Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 209 The hottest traffic in the new year

Chapter 209 The hottest traffic in the new year

Wang Jingqin sighed and said, "Stay away from this person in the future, it's too scary." It's too scary for a little girl like Chen Yan to dare to poison people under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Lin Xue nodded her head, but she was thinking of gloating in her heart.This Gu Wu was also reckless, even if he vented his anger on the spot, he still offended Mrs. Su to the death.Even if Chen Yan really had a problem, but Gu Wu made a fuss recklessly, causing Chen Yan to lose her reputation, and Madam Su, an aunt, would also lose face.It is conceivable that Gu Wu had a miserable life after marrying into the Su family.

Most importantly, although Gu Wu made such a fuss, although he gave Chen Yan a warning, it was still a tear in the face.As long as Chen Yan stays at Su's house for a day, she will definitely find a way to get revenge.


If Lin Xue could think this way, Mrs. Gu, Mrs. Qiao and others naturally thought of it too.Even Gu Xiaoyun knew about it, and analyzed the pros and cons of the matter to Gu Fuyun.

Gu Fuyun propped his chin with both hands, and said: "So, after entering Su's house, it is impossible for me to be a persimmon anymore."

"However, if the attitude is too tough, it will be even more unpleasant."

"Then I'll be a lowly girl? Will Mrs. Su care about me?"

"Madam Su is my rightful mother-in-law, if she sets rules for me in the name of mother-in-law, will I have to bear it or not?" Gu Fuyun analyzed carefully, and then said, "If Madam Su is a shameless person, on the contrary I'm sorry for giving me small shoes so clearly."

"But what if, this old woman is shameless?" Gu Fuyun was entangled, and the villain in his heart also had a bitter face, and finally asked Qingsi to go outside to buy a book on Daqi's law and come back.


Although every household is busy celebrating the New Year, walking around with each other and taking the opportunity to connect with each other, the gossip news in the capital rarely stops.During the Chinese New Year period, it is still outstanding.

A talented woman who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Princess Jiaoyang appeared in Qinggui circle, the granddaughter of Shangshu Wang Shouwang of the Ministry of Rites, and Lin Xue, the daughter of the Jiang family in Jiangnan.Lin Xue exposed an amazing poem in two or three days, which became popular among noble women.Under the word of mouth of the "big V with goods", it suddenly became popular.

Then he was recommended by two members of the Boya Club at the same time and became a member of the Boya Club.

The Boya Society was initiated and established by Mrs. Yahui, the wife of Guozijian, during her boudoir period. It was originally a cultural salon where a group of like-minded talented women gathered together, regardless of their status or family background, relying on their talents and morals.Even if you are a princess and have no talent, you are not eligible to join.And the ladies who are qualified to join the club all have their own literary and artistic aura, and they are rich in gold.

Lin Xue is an outsider, but she can be recognized by the Boya Club and join it, her talent and knowledge can be seen in general.

Gu Fuyun didn't like this Lin Xue very much, and felt somewhat unhappy.

If it is said that Lin Xue is shining brightly in this new year, then what Cheng Enbo's eldest son Zhu Gan did is called popular traffic.

Lin Xue was known far and wide in the imperial capital with her talent, while this Mr. Zhu was famous throughout Beijing for his fists and unreasonableness, and became popular in the circle.It was just to escort my mother to the Great Buddha Temple to offer incense, but for some reason, she actually robbed a group of well-known dudes in the capital.

Even the carriage of Shangshu Wang's family passing by was smashed, and the dignified Mrs. Shangshu took her granddaughter and granddaughter, and had no choice but to walk down the mountain.

Mrs. Wang, as the dignified lady of the Shangshu, is one of the top figures in the circle of civil servant wives. Wherever she goes, she gets respect and flattery from all sides.This time, Zhu Gan slapped his face severely, how could he not be angry?
So Mrs. Wang came back from Dafo Mountain and went straight to the palace to file a petition.

