Chapter 204 Poisoning
Chen Yan greeted everyone to enter the house for tea. The tea was top-quality Longjing tea, and the melon and fruit snacks served in the pure white Rujiao container were unique in shape and made people's index fingers move.

Sitting in the house, drinking tea, tasting snacks, appreciating melons and fruits, and then appreciating the beautiful peach blossoms outside the window is really a great enjoyment in life.

The house was burnt with earth dragons to warm the walls, so they couldn't wear their cloaks. The ladies took off their cloaks one after another, revealing their slender figures under the heavy cloaks.

Only then did Gu Fuyun see Chen Yan who had taken off her big fur cloak, and was wearing a real red woven golden peony peony over-the-shoulder long skirt with a stand-up collar. The dove-egg-sized ruby ​​fixed by emerald emerald and red gold hangs down from the eight-treasure necklace ring, making the whole look extraordinarily magnificent and magnificent.The dress of a top-notch lady is nothing more than this.

Chen Yan took off the big fur cloak, and also enjoyed the envious and jealous eyes projected on her by everyone, and habitually glanced at Gu Fuyun, not missing the jealousy in her eyes.Chen Yan smiled very happily, and pointed to the servant girl who served tea for the ladies, and brought the tea herself, handed it to Gu Fuyun with both hands, and said with a slight smile: "Sister Gu, what happened last time was indeed done by my sister." It's not good enough, and I've made Sister Gu feel wronged."

Gu Fuyun took the teacup, but did not drink it, but smiled lightly: "Sister Chen, you are welcome. The matter is over, so there is no need to mention it." Like other young ladies, she picked up the tea cover, First, I smelled the scent of tea, and said, "It's really fragrant, is this oolong tea?"

Chen Yan said with a smile: "Yes, this is from Ms. Wu Qi from the Zhongyihou Mansion. I think it's not bad, so I can't help but share it with all my sisters and sisters."

Gu Fuyun smiled and said that he made the tea cover and pulled out the tea, then lightly blew on the tea, and said, "Is it from Miss Wu Qi?"

Chen Yan said with a smile: "Yes. If Sister Gu likes it, I will order it for my sister." Immediately ordered the maids around her to pack oolong tea.

Gu Fuyun smiled lightly: "Sister Chen's kindness is appreciated. If oolong tea tastes like this, then don't give it away."

Chen Yan was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Sister doesn't like oolong tea?"

"The tea is good tea, but this tea has a strange smell, I don't know if it's my illusion." Gu Fuyun asked Gu Xiaoyun again, "Sister, does your tea have a strange smell?"

Gu Xiaoyun's expression froze, she knew that girls often read medical books, and it is said that she saw the tricks, so she hurriedly passed her teacup over, "I didn't smell it, but my sister's nose is always more sensitive than mine, you come and taste it." taste."

Gu Fuyun took Gu Xiaoyun's tea, first put it into his nose and smelled it, then took a small sip, then put his teacup heavily on the table.

They were all young ladies from wealthy families, they immediately guessed that something was unusual, they all put down their tea cups and looked at Gu Fuyun.

Gu Xiaoyun hurriedly asked, "Fifth Sister, what's wrong?"

Even Chen Yan thumped, and forced a smile, "Sister Gu, but the tea is not to your liking? It's okay, I'll ask the servant girl to serve the tea again." As she spoke, she reached out to bring the tea, but was blocked by Gu Fuyun, "Sister Chen What are you in a hurry for?" He moved the teacup steadily between them, Qinghong squeezed Qingsi's hand, and stood in front of Gu Fuyun together with Qingsi, forming a posture of protection for the teacup.

Gu Fuyun raised his eyes and said to Chen Yan: "There is something wrong with this tea, does sister Chen know?"

Chen Yan was stunned, her face turned white, and immediately hissed: "Impossible, sister Gu has misunderstood?"

"Okay then, please ask sister Chen to drink the tea." Gu Fuyun said coldly.

Chen Yan said calmly: "Sister Gu was joking, how could this tea be poisonous? There must be some misunderstanding here."

