Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 219 Su Family's Attitude

Chapter 219 Su Family's Attitude
Mrs. Zhou said: "Your sisters are still young, so the marriage is not in a hurry. But the fifth girl is not from our eldest house. As the aunt next door, I don't think I have much say in the fifth girl's marriage."

"I don't know what grandma thinks?"

"It's strange to say that the old lady is quite calm. Maybe your grandmother already has a countermeasure."


Compared with Mrs. Gu, who was calm and composed, Qiao seemed to be in a state of depression. Although she didn't show any sorrow on her face, she gave off a forced smile.

The head of Jiahe County approached Mrs. Qiao and asked about Gu Fuyun's situation.

"Third wife, isn't Gu Wu here?"

Qiao quickly got up and replied: "It's cold, this girl has always been afraid of the cold, and she refuses to go anywhere, and now she's still staying at home."

The county magistrate of Jiahe said: "Recently, I'm bored staying at home. When I have time, I'll go to your mansion to play with Gu Wu. If you bother me, please ask the third wife, Haihan."

The majestic county lord actually wanted to play with his daughter in person. Qiao was flattered and said: "The county lord has a rich body, and it is a great honor to be able to visit the humble house."

The head of Jiahe County said: "That's it. When I have time, I will meet with Jiaoyang and Ninghe to play with Gu Wu."

Mrs. Liu, the wife of the Marquis of Wu'an, who was watching coldly, looked thoughtfully at the Jiahe county magistrate who was talking to Qiao.


The elders and sisters all went to the Princess Mansion, and there were only three sisters, Gu Fuyun, Gu Xiaoyun and Gu Youyun, at home. They had nothing to do, so they nestled in Gu Xiaoyun's room doing needlework and chatting to pass the time.

Gu Fuyun didn't like female celebrities, so he just nestled on the kang, read a book, and chatted with his sisters casually.

The cold wind outside the window is still there, mixed with thin snowflakes, flapping against the window, through the palm-sized glazed window lattice, the yard is in a depression, the cold wind chases the dead leaves all over the ground, and many plants are shivering under the cold wind Trembling, only the cactus under the corner stayed stubbornly in the corner.

While threading needles, Gu Youyun said: "In two months, it will be the day when the third sister will leave the cabinet. I have nothing to give away. I can only embroider a picture of a hundred pomegranates to add makeup to the third sister. I hope the third sister will not be disgusted. .”

Gu Xiaoyun smiled and said: "Fourth sister has a heart. As long as it is given by my sister, I like it, so why don't you hate it."

Gu Xiuyun said again: "I really envy the third sister. The Yun family is not far from the Gu family, only two streets away. Unlike the Wu family, it takes more than an hour by car."

Gu Xiaoyun said: "What is this distance?"

"That's right, the Su family is farther away from the Gu family than the Yun family."

Suddenly Gu Xiaoyun glared at Gu Youyun again: "Fourth sister, don't talk if you can't speak. No one will think you are dumb."

Gu Youyun looked aggrieved: "I'm sorry, third sister, I was wrong, I shouldn't have mentioned the Su family. Fifth sister, don't take it to heart."

Gu Fuyun glanced at her, and said calmly: "It's okay, Fourth Sister, it's okay to mention the Su family, but Fourth Sister wants to see my jokes, but you will be disappointed."

Gu Youyun froze: "Fifth sister, what do you mean? I really didn't mean to read your joke."

Gu Fuyun didn't answer her because Su Liu came to the door.

Because he and the Gu family had already engaged, the gatekeeper directly opened the door and asked someone to inform Gu Fuyun.

Gu Xiaoyun asked angrily, "What is he doing here?" But he got off the kang, put on his shoes, and adjusted his dress.

Gu Fuyun thought for a while, and said: "Forget it, let's see each other." He asked someone to take Su Liu to the banquet hall.

Gu Xiaoyun looked at the girl: "Shouldn't someone call him to Hanxiangyuan?"

"He's not worthy yet." Gu Fuyun counted all the girls in the house, and took them to the banquet hall.