Immediately afterwards, the elders of the gangsters who were robbed also went to the palace to complain to the emperor.

The emperor naturally wanted to call Zhu Gan into the palace.

Zhu Qian was still at the Great Buddha Temple and couldn't go back for a while, so Zhu Gan's old father, Zhu Dahu and his younger sister Zhu Wei entered the palace.

The whole emperor is looking forward to bad luck for Zhu Gan's family. It is best to be thrown into prison by the emperor, so as to restore the peaceful atmosphere in the capital.

Outside the palace, it was crowded with servants and secret guards sent by various households. As soon as there was news, they would immediately notify the master.

After about an hour or so, it was unbelievable that the elders of the dandies left the palace with a sad face.Even Mrs. Wang came out of the palace in disgrace.

But Zhu Dahu's father and daughter returned to Shou Enbo's mansion in a carriage, and several carriages followed behind them.

It turned out that those carriages were all loaded with rewards from the emperor.

Everyone was stunned and couldn't believe it would be such a result.

Afterwards, news from the palace also spread.

The emperor issued fourteen imperial edicts in a row, and went to the homes of fourteen dandies to admonish them, saying that they were incompetent in discipline, committed crimes, did not want to make progress, and owed the emperor's favor, and ordered the dandies to reflect at home, and their families also Penalty for three years, with respect and emulation.

Mrs. Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites has not been warned by the emperor, but Mrs. Wang stayed behind closed doors after returning home. She didn't say a word about what happened that day, which is also strange.

Everyone couldn't sit still, and went to these dandy families to spy on the military situation.These people were reprimanded by the emperor and fined, and they were annoyed. How dare they tell the truth, and only vaguely explained that the Zhu family's father and daughter were eloquent, and they couldn't talk about others with so many mouths. The emperor was displeased, not only unlucky, but also fined.

Although these people didn't say it clearly, there are still a lot of gossip.Some said that these dudes saw the beauty of Mrs. Zhu's maid, and they were tempted for a while, and they did some things that hooligans would do, but they were cleaned up by Mrs. Zhu's maid.This group of people became angry from embarrassment, entangled with the servant's dog legs, and aggressively sought out others to settle accounts.This servant girl is also a ruthless person, she gathers the servants of the Zhu family and beats them until they cry.Mrs. Zhu's mother and son were alarmed.

Relying on the family behind them, the dandies provoked and threatened Mrs. Zhu's mother and son.So Zhu Gan got angry, not only beat them up, but also tied them up, and then blackmailed every family.

Although the matter was simple, these people would not be pleased if they made a fuss in front of the emperor, but the Zhu family who blatantly extorted and blackmailed were unscathed, which is too strange.

Probably knowing that Gu Fuyun was scratching his head at home seeking the truth, the next day, Zhu Wei's post was sent to Yongning Bo's Mansion, inviting Gu Fuyun to Shou En Bo's Mansion as a guest.

Gu Fuyun was just getting what he wanted, so he asked someone to hitch up a carriage and went straight to Shou Enbo's mansion.

Although there are still two days until the Lantern Festival, the entire imperial capital, as long as there are dignified people, is still noisy and full of guests.The New Year's Eve in big families in ancient times was really lively.

It's the Gu family. From the third day of the Lunar New Year to now, the relatives haven't finished their visit yet.

But Shou Enbo's mansion was too deserted.

Gu Fuyun's single-drive oil-painted car drove slowly to the gate of Shou Enbo's mansion.

The layout is similar to that of all Bo’s residences, with two squatting stone lions guarding the gate, three steps, and the rich door is slightly open, and you don’t even need to knock on the door, you can just push the door and enter.

Enter the gate, bypass the shadow wall, pass through the long inverted room, and there is a courtyard gate on the left side next to the Yimen. The man in the warm hat.

Gu Fuyun stared blankly at this person, then subconsciously stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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