Chapter 212
Gu Fuyun stepped on the snow, walked over, and blessed Zhu Qian: "Brother Zhu is very skilled." Then he asked Chu Rui, "Is Prince Chu alright?"

Chu Rui covered his face and refused to let it go. At this time, half of his face was in pain. Martial arts practitioners already had a considerable pain tolerance, but they were afraid that their swollen half of their face would scare the other party.Seeing that Gu Fuyun cared about him, his heart felt hot for no reason, and he quickly put down his hand covering his face, and quickly replied: "This little injury is nothing serious."

And half of Chu Rui's face has swelled up quickly, ruining all the original handsome features.

At this time, Zhu Wei had already ordered the maids around her to get the ointment for bruises: "It is inevitable for people who practice martial arts to get injured. It's okay, just apply some medicine. Our medicine is very effective. Apply it on and it will guarantee half a day's work." It will reduce the swelling."

Zhu Gan smiled: "Hengshan should have just been distracted just now."

Chu Rui said: "It's a bit distracting, but your leg skills are really good." Then he bared his teeth, "I just felt that my whole head was buzzing, and I didn't even feel it for a while. Response."

Zhu Gan didn't believe it: "What am I? I was kicked in the chest by you last time, and I almost couldn't lift it up in one breath."

At this time, the servant had already rushed over with the ointment.

While Zhou Qing was giving Chu Rui the medicine, Zhu Wei asked Zhu Gan: "Brother, do you want to compete with Chu Shizi? If you want to compete, can you give us some space? My sister and I are going to ski."

Zhu Gan said with a smile: "No problem, anyway, the territory is large enough." Then he pointed to the northwest, and said to Chu Rui, "Let's go there to compete."

Chu Rui secretly glanced at Gu Fuyun, and asked Zhu Wei with a smile: "The county master can ski?"

Zhu Qian said with a smile: "Yes, I'm still skating quite well."

Chu Rui's heart moved, and he subconsciously glanced at Gu Fuyun.It's not like the lady's outfit I saw in the morning, but at this moment Gu Fuyun's hair is tied up in a high bun, tied with a white jade hairpin.Wearing a peacock embroidered cloak with a big red and white fox face on his body.The white fox fur collar set off a face that was as gentle and charming as beautiful jade, especially those eyes that were like black pearls, sparkling like a clear spring, bright like stars.

Chu Rui couldn't help breathing slowly, why is Gu Wu getting more and more beautiful?

Gu Fuyun hurriedly said to Zhu Wei: "I can only skate, not ski." Yu Jiahui is from the south, and there is no place for her to ski in the south, even if she skates, it's just rollerblading.

"Your sister is talking about Binghe? Hehe, skiing is similar to Binghe. Try it, anyway, it won't hurt if you fall in the snow." Zhu Wei couldn't help but ask someone to bring a sled and a skateboard, and began to teach Gu Fu Cloud skiing.

It's all here, so it's not easy to spoil Zhu Wei's interest, and it's true that she has never skied before, so how can she be worthy of the existing opportunities if she doesn't try it?
So with the help of the maid, I stepped on the skateboard and fixed the boots, thinking that this skiing should be similar to skating, so I tried to slide forward, and fell into the mud right away.

Zhu Wei has already stood on the skateboard, and there is no way to help her.Qinghong hurried forward to help her, but Chu Rui helped Gu Fuyun up first.

Qinghong's beautiful face froze for a moment, and she rushed forward quickly, forcing her way through the gap between Chu Rui and Gu Fuyun, separating the bodies of the two who were too close.While patting the snow on Gu Fuyun's body, he said, "Miss, are you alright?"

Gu Fuyun shook his head, he didn't fall on the snow, but he just fell into the mud, so he didn't feel good about it.

At this time, Zhu Wei slid over and said to her: "Skiing is different from Bingxi. Skiing generally doesn't use the strength of the ankles, but mainly relies on the poles in the hands and the strength of the lower body. Try using the poles."

Gu Fuyun regained his footing and saw that Chu Rui was getting in the way, so he said, "Young Master Chu, don't you want to compete with Big Brother Zhu? I think Big Brother Zhu should be in a hurry, right?"

Chu Rui pursed his lips, is she chasing him?

Zhu Gan also said with a smile: "Little girl is skiing, let's not get in the way here. Let's go, let's go over there." The little girl is thin-skinned, how dare she fall all over in front of them?It's better to push people away, so that the little girl can't let go of her hands and feet.

