Wei's bag to inquire, Gu Fuyun bought two spacious shops in Chaoyang Avenue for less than [-] taels of silver.Although there is no one renting the storefront, Chaoyang Avenue belongs to the busy market of Wang Street. Once it is rented out, it will be able to live as a charter woman who earns a hundred taels of silver last month.

After reviewing and reviewing the deed he had just obtained, Gu Fuyun carefully asked people to put it away.

Zhu Wei asked her: "Although this shop is cheap, it's a pity that people have died. Do you really not mind?" It is precisely because this shop has died and the business is doing poorly that there is no continued lease.If it weren't for the failure to rent it out for half a year, and the owner's gambler nature, eager to pay off his gambling debts, it wouldn't be possible to sell it cheaply.

At that time, Zhu Wei happened to pass by here, so she casually told Gu Fuyun about it.And Gu Fuyun happened to have money on hand, so he gritted his teeth and bought it.

Gu Fuyun laughed and said, "It's because someone died that they sold it so cheaply."

"But the common people are all jealous of the shops where people have died. Now that shop, even though it is in a busy city, the business can't continue because of the death. If you want to sit on the rent, I'm afraid it will not be easy." The local businessman affirmed I won't rent this frontage again, because someone died and there was a lot of trouble.And foreign businessmen, it is impossible to hide it. After all, business people are not fools. Before renting, they must ask the neighbors.

Gu Fuyun didn't take it seriously: "It's okay, just wait for an auspicious day, and invite Master Hongya from the Great Buddha Temple to go to the shop to perform ritual rituals in person." Gu Fuyun had long thought of a countermeasure.

(End of this chapter)

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