"I didn't say that the tea is poisonous. Sister Chen, aren't you beating yourself up?"

Chen Yanqiang squeezed her palms and forced herself to be calm. She forced a smile and said, "Sister Gu, do you have any misunderstandings about me?"

"What are you doing talking so much nonsense? Are you drinking or not?"

Chen Yan could hardly maintain the smile on her face: "..."

Gu Xiaoyun also got up suddenly: "Miss Chen, if there is no problem with this tea, you should drink it all the more to show your innocence."

The rest of the ladies also put down their teacups in shock and looked at each other.

Lin Xue also got up, and said to Gu Fuyun: "I also think there must be a misunderstanding. Could it be that the tea leaves have been left for a long time and have stale flavor?"

Chen Yan hurriedly said aggrievedly: "That's right, it should be that the tea leaves have not been preserved, and there is a strange smell."

Gu Fuyun said without even moving his eyebrows: "Miss Lin, isn't it too late to stand up and pretend to be a good person at this time? Whether the tea is poisonous, you will know if you drink it?"

Lin Xueyi said sternly: "Anyway, I don't believe Miss Chen will poison the tea."

Chen Yan glanced at Lin Xue gratefully, unexpectedly, at the critical moment, it was this outsider who she didn't think much of who helped her.But the group of people who usually call her sisters and sisters are watching from the sidelines.

Gu Fuyun didn't bother to deal with Chen Yan, so she got up and picked up the tea, "Qingsi, serve Miss Chen for me, drink up this tea."

Qingsi followed Gu Fuyun's orders to the letter, and immediately stepped forward to grab Chen Yan who was struggling endlessly, and squeezed her lips hard.

Chen Yan struggled desperately, and shouted for help. Gu Fuyun made a gesture to pour her tea, and said, "Sister, as long as you admit that you have poisoned this tea, I will not pour you tea. You know, I am a powerful maid." It's as big as a cow."

In order to prove that she is as powerful as an ox, Qingsi easily pushed away Chen Yan's maids who came forward to grab her. The maids were all as coquettish as flowers, how could they be Qingsi's opponents?
Seeing that all of his maids were useless, and Gu Xiaoyun's maids also joined in, as the master, he was restrained by the guests, and his lips were pinched, Gu Fuyun was serious.

Lin Xue pinched her handkerchief, and couldn't believe her eyes that this Gu Fuyun, a dignified daughter, could do such a rude thing.She's not afraid that things will get serious, how will it end?Does she still want to be the daughter-in-law of the Su family?
Chen Yan was scared out of her wits, and said: "...I poisoned it, I poisoned it..."

Gu Xiaoyun slapped Chen Yan across the face, and yelled: "You have such a vicious heart, what kind of grudge does my sister have against you? You actually want to poison my sister."

Gu Fuyun didn't get angry, but put away the tea and told Qinghong: "Go and inform my grandmother, mother and eldest aunt first, and then report to the officials."

Qinghong was stunned for a moment, and as expected, he went.

"No, don't report to the official, Sister Gu, I was wrong, please don't report to the official..." When Chen Yan heard that she wanted to report to the official, she was so frightened that the three souls lost their seven souls, screamed desperately, and stepped forward to stop her Qinghong was slapped to the ground by Qingsi.

Seeing Qingsi being so violent, Gu Xiaoyun became worried instead, and whispered to Gu Fuyun: "After all, she is Mrs. Su's niece, so don't make it too ugly."

Gu Fuyun smiled lightly, took the tea and said to Gu Xiaoyun, "Sister, do you know what kind of medicine is in this tea?"

"Miss Chen, you are a noble lady, you actually did such a lowly thing, and you want to ruin me like this. What is the grudge between me and you? You let you do such a vicious thing?" Gu Fuyun angrily scolded.

"I, I..." Chen Yan was about to explain, but Gu Fuyun kicked her again, just right on her dumb acupoint, Chen Yan felt her tongue numb and straight, she couldn't speak, she was so cold During the day, I was also sweating profusely.

 It's so hot, it's so hot in this sauna day
(End of this chapter)

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