Chapter 217 Steady
Mrs. Gu hurriedly asked, "Who?"

Gu Yuanshan whispered two words.

Madam Gu's heart beat violently: "Who are you talking about?"

Gu Yuanshan said a few words calmly.

Even Mrs. Gu, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, couldn't help but stare straight in her eyes, unable to recover for a long time.

Gu Yuanshan also caringly gave the old lady time to think.After a while, Mrs. Gu regained her composure and asked, "How is this possible? Didn't it already..."

Gu Yuanshan said: "At that time, my grandson was as shocked as my grandmother. But the other party looked sincere and seemed to be full of sincerity. But I directly refused on the grounds that my fifth sister was already engaged to Su Liu. Unexpectedly, The Su family actually had an incident involving Mrs. Chen falling into the water. That person just came to look for his grandson again. He also said that Mrs. Chen is Mrs. Su's niece and Su Liu's direct cousin. The cousin is a concubine, no doubt a noble concubine, and has lived there for a long time In the Su family, the right time, the right place, and the right people are all in place. My fifth younger sister will marry her, which is just a set-up. Instead of being tortured by the Su family, it is better to take this opportunity to resign the engagement and make the other party happy. Choose another spouse."

Old Madam Gu frowned, and was caught in the middle of weighing the pros and cons.

In the end, Mrs. Gu said coldly: "I can't afford to gamble on your sister's marriage. Even if this person is interested in the fifth girl, but there is no basis for what he says, how can he believe it?"

Gu Yuanshan took out a jade pendant from his bosom, and handed it over with both hands: "Grandmother, this is the family heirloom jade pendant of the other party. It should be good enough to be used as a token of love." Another document came from his bosom, "Look, even the engagement document has been written, marked and fingerprinted. As long as we write down my sister's name, then press the fingerprint and write the date, it will be the real engagement document, which also has legal force."

Mrs. Gu took it over and looked at it. Sure enough, if Gu Yuanshan said, even if the document is not stamped by the government, once the granddaughter's name and surname are written on it, and then the date is written, this document will also have legal effect.

A boulder that was pressing on her chest was suddenly removed, and Madam Gu said angrily, "Although sincerity is sufficient, it must be done by your fifth younger sister. Go, call fifth girl here."


Gu Fuyun entered the inner room, and blessed the old lady respectfully: "Grandmother."

Mrs. Gu was sitting on the couch, looking up and down at this granddaughter. Two delicate eyebrows were embedded in the oval face. The beautiful big apricot was like a pool of autumn water, clear and full of aura. Under the small bridge of the nose, there was a slightly upturned mouth. She looks playful and cute when she smiles, and dignified and solemn when she is not smiling.Pinch of silver, red, green willow and ivory three-color peach red inlaid with white wool trim goose down waistcoat, silver thread embroidered folding technique plum blossom coupling color moonlight skirt, goose egg green sweat scarf tied around the waist that cannot be grasped, ginger yellow embroidered cordyceps sachet The white jade pendant tied with the bean-green palace sash, although not very outstanding, does not look luxurious and rich, but it is also graceful and graceful, like a green lotus standing by the pool, clean and not demonic.

She has raised such a lovely and beautiful granddaughter. It is enough to be wronged to marry a prodigal son like Su Liu, and she has to share a husband with a woman with a deep heart. Madam Gu was furious and asked: "That cousin of the Su family, Can the fifth girl have a solution?"

Gu Fuyun said: "The granddaughter is not filial, and she made my grandmother worry about my affairs. The bridges my grandmother has walked are more than the salt I have eaten. I listen to my grandmother's arrangements. However, the disciples of the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion really It's too high, and the granddaughter can only get it when she is thinking about her feet. But now, she has to worry about her feet and step over it, and she has to live with her head down and her back slumped, and it can only be used as a decoration. Come on, let this Miss Chen and Sixth Master Su be fulfilled."

Mrs. Gu nodded, put away the documents, carefully put them into the box, and said calmly: "Yes, it's okay to walk with your feet on your shoulders occasionally, but it's really difficult to walk with your feet on your feet all the time."

"The day after tomorrow at the latest, the Su family should invite us to discuss the fate of this cousin. Fifth girl, tell grandma that you really want to fulfill those two sluts?"

Gu Fuyun said sternly: "It's natural. I have my grandparents, and my father and brother to support me. Why should I lower myself to the dust for a mere Su family? Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Anyway, there is no pain in this world. An impenetrable hurdle."

Obviously, the granddaughter has long since left her will, and the old lady Gu felt relieved, but she still said: "You know, even if you fulfill that pair of sluts, they won't appreciate you, they will only think you don't know how to flatter you. And, Your road to marriage will become more and more difficult in the future, and you don't care? Don't you regret it?"

Gu Fuyun smiled slightly: "A high school has a high school's magnificence, but a low school also has a low school's simplicity. My granddaughter has no ambitions, and a simple and low-key life should suit me."

Mrs. Gu nodded: "You have always been transparent. No matter how biased God is for this transparent person, God will not wrong you too much. Don't worry, after the marriage with the Su family is divorced, grandma will choose a good one with you. marriage."


Mrs. Gu, who is used to big storms, is as steady as a mountain despite the ups and downs in her granddaughter's marriage.Her calmness and composure also infected Qiao Shi, although her face was still depressed, it was hard to wash her face with tears after all.

The matter between Su Liu and the cousin girl was raging outside, but the Gu family didn't care about it, making a group of people who wanted to see a joke boring.They all thought that even if the Su family was unreasonable first, they believed that the Gu family would not have the guts to ask the Su family to divorce.

The Su family probably also understood this truth. On the third day after the incident, they sent a woman to inform the Gu family, asking the Gu family to go to the Su family to negotiate and arrange for Miss Biao.

Mrs. Gu, who had already decided to divorce the Su family, said to the old lady with a calm expression: "Got it. I don't have time for these two days. Let's go there when we are free. There is no rush."

The mother-in-law of the Su family was stunned, and wanted to say something else, Mrs. Gu had already served tea to see off the guests.

Mama Yang, who received Madam Gu's order, also greeted the old lady with a cold face, and coldly sent him to the corner door, then closed the door and locked it.

The old lady had a cold face and felt resentment in her heart. When she got back, she told Mrs. Su about the rudeness of the Gu family.

Su Liu said anxiously: "Obviously she is blaming me."

Mrs. Su glanced at him: "Promise!"


After the matter of Su Liu and the cousin girl, the Gu family still visited relatives and friends normally, talking and laughing, as if the matter of the Su family was not taken at ease.

At the end of December, Jiang's daughter-in-law, Gu's family, gave birth safely. The Gu family was very happy, and the child's baby name was Bao Ge'er.The eldest son finally had the eldest son, not only the hope of the three generations of the Gu family, but also the top priority of the clan inheritance.Therefore, the three rites of baptism were done extremely grandly.Most of the Gu family's in-laws came to celebrate.

Gu Xiuyun returned to her natal family early, and not only gave generous gifts and supplements, but also helped the Zhou family greet the guests.She is comprehensive, elegant, and elegant, and the demeanor of a noble housewife envies the unmarried sisters of the Gu family, and even the guests are full of praise.

Gu Fuyun also appeared in front of the crowd, helping to greet the guests.Smiling and laughing, Yan Yan is extremely energetic.

When asked about the marriage with the Su family, Gu Fuyun said lightly: "That's what the Su family should solve themselves, so what does it have to do with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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