Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 166 Find the doctor who treated me last time

Chapter 166 Find the doctor who treated me last time
Jiang Yan didn't say much, but just ate hard, because the portion of the food was really not much.And the food cooked by the fifth cousin was really delicious, and his appetite grew unknowingly.

But Gu Yuanshan just said a few words with his sister, and the dishes on the plate disappeared at the speed of the naked eye, and he looked anxiously, and said to Jiang Yan seriously: "Cousin, didn't you say that you can live to old age easily if you eat seventy percent of the food?" ?”

Jiang Yan choked, and then said confidently again: "Second cousin, that's for grown-up men."

Gu Yuanshan took a deep breath and said, "My cousin is eighteen years old this year, and he is already an adult."

"But I'm still growing taller." Jiang Yan said calmly, "Recently everyone says I'm taller, how can I grow taller if I don't eat more?" Once you have settled down, it doesn’t matter if you eat more or less, but it is necessary to eat seventy percent full.”

Gu Yuanshan said with a fake smile: "I can't compare my cousin to my cousin, so I can only fly like a stupid bird, and study hard every day. For a long time, my body will definitely not be able to survive. I can only obey my grandmother's orders and eat well. Only by eating enough can you have a healthy body. Don’t you think so?”

Jiang Yan was speechless, so he said: "Second cousin is too modest. Second cousin's knowledge is quite solid, and he will definitely be able to go to high school."

"Thank you, cousin Jiyan. Alas, I'm hungry again after talking for a while. Sister, do you still have food?" Gu Yuanshan looked at the empty plate, and had no choice but to brazenly ask Gu Fuyun for it.

Gu Fuyun rolled his eyes, "It's gone."

Gu Yuanshan scolded: "If it's gone, it's gone. As a boudoir lady, how can you roll your eyes at your brother?"

Gu Fuyun retorted: "As the noble son of the uncle's mansion, how can the second elder brother beg for food from his sister? He even remembers how many meat buns I ate in the morning, it's too shameful."

Gu Yuanshan sighed in his heart, waved his hands and said, "Keep on going, try to arrive at the Great Buddha Temple before Shenshi."


Master Hong Ya has been very busy recently, he has to explain the doubts to pilgrims during the day, preach Buddhism, and study medical books at night.In modern times, this Hongya monk is also an admirable and positive person who strives hard, is eager to learn, and has the spirit of living to learn, which is deeply admirable.

It was precisely because of Master Hongya's eagerness to learn that Gu Fuyun was deeply fascinated by it, so he asked Master Hongya to come out and do a publicity for her newly bought shop.

"...cough cough, I made a mistake, I said it wrong, it's not propaganda, but to invite the master to transcend the souls of the undead. The master's Buddhism is profound, and he is a generation of eminent monks recognized by Buddhism. I believe that if the master comes forward in person, he will be able to transcend the innocent souls who died tragically , and please Master, for the sake of those innocent souls who died tragically, work hard."

Gu Fuyun was one of the few people who knew the real face of Master Hongya, and Gu Fuyun also kept his secrets for him, and he also had good medical skills. Faced with Gu Fuyun's small request, he naturally agreed wholeheartedly.

The date of the overpass was finalized, and the date was set five days later.Gu Fuyun discussed medical skills with Master Hongya again, and when he approached the chieftain, he moved into the temporarily rented courtyard.

"Girl, there is a kitchen in this courtyard." Qingsi whispered to Gu Fuyun excitedly just after stepping into the courtyard, "Sister Shuqing is taking care of the stove. Qinghong and Qingjuan went to the kitchen and said they were going to cook Come back and cook some dishes yourself."

Gu Fuyun asked: "Buddhist pure land, there is nothing delicious, it's just some vegetarian dishes."

"Vegetarian dishes are also good. I went to the pond below and caught a few flat fish." Qingsi pointed to the flat fish swimming around in the wooden basin on the ground, eagerly saying, "Girl, this fish is steamed. Or soft burn?"

Gu Fuyun was speechless for a while, and then said: "Let's cook it soft." Then he ordered Qingsi to take care of the fish and prepare the seasoning.Shuqing and Qingjuan also came back, holding two radishes, two handfuls of cabbage, a dozen potatoes, mustard greens, and some pickled vegetables in their hands, "Girl, there are only these vegetables in the big kitchen, I'm the same I chose a little bit, and even spent more than half of the hanging money. These monks are really black-hearted."

Gu Fuyun smiled and said, "It's good to have fresh vegetables in this season." Looking at the dishes in the hands of the two, a menu quickly appeared in his mind, and he said to Shuqing, "You can ask the second brother, Let him call Xi Yan over to run errands for me. Go to the carriage along the way, and quietly carry the pork belly we brought. Tonight we will eat potatoes and braised pork."

"Okay." The thought of being able to eat fatty and fragrant braised pork made all the maids, including Shu Qing, salivate.

Looking at the excited movements of the maids, Gu Fuyun felt a little sour. The fat meat that people in modern times would frown upon seeing it was very popular in ancient times.Some well-off families, if they have a banquet, they must take plump and delicious pork belly to entertain the guests.Because the fatter the meat, the more it can prove the enthusiasm and generosity of the owner.In this era, pork is only the main meat for ordinary rich and poor people.Although Gu's family is the Earl's Mansion, there will be pork on the table.It is also impossible for ordinary people to have meat every meal.Not to mention these maids, to them, being able to eat a full meal of braised pork belly is already a blessing from the master.


The cold wind gradually became stronger, and it hurt people's cheeks.

A single-drive carriage decorated with stone and green curtains hurriedly stopped in front of the mountain gate of the Great Buddha Temple, and several strong guards, supporting a young man in black clothes, hurriedly rushed into Master Hongya's Buddhist monastery.

Then an old lady with gray hair was helped out of the car, looking at the mountain gate of the Great Buddha Temple, a look of worry flashed in her eyes, and asked Nanny Lu: "Master Hongya, can he really cure Dalang's illness?" ?”

Nanny Lu supported the old lady, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, old lady, the son of the world is blessed by God. Didn't Zhou Qing just say that Master Hongya didn't have any profound Buddhist teachings? It’s nothing more than medical skills. Last time, Shizi’s illness was more serious than this time, and Master Hongya cured him. I believe that Shizi, you have great blessings, and you will eventually turn your adversity into good luck.”


Zhou Qing and Di Long helped Chu Rui up the mountain, and when they saw Master Hongya, they said straight to the point: "Master, my son has committed an old problem again, and please help Master."

When he saw Chu Rui, who was clutching his crotch tightly and finding it difficult to walk, with cold sweat streaming down his forehead, Master Hongya also became nervous, but he proclaimed a Buddha's name: "The poor monk can only do his best for this disease of the benefactor. According to the prescription given by Gu Fuyun last time, someone boiled a bowl and asked Chu Rui to drink it, while he took the notes he had made earlier and flipped through it again. While flipping, he pressed Chu Rui’s pain The place.

"The colic is severe, can master cure it?" Chu Rui endured the pain and asked.

Zhou Qing said bluntly: "Master, please bring the doctor who treated the deceased son last time. Don't worry, master, the reward will not be less than your share. In the hearts of our elder son, you are still highly respected in the Great Buddha Temple." Master Hongya." This is also a guarantee to Hongya, even if Hongya is just an old monk selling mutton with a dog's head, they will not say it.

 This is one update today, the other one is in the evening
(End of this chapter)

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