Even Zhu Gan wanted to push him away, and it was even harder for Chu Rui to stay, so he had to follow Zhu Gan resentfully.

After Chu Rui and Zhu Gan walked away, Gu Fuyun let go of his hands and feet and tried to use the pole to support the ground. Not surprisingly, he slipped out and fell on his back not long after.Fortunately, the snow was soft, and it didn't hurt to fall. Gu Fuyun let go of his hands and feet. Although he fell hard a few times, he gradually found the feeling. With more and more frustration and hard work, she really learned it.By the time I mastered the essentials, I was already sweating a lot.Then he tore off the cloak and let go of his hands and feet to ski.Although I still fall occasionally, as long as I am careful not to be distracted, I can still slide normally, but I don’t dare to slide too fast.

Seeing that Gu Fuyun had grasped the essentials so quickly, Zhu Wei even praised her a few words: "It's much better than I was back then."

Gu Fuyun pursed her lips and smiled, learning to ski, the trip was worthwhile.

After skating for several laps and mastering the balance, Gu Fuyun began to speed up.When gliding to the northwest, I happened to see Chu Rui who was kicked by Zhu Gan.Gu Fuyun's heart trembled, and he took a quick look, only to see Chu Rui lying on the snow, stretched all over the place, cursing inwardly that he deserved it, and quickly slid away.

Zhou Qing and Di Long hurried forward to help Chu Rui up, Shizi is not in the right state at all, how can he not be completely abused by others?

Zhu Gandu walked over, looked at Chu Rui, who was already bruised and swollen, and raised his delicate eyebrows: "It seems that your mind is not here." Turning his head, looking at the slender figure going away, he shook his head and said: " Others are more frustrated and courageous in front of beauties, but you are good, but you run in the opposite direction, and you are not afraid that the little girl will despise you."

Chu Rui's face changed slightly, and he subconsciously looked at the slender figure who had slipped far away. Gu Fuyun, who had taken off his cloak, wore a knee-length red skirt with a small collar and sleeves, and a goose egg blue sweat scarf around his waist. The cashmere boots, the loose red satin trousers are tucked into the boots loosely, the body is slightly arched, and the movements are agile, it looks so heroic, like a vivid deer, the movements are quick, clean and charming.

Just now, the picture of herself being kicked flying by Zhu Gan must have caught her eyes.

Would she laugh at him in her heart for being inferior?Or do you call it what you deserve?

Zhu Gan looked at Zhu Wei and Zhu Wei who were skating vigorously, and said to Chu Rui: "It seems that you don't have the heart to compete, let's go, go back to the study to play chess."

Chu Rui subconsciously refused: "Come again, this time I promise not to be distracted." Can't let Gu Wu look down on him anymore.

Make sure to let her see how powerful he is.

Zhu Gan shook his head with a smile, and said to Zhou Qing: "Come and persuade your master." Without giving Chu Rui a chance to speak, he just walked to the outer courtyard like that.

Zhou Qing whispered in Chu Rui's ear: "Master, listen to Mr. Zhu, let's not compare, it's good to play chess with Mr. Zhu."

Chu Rui stared at him openly.Thanks to this bastard, he receives five or two months of silver every month, and at the end of the year, he will give him a thick red envelope. This is how he repays him.

Zhou Qing sighed inwardly, and was about to speak when Di Long yelled, "Master, don't be brave, this face is bruised and swollen from the beating. If I were Gu Wu, I wouldn't take a second look. "

After being hit on the waist, Di Long covered the sore spot and yelled at Zhou Qing dissatisfied: "Why did you abduct me again? I'm telling the truth. The face of Shizi has been beaten into a pig's head. To Gu Wu Is it suitable to trick beautiful men?"

Zhou Qing covered his eyes and said, where did this idiot come from?I don't know him, I don't know him!

Ti Lung belatedly realized that he was blunt again, and quickly covered his mouth and said pitifully, "Master, I was wrong. Although your face is swollen and blue, you are still handsome and mighty."

Touching his own face, it was indeed aching. Chu Rui's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "Deduct your half-year salary." Then he strode towards the direction where Zhu Gan left.

And Di Long was still screaming: "Master, you are so cruel. Why do you have to deduct my monthly salary every time?" Woohoo, his wife is gone again, when will he be able to marry a wife?
Zhou Qing gave him a white look, dropped the word "idiot", and ran over quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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