Chapter 198 Mind

Within two days, Miss Chen Biao of the Marquis of Wu'an sent another post to Gu Fuyun, saying that she would come to the door to apologize to Gu Fuyun in person, but Gu Fuyun ignored it.

Ms. Biao Chen said helplessly to Su Liu: "Cousin, it's not that I don't want to help you, but Miss Gu Wu doesn't want to accept my post." It's no secret anymore.Instead, Miss Chen Biao was secretly pleased, because the more Su Liu cared about Gu Wu, the more she would displease her aunt.Then even if Gu Wu is liked by his cousin, how many men stay in the inner courtyard all day long?Gu Wu was not liked by his aunt in the first place, the more his cousin showed that he liked Gu Wu, the harder it would be for Gu Wu to live in the future.

The expression on Su Liu's face suddenly turned into disappointment, his slender eyebrows drooped, and he couldn't help but ask, "Could it be that Gu Wu annoyed me because of the trickery last time?"

The hand holding the handkerchief was tightened subconsciously, Miss Chen Biao said: "It should...not be so, Miss Gu Wu is not the narrow-minded person."

Su Liu immediately said: "Of course Gu Wu is not that kind of person. It's just that being a slave is really hateful. Not only stepped on the low and climbed high, but also spread false information to mislead mother, causing mother..." causing mother to throw herself in front of Gu Wu's maid. Big face.

And this matter, somehow, also spread to the father's mouth.The father was furious, not only sold the Diao Nu family, but also sold the mother.

The handkerchief was twisted even tighter, and Miss Chen Biao gritted her teeth with hatred when she thought that the hidden stake that had been bought with so much difficulty would be pulled out just like that.He secretly hated that Gu Wu should be damned, he had to fight against himself before he married into the Su family, it was utterly hateful.

"My aunt is really wronged, but the girl next to Miss Gu Wu is too eloquent. A mere girl dares to talk to my aunt like this. I don't know how Miss Gu trained her to be like this..."

Su Liu smiled and said, "As you can see, Gu Wu really knows how to train a maid, and thanks to that maid, she was clever and didn't mess herself up, otherwise I wouldn't be able to clean myself up even if I jumped into the Yellow River." I was annoyed by the fake news again. His servant, even though he was spanked by his mother who became angry from embarrassment, still couldn't get rid of his anger.It's also thanks to the maids around Gu Wu advancing and retreating properly, otherwise I really don't know how to end it.

Ms. Chen Biao's gentle and elegant image was almost broken, she suppressed the old blood that was about to spurt, and said with a smile: "Cousin is very right. But cousin doesn't think, isn't that maid really beautiful? This sister Gu is also big-hearted, why did she bring such a beautiful maid with her?"

Su Liu didn't take it seriously: "A beautiful maid is pleasing to the eye. But you women are all narrow-minded, and you don't see that the maids around you are more beautiful than yourself. I understand. Gu Wu did the opposite, which shows that he has a broad mind. He is worthy of being Su Mou." I like it." Then he fell into a complacent obscenity, not knowing that his cousin was so angry that she was about to vomit old blood.

Although he couldn't use the name of escorting his cousin to go to the Gu family in a fair manner, but Su Liu quickly thought of another idea and ran away again.

Miss Chen Biao was angry for a while, but she had to regain her mood and went to Mrs. Su's room.

Only then did Mrs. Su deal with the Diao Nu who spread the false information and Mrs. Liu in the sedan chair hall, thinking about what the fifth maid said, she clearly meant something, and as shrewd as Mrs. Su, how could she not know what was going on here?
It's just that Mrs. Su's sincerity is quite deep, even though she already knew it in her heart, she still remained calm on her face.When the niece Chen Yan came in, she calmed down and laughed: "Didn't you say that you are going to the Gu Mansion to make amends to Gu Wu? Why haven't you gone yet?"

Chen Yan's eyes suddenly turned red.

Mrs. Su frowned: "What's the matter? Why did you start crying so well?" Thinking of what Gu Wu had said, she also felt that nieces crying so often are really unlikable.

