Chapter 202 Comparing Everywhere

Among them are Wang Gelao's grandson Queen Jingqin and granddaughter Lin Xue.

Lin Xue subconsciously looked at the clothes of the Gu family sisters, then straightened the squirrel fur collar on her body, and smiled calmly.

Along the way, Chen Yan led the crowd through the long verandah and over the rockery.Passing by outside the flower house, Chen Yan suddenly glanced at Gu Fuyun's hairpin made of red gold thread with jewels inlaid on it, and said with a smile: "Sister Gu's hairpin is really unique, which gold shop did you get it?" of?"

Lin Xue glanced slightly, then smiled and said: "It's really unique." After many inquiries, although the Gu family is an earl's family, it has long been marginalized in court, has no strength, no money, and no rights, that is, A poor man living off his ancestral shadow.It's not at the same level as the Lin family who rely on poetry and books to pass on their families.

Gu Fuyun touched the butterfly hairpin on her head, her whole body, that is, this one was a little more valuable.The solid gold hairpin base is drawn into a palm-sized butterfly shape with a piece of red gold weighing one or two qian, and a fingernail-sized ruby ​​is also embedded. The materials are provided by myself. It took four taels of silver.For ordinary people, this butterfly hairpin is already a rare sight, but for noble girls who grew up in the rich nest, it is not worth mentioning.The top noble ladies, how could they use pure gold to draw silk, and directly use emerald greens, or gems of various colors, and pearls to inlay, look at those ladies from noble families, all of them have heads inlaid with hundreds of treasures.Like Sister Gu Fuyun's head made of golden chili wire drawing, the price is somewhat reduced.

But the sisters of the Gu family didn't feel inferior, Gu Fuyun smiled slightly, and said: "The Qianjin Pavilion is not worth a lot of money. But sister Chen's pearl hairpin, that's called wealth and brightness."

Everyone transferred from the bead ornament on Gu Fuyun's head to Chen Yan's body.

Isn't it?

Chen Yan, who is dressed in bright red and full of flowers and flowers, has a red gold inlaid ruby, five-tailed feathers and a phoenix-tailed pearl hairpin, which is vivid, delicate and elegant.A head of beautiful hair, the size of a phoenix hairpin, is tied up in a bun that is not too big or too small. It looks exquisite and elegant. Coupled with decent makeup and a red gold necklace hanging on the neck with a double fish jade pendant, the whole person is like a painting Like a fairy who came out.

If one didn't know that Chen Yan was just a cousin living in Su's family, she would be a decent daughter of Su's family without knowing it, and her clothes, whether it was beadwork or embroidery, were all in the style of a legitimate daughter.

This made some little girls feel a little uncomfortable. They said, "Sister Chen's dress is really stylish, she looks like a daughter-in-law", but the sour tone betrayed her inner jealousy and disapproval.

Chen Yan stroked the big fur cloak around her neck, the soft fur looked smooth and smooth, Gu Fuyun took a closer look, it turned out to be mink fur.

I saw Chen Yan smiled reservedly, and said: "Look at what Sister Li said, although my parents are dead, my status as a legitimate daughter will not change. Besides, thanks to my aunt who loves me, I have never done anything in this respect." I have been wronged." His eyes glanced at Gu Fuyun's big red cotton cloak again, and he smiled, "Sister Gu's cloak is also very beautiful, and the embroidery is also very delicate. Is this Shu embroidery?"

Gu Fuyun lowered his head, stroked the wintersweet embroidery on the cloak, and smiled faintly: "Sister Chen has good eyesight, it's Shu embroidery."

Chen Yan covered her lips and smiled softly: "I've heard for a long time that the Gu family has always been thrifty in their household. Now that I see it, it really lives up to their reputation. Sister Gu's cloak is made of brocade, I remember, it seems to be last year's style."

Whether it is ordinary people or top dignitaries, they are all similar in terms of comparison.In fact, Gu Fuyun doesn't like such occasions very much, and he doesn't like dealing with people like Chen Yan. On the surface, the little girls of the same generation call each other affectionately "sister and sister", but they keep comparing each other, your red gold spreads its wings Fengchai is an old product from last year, and the color of her beige is the old style. Your cloak is not a big hair...

Faced with a pair of colored eyes and eyes fixed on the cloak, Gu Fuyun proudly raised his delicate chin, and said calmly: "Sister Chen really has good eyesight. It seems that Sister Chen usually wears it poorly. Really skillful."

Gu Xiaoyun also said slowly: "I am ashamed of Miss Chen's eyesight. Let's take a look again, Miss Chen, what year is my cloak from?"

Chen Yan's face was flushed red, she originally wanted to mock Gu Fuyun, so as to be different from her, but let the sisters mock her for comparison.Although comparisons are indispensable among noble girls, such low-level comparisons will make people despise, especially Gu Xiaoyun's words, she is really difficult to answer.To put it bluntly, this cloak of yours is this year's style. Wouldn't it be a slap in the face of what she said before?If it is said that she does not recognize the fabric, wouldn't it make people think that she is ignorant?

Also, she really couldn't see the fabric on Gu Xiaoyun's body.

Chen Yan bit her lip and said, "Sister Gu San's fabric is very novel, it looks smooth and bright, with dark flowers faintly flashing, I have never seen this kind of material."

Gu Xiaoyun said: "This is just the most common jacquard swan velvet on the market. It is cheaper than Fifth Sister's woven gold makeup velvet. It is not easy to be praised by Ms. Chen."

Someone immediately covered their lips and chuckled. Jacquard velvet is used to make cloaks and cloaks. It is not only warm, but also resistant to dirt, easy to store, and bright in color. It has always been the first choice for people who pursue affordable prices.Chen Yan ridiculed that Gu Fuyun's golden makeup velvet was an old style, but praised the jacquard swan velvet which was cheaper than the golden makeup velvet, which really made people laugh.

Chen Yan also knew that Gu Xiaoyun had ridiculed her, and she also knew that she was smiling, and she couldn't get off the stage for a while, her face was flushed.

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "Sister, it's your fault. Sister Chen grew up in a gold and silver nest, and she's used to wearing big-haired cloaks. She never saw cheap things like ours. Excuse me."

Gu Xiaoyun pretended to be envious and said: "Yes, I really envy Sister Chen. It would be great if I had an aunt like Mrs. Su."

Gu Xiaoyun's words are wise according to people's opinions, and the ladies also echoed, "Yes, sister Chen is really blessed."

Chen Yan said with a smile: "It's my aunt who pities me for losing my parents, so she can't help but favor me more. It makes my sisters laugh at me."

Everyone faked a smile and continued to move forward.Chen Yan is a qualified guide, and along the way, she also introduced the layout of the back garden of the Su Mansion.

In the early years, it was said that the Marquis of Wu'an's Mansion and the Uncle Yongning's Mansion had the same layout, common status and status, but each had different opportunities and unpredictable fate.Yongningbo Mansion has experienced clouds and mud, and now it is peace of mind to return to the starting point, not seeking wealth and wealth, but seeking safety and comprehensiveness.The Marquis of Wu'an's Mansion is on the verge of making great progress, and has gone one step further, throwing Gu's family down eight streets.Just look at the three-hectare back garden of Su Mansion, the running water brought in from the lake outside, the bridge built with white marble, the rockery built with Taishan stone, the Tiger Roaring Garden full of rare and exotic birds...

Taking a peek at the whole picture, just the back garden where you can't see the bottom when you look up, and you can't see the end when you look back, you can see the profound heritage of the Su family.

 Babies, please try to support genuinely, thank you!I can't even open the pot.

(End of this chapter)

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