Gu Xiaoyun saw that she was leaving just like that, and hurriedly called her: "Are you going there like this?" Anyway, I have to change my clothes again and do some make-up.

That cousin Chen has a pretty good looks.

Gu Fuyun smiled and said, "That's not necessary."


The customer's banquet hall is generally not open, and even if it is open, it can only receive distinguished but ordinary guests.

Two young servants carried a large three-legged stove and put it in the middle of the hall. The fire was strong, hot, but smokeless. This was the smokeless silver charcoal that nobles loved so much.There are still agarwood tablets on the fire, and the smoke is curling up.

Su Liu was riding a fast horse against the cold wind all the way, shivering from the cold, when he saw someone from the Su family bring in the stove, he couldn't help but gather his fox fur cloak and squat down in front of the stove, Rub your hands together and start a fire.

Another maid came in with hot tea.

Su Liu was very thirsty, so he quickly picked up the tea, and Gulu drank most of it.The hot tea poured into his belly, and his limbs that were about to be frozen were finally revived.

Roasting on the fire, drinking tea, and finally warming up completely, Su Liu got up, stomped her feet, and looked at the door from time to time.

Gu Fuyun didn't keep him waiting, and came over quickly.

"Gu Wu..." Su Liu's eyes lit up, and he hurried forward.

However, Gu Fuyun gave a dignified blessing: "Sixth Lord Su."

Being so polite and unfamiliar made Su Liu at a loss: "You and I are not outsiders, so there is no need to be so polite."

Gu Fuyun didn't care about these issues, and said politely: "Sixth Master Su, please sit down."

Su Liu saw that Gu Fu's expression was cold, he didn't seem to be angry, instead he felt uneasy, and after obediently sitting down, Gu Fuyun also sat down on the big chair opposite him.

Gu Fuyun was sitting upright, with his legs close together, his hands clasped on his knees, his shoulders straight, his gaze serene, and his pale face even more picturesque, making the already gloomy hall look radiant in an instant. light blooms.

"It's freezing cold, Sixth Master Su is looking for me, but what's the matter?" Gu Fuyun's voice was soft, with the standard sitting posture and tone of a lady.

Even though the girl's bright pupils looked at her, they were like water in an ancient well, without waves or threads.This made Su Run, who was already flustered, even more uncomfortable and flustered, and all the remarks he had prepared were thrown away, and finally he only had time to squeeze out a sentence: "I believe you should have heard about the incident of my cousin falling into the water. "

Gu Fuyun nodded.

Su Liu bit his lip, the girl's calm reaction really caught him off guard.

It stands to reason that no girl can sit still when encountering such a thing.

If it were any other girl, she would have already used her temper to scold him endlessly.

He was also mentally prepared to be accused by Gu Wu angrily.

But Gu Wu's calmness made him at a loss.

"I'm sorry about my cousin, but under the circumstances at that time, if I didn't save her, my cousin would just disappear...I..."

Gu Fuyun interrupted him: "Sixth Master Su came here just for Cousin Chen?"

"Yes Yes……"

Gu Fuyun smiled slightly: "What is Su Liuye's plan?"

"...Cousin's reputation has been ruined, for the sake of my cousin's reputation, I want to take her as a concubine..." Afraid that Gu Fuyun would get angry, Su Liu quickly explained: "Don't worry, taking her as a concubine is fine. It's just a helpless act. In my eyes and in my heart, you are the only wife. Letting my cousin be my concubine is a last resort, the main reason is to give her a title so that she won't be hurt by gossip."

Fearing that Gu Fuyun might misunderstand, he hastily explained: "At that time, I couldn't care less about the situation. I didn't think of the consequences until I saved my cousin, but it was too late to regret it. I can't just ignore death, right?"

Gu Fuyun said: "Sixth Master Su, you are right."

" really think so?" Su Liu's eyes lit up.

Gu Fuyun nodded: "Well, you are not wrong, neither is Cousin Chen, so there is no need to blame yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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