Chapter 183 Another Moral Bitch
"Big sister." Zhou Wanying, with the sacred Buddha light on her head, came to Ninghe county magistrate like flowers and willows, and saluted everyone, "Big sister, and sisters, my cousin is so pitiful, please help me One or two. Accumulate good deeds, Bodhisattvas will bless you."

Ninghe county head froze and said: "Sister Lin has been living in our house for almost half a month, and I have supported you back and forth, at least five hundred taels of silver. Why, the second sister still wants me to donate?"

Zhou Wanying smiled and said, "Big sister, five hundred taels of silver is not much to you. As far as I know, your private money is more than a fraction of that amount. So what if you donate some to my cousin?"

The magistrate Ning He gritted his teeth and said, "That's your cousin, not my cousin. If you want support, please support me. Why are you pulling me?"

Lin Yarou hurriedly took Zhou Wanying's hand and said, "Cousin, forget it, it's better not to make further progress. Ning and County Lord have already helped me a lot."

"But my cousin's illness doesn't wait for anyone." Zhou Wanying said to Ninghe, "Big sister, the doctor said that my cousin's illness urgently needs century-old ginseng. I remember that there are many century-old ginseng in my aunt's storeroom, right?"

Ninghe county magistrate was furious: "Second sister, don't push yourself too hard. My mother is reluctant to use that century-old ginseng. You're giving me favors by talking about it. But my mother lost the century-old ginseng for nothing."

Zhou Wanying said with a sad face: "Big sister, I didn't expect you to be such a person. We are all relatives. Are you really going to die?" Then she said, "Century-year-old ginseng is certainly precious. If it can save people's lives, Isn’t it also accumulating good deeds? Rather than letting the old ginseng rot in the warehouse, it’s better to make the best use of it, don’t you think?”

The county magistrate Ninghe was furious, pointed at Zhou Wanying and said angrily: "You have to do it yourself if you want to be a favor, you have to be a good person and do it yourself, don't pull me. I am born with a black heart. Don't talk to me about big things .”

The head of Jiahe County said coldly: "The second lady of the Zhou family is full of benevolence and morality. Why don't you build a benevolence and righteousness memorial archway? There are so many people in the west city who don't have enough food or clothes to wear. Why don't you see Miss Tuesday's assistance?"

Princess Jiaoyang also said leisurely: "Miss Tuesday likes to be generous to others. Since you are so kind-hearted and my cousin doesn't want to be a kind person, then that's fine. How much is the mountain ginseng? You can buy it and give it to Miss Lin Isn't it over?"

Zhou Wanying's face changed slightly, she bit her lip and said, "If I had money, I wouldn't have the audacity to beg you."

"You don't have any money yourself, but you have the face to ask us for it. Where's the face?" The Jiahe County Lord never shows face to others, and he opened his fire, "Just because of your kindness on Tuesday, and we are all cold-blooded A ruthless villain? Or is it because you, Miss Tuesday, have such a shame that you have the nerve to ask us for help, and if you don’t give us help, you will die. Where is your face?"

Lin Yarou said with tears in her eyes: "It's my fault, it's all my fault, please don't scold my cousin." Then she took Zhou Wanying's hand again, "Cousin, the magistrate of the county is honorable, and it is already a privilege to speak to us respectfully. Look up to us. Let's not force others to make things difficult."

Zhou Wanying said sternly: "Why is it so difficult for others?" Then she looked angrily at the princesses of Jiaoyang County, Jiahe County, and Ninghe County, "The three sisters are all noble daughters of the clan. I don’t know the sufferings of the people, so how can I know that a penny can’t help the suffering of a hero? I don’t ask you to help, at least give some money, just do good deeds, can’t you? It's so chilling."

"And Miss Gu Wu, I heard that you bought two large shops on Chaoyang Avenue not long ago. It is said that the rent alone is several thousand taels. Presumably..."

Gu Fuyun didn't expect that Zhou Wanying would find her again this week, so she couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately interrupted her, asking, "Who are you? Do I know you?"

"I... I am the eldest daughter of the second room of Duke Ningguo's mansion. My name is Zhou Wanying, and I work as the second child at home. This is my cousin..." Zhou Wanying really introduced herself.

"I don't know." Gu Fuyun said bluntly, she was already prepared to be accused of being cold-blooded and heartless by everyone, but what's with the envious eyes?
Zhou Wanying was stunned, she didn't expect that there are people in this world who can't speak, and they don't know what to do for a while.

Lin Yarou took Zhou Wanying's hand and said, "Cousin, forget it, there's no need to offend Miss Gu Wu because of me, if Miss Gu says she doesn't know me, just pretend she doesn't know me."

Zhou Wanying finally came to her senses, her eyes of disapproval pierced Gu Fuyun immediately, and said righteously: "Miss Gu, everyone has a heart to do good. Do good deeds diligently and accumulate merits. My cousin is in such a difficult situation, and I still look at Gu Fuyun." Miss Wu extended a helping hand. I think it should not be difficult to take care of Miss Wu's financial resources."

"Tuesday girl, Master Hongya said that I have the roots of wisdom and I have a destiny with the Buddha. Master Hongya said that doing good deeds diligently can indeed accumulate merit. But Master Hongya also said that the Buddha will punish sins for good deeds that seek fame and fame. " Gu Fuyun glanced at the weak and helpless Lin Yajudo, and said, "Especially the kind of people who are unkind, unrighteous, loyal and unfilial. The Buddha will not only punish sins, but also punish serious crimes."

Zhou Wanying hurriedly said, "My cousin is not that kind of person..."

Gu Fuyun interrupted her unceremoniously: "You want to help others is your own business, but you are not qualified to force everyone to donate to others like you. What is the difference between your behavior and robbers? Girl Tuesday, do you dare to ask Miss Zhao and let Miss Zhao answer, was Miss Zhao very humiliated, angry, helpless, wronged and disgusted by your forced donation just now?"

Unexpectedly, in real life, she really met the legendary moral bitch. To deal with this kind of moral bitch, don't be polite to her, and don't let her finish talking. You have to act first, turn passive into active, And pull alliance support.

Ms. Zhao, who had just been kidnapped by Dao Daode, was full of grievances and grievances, and she responded immediately, and said loudly: "Miss Gu Wu said it to my heart." She glared at Lin Yarou and then at Zhou Wanying, "You My cousin is in trouble, so what does it have to do with me? But when I come to you, I will be cold-blooded and ruthless if I don’t lend a helping hand. This is the first time I have seen a person like you forcing donations when I grow up. It really makes me sick."

The other girls who were forced to donate looked at each other. No wonder the discomfort and anger just now filled their stomachs.Looking at Zhou Wanying's eyes was full of dislike and disgust.

Zhou Wanying looked wronged and wronged, and said loudly: "I didn't, I just think that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. My cousin is bedridden, the hospital is hard to get to, and I have no money for medical treatment. Is it still wrong to do my best for the younger generation and for the elders?"

Gu Fuyun smiled "hehe", and said with a strange expression: "That's your cousin, not ours. You want to be filial and do your best, so what has it got to do with us?"

Zhou Wanying: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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