Chapter 232 Miss Chen, You Win

Gu Fuyun looked at Su San again: "Miss Su San, you are Miss Chen's cousin. Tell me, should I allow Miss Chen to come in?"

Su San bit her lip.

Seeing that Gu Fuyun had broken the momentum he had created with great difficulty, Chen Yan cried loudly: "Miss Gu, it's not that my uncle and aunt won't let me in. It's mainly because of you." Then she cried sadly, "I My aunt said, if I can get the girl's consent, my aunt will let me in. Otherwise, why would I beg you regardless of face?"

"Cousin, you were there at the time, did your aunt say so?"

Su San woke up like a dream, and hurriedly said: "That's right, my mother did say that. Gu Wu, it's not that my parents don't agree with my cousin being my brother's child, but because they care about you. You can promise my cousin. As long as you agree Now, isn’t everyone happy?”

Wang Jingqin took a deep look at Su San, feeling so regretful that his intestines turned green.She is really in a daze, how can she make friends with such an idiot?
Lin Xue hurriedly said: "So that's how it is. Mrs. Su is really a rare good elder. Although Ms. Chen is Mrs. Su's niece, she still cares about your feelings. Such an elder is really rare."

Seeing Wang Jingqin staring at her with icy eyes, Lin Xue hurriedly said, "Cousin, what do you think?"

Wang Jingqin pursed her lips tightly, holding back the anger in her heart, did this cousin want to put eye drops on Gu Wu so she did it on purpose, or was it her original intention?

Zhou Wanying also hurriedly said: "If this is the case, I also think Miss Gu Wu should agree to let Ms. Chen in. After all, there is no better way than this."

Gouging out Zhou Wanying's eyes, Wang Jingqin's heart was full of anger. Now she fully understands that this is a trap. She used her birthday party to call these ghosts and snakes to attack Gu Wu. It is true that Gu Wu has no face. There is no harm in making friends with the young lady of Xungui's family" is false.

And it was her good cousin who encouraged her to post to these people.

Wang Jingqin looked at Lin Xue's eyes with fire, wishing to eat his flesh raw.

Lin Xue put aside Wang Jingqin's anger, although she used her cousin as a gunman once, but the five thousand taels that man gave her was enough for her to spend half her life.

It is true that the Lin family in the south of the Yangtze River is a family, but these years have been in decline, and there are endless weddings in the clan.I thought that after entering Beijing, relying on my grandfather's family would get rid of the money dilemma.Unexpectedly, the grandfather's family is only superficially glamorous.Even the place to live is so cramped and cramped.So far she can only squeeze in the attic with her cousin.Today, my cousin has a banquet, so I have to rearrange the attic.The more banquets he participated in in the imperial capital, the more he felt the embarrassment caused by the lack of money.

Not surprisingly, she will choose a husband in the imperial capital, but the Lin family, including the grandfather's family, is unlikely to buy him too much dowry. Seeing other ladies wearing gold and silver, there are groups of servants, there are BMWs driving around, and there are servants at the beginning. In piles, shouting in front and embracing in back, stars holding the moon.However, Gu Wu, who was inferior to her in terms of status, talent and learning, owned two large shops facing the street, and the annual rent was thousands of taels of silver, which made her heart-wrenchingly uncomfortable.

You can have five thousand taels of silver by talking about it, why not do it?
Even if he offended his cousin to death, so what?That man promised that after the matter is completed, he will find her a good husband who is not bad in every aspect.After she got married, what was the cousin's hatred?
Wang Jingqin almost fainted when she saw that Lin Xue's dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

The extreme anger made Wang Jingqin unbearable, and said loudly: "This is the first time I have seen such a shameless person when I grow up. Chen Yan, it really opened my eyes."

Chen Yan looked shaky on his face, but he didn't think so in his heart.

Don't look at the fact that Miss Wang is famous in the circle of aristocrats, but look at the place where the third steward of the Su family lives is wider than this.

She became more and more determined to be a concubine for her cousin.

Seeing everyone's expressions in his eyes, Gu Fuyun thought to himself, Lin Xue, Chen Yan, and Su San, these three people should be working together to plot against him.As for Zhou Wanying, it should be that the image of a good old man is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so she was specially drawn to help the other party.

Although I don't know what kind of role Wang Jingqin played here, Gu Fuyun is still very grateful to her.

As for Chen Yan, probably because of the broken ax or something, she knelt at her feet and kept crying. If Gu Fuyun disagreed, she would keep on kowtow.

Wang Jingqin couldn't stand it anymore, so she went to pull Chen Yan.But Chen Yan struggled desperately, and continued to climb to Gu Fuyun's feet and begged bitterly.Wang Jingqin was furious, so she asked someone to call her mother-in-law and tied Chen Yan up.

"It's the first time I've seen such a shameless person. But you are shameless, and I want shame. Hurry up, tie her up, gag her, and send her back to Marquis Wu'an. Madam Su please discipline her well." .”

With despair in Chen Yan's eyes, she struggled desperately.

Gu Fuyun said to Wang Jingqin: "Miss Wang, forget it, let her go." Then he said to Chen Yan, "Although I really look down on you, I won't make things difficult for you."

Chen Yan's face was already full of tears, Wen Li raised a big face: "Sister, do you mean that you agreed to let me in?"

Gu Fuyun said with a smile: "Marriage is a matter of two surnames. I can't make the decision by myself. I have to go back and discuss with the elders before I can make a decision. Just wait for me to recover in two days. Don't worry, I promise to give it to you." You are in for a big surprise."

Why did Gu Wu suddenly become so talkative?
The crowd was bewildered.

Could it be the ecstasy array set up by Gu Wu?Chen Yan looked vigilant.

Qingjuan was not happy anymore: "Girl, this person clearly wants to create a reputation for public opinion against you, so you can't be fooled." She hasn't even used her strengths yet, why is the girl so cowardly?
Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "I have nothing else but self-knowledge. In terms of closeness, it's not as good as Mrs. Su's relationship with Ms. Chen's aunt and nephew. In terms of tactics, it's not as good as Ms. Chen's variety of tricks. It's about crying skills and pretending to be pitiful. I am also ashamed of my ability. Compared with Ms. Chen, I am really useless." She stared at Chen Yan, "But Ms. Chen, ever since I knew you would also be a guest at Wang's house, I have been watching the sky and the clouds. , It’s sad to walk, and it’s sad to sit. It’s just because I’m a lady, I can’t learn to sing, read, play, etc. All the suffering, I can only swallow it in my stomach. Miss Chen, there are three thousand in the world, and there are three loves. Dignity, restraint and self-respect, they have been integrated into my life and flesh and blood. Even though you and I are ladies of everyone, it is a pity that we are not from the same way.”

Gu Fuyun smiled softly again: "The plot you made today left me with nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. I knew it was your plot, but I couldn't fight back and could only be at your mercy. Ms. Chen , I have to admit, you won."

 I overslept this morning, and I was woken up by a call from a customer, and then there was chaos again.Update as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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