Chen Yan sobbed and said: "I posted a post to Gu Wu, but Miss Gu Wu didn't reply to the post." Then she raised her teary face and said pitifully, "Auntie, did Gu Wu annoy me? Refuse to accept my post."

The girl was originally so beautiful and beautiful, and she was crying so pear blossoms with tears, she was so charming that one couldn't help but feel pity in her heart.

Chen Yan's words aroused Madam Su's unhappiness again.Then Gu Wu is really not decent, there is something wrong with the slave in her house, but she left without saying a word, which is too disrespectful to the master.

Mrs. Su calmly comforted her niece: "Even if it annoys you, it's understandable not to answer the post. But so what? You don't rely on her for food, so there is nothing to worry about."

Chen Yan became more and more sad, twisted her handkerchief and said, "But, Gu Wu is Cousin Lan's fiancée, and she will marry into the Su family in the future, and she will become my cousin in the future. If you think about the unhappiness in the past, will you Don't you like me?" After a pause, he said again, "My cousin just went out and said he was going to find Gu Wu. I don't know if Gu Wu will speak ill of me in front of my cousin, if so, then Yan'er will jump Even entering the Yellow River can't wash it clean."

"Even if you don't like you, you won't lose a piece of meat." Mrs. Su said, implying, "I knew this before, why bother."

Chen Yan was at a loss, and said puzzledly: "Yan'er can't understand what my aunt said."

Mrs. Su sighed slightly, and said, "Yan'er, you don't need to hide those little thoughts of yours in front of your aunt."


After all, Su Liu didn't go to Cheng Gu's Mansion, because he was stopped by old friends on the way, and couldn't stand the enthusiasm of these people, and it was true that he hadn't been to Tianxiang Tower for a while, and it was strange that he missed the beauty and sweetness of those actors. to go.

As for the fact that Su Liu went to Tianxianglou to drink flower wine, the whole capital soon knew about it.Naturally, it also fell into Mrs. Su's ears.

Mrs. Su was naturally angry again, and said angrily: "You bastard." Then she said to Chen Yan, "Your affection for Xiao Liu is obvious to your aunt. It's just that Xiao Liu has always regarded you as a younger sister. Besides, His eyes and heart are full of Gu Wu, you should give up."

Chen Yan said firmly: "Auntie, Yan'er is sincere to Cousin Lan. I will not marry anyone except Cousin Lan. Cousin Lan is just young and playful. I believe that in time, he will not be like this again. Yes. Yan’er has Yan’s heart to make Cousin Lan change his ways.”

Mrs. Su's eyebrows moved slightly, and she said with a smile: "It's hard for you to be sincere. But why are you bothering? Xiao Liu has a marriage contract. Although I don't like Gu Wu, the marriage contract between the two families has been established and there is no possibility of changing it."

Chen Yan immediately said: "Yan'er is already alone, there is no other relatives in this world except my aunt. My aunt regards Yan'er as her own, but I can't repay my aunt, so I can only stay with my aunt. Do some filial piety, and on the other hand, you can also serve your cousin. Aunt, Yan'er is sincere to Cousin Lan, and I ask my aunt to help you."

Mrs. Su sighed: "Why are you bothering? Xiao Liu has already made a marriage contract, and people like us must never regret the marriage. You are my niece, how can I have the heart to let you be Xiao Liu's concubine? ?”

Chen Yan bit her lips, and suddenly said firmly: "Then Gu Wu is not worthy of Cousin Lan. Regardless of her background or character, with her reputation, a woman whose marriage has been divorced is still standing Such a reputation, apart from a good-looking face, is really useless, and I am really wronged for my cousin. My cousin is a dragon and a phoenix, standing up to the sky, and the son of the dignified Marquis Mansion, marrying such a woman as his wife."

Mrs. Su said helplessly: "So, you just bribed Mrs. Liu and the others to deliberately set a trap for Gu Wu?"

(End of this chapter)

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