Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 234 The Furious Marquis of Wu'an

Chapter 234 The Furious Marquis of Wu'an

"Come back." Chu Rui said again, "Since Lin Xue also made a lot of effort, I must give her a big gift." After thinking for a while, he told Yingyu, "Find a way to let Mrs. Chen's daughter-in-law come forward, Ask her to send the reward to Wang's family in person and give it to Lin Xue, and say it's a reward for her."

Yingyu was startled for a moment, and then felt sympathy for Lin Xue in her heart.

Chu Rui explained again: "Don't be so stupid as to expose yourself."

Yingyu rolled her eyes and said, "I'm doing things, don't worry." That Mrs. Chen's daughter-in-law is greedy and stupid, she just encouraged her mother-in-law, that is, Mrs. Chen, to persuade Chen Yan, let her stay in the Su family wholeheartedly. In order to stay in the Su family, she is really ugly and can say anything shameless.

Yingyu went to Niu'er Lane, pretended to be the outsider of a passing noble family, and knocked on the door of Mrs. Chen's daughter-in-law's house.


Marquis of Wu'an Mansion.

Knowing that her niece actually went to Miss Wang's house to beg Gu Wu, Mrs. Su almost fainted, and said angrily, "How could you do such a thing?"

Chen Yan cried and explained: "Auntie, Yan'er really doesn't want to leave you, let alone cousin, this is the only way."

Mrs. Su said angrily: "But if you do this, you will lose your reputation." Outsiders only know that the cousin of the Su family is shameless in order to be a concubine.

Chen Yan wept and said: "In order to be with my cousin and continue to serve my aunt, I have no choice but to do this." Then she added, "What's more, I'm a concubine, what do I need that reputation for?"

Madam Su had nothing to say.Although the niece's move was a bit shameless, it was indeed effective. No matter how aggrieved Gu Wu was, he probably could only knock out his teeth and swallow his blood, and agreed to let the niece in.

Mrs. Su sighed, and said: "Yan'er, although you got what you wanted, you have offended Gu Wu to death. When she comes in in the future, she will be the mistress and you will be the concubine. I want to set rules for you. I can’t say too much.”

Chen Yan said, "As long as you can be with my cousin and continue to serve my aunt, what's the point of being wronged?"

Mrs. Su's expression turned pale. Although she knew that this niece was not as cute as she appeared on the surface, she really couldn't like Gu Wu. However, the Su family has always had a reputation of being "enlightened", so it's not easy to be a wicked mother-in-law. It is also a good way for the niece to restrain Gu Wu.

Mrs. Su taught Chen Yan a few words, and when she found her daughter sitting there in a daze, she said angrily, "What are you thinking?"

Su Wu frowned: "Mother, I always have a bad premonition in my heart. Then Gu Wu, you are acting too calm today."

Madam Su frowned: "Tell me about the situation at that time."


After Su San almost recovered the situation at that time, just like Su San, Mrs. Su felt a little uneasy. She had a faint feeling that Gu Wu was so calm, could there be another trick?

Marquis Wu'an rushed in angrily, and before Mrs. Su got up to meet him, he threw a teacup with his hands.

"Mr. Chen, you stupid woman!" Marquis Wu An was furious.

The enraged Marquis Wu An had a ferocious expression, his eyes seemed to be devouring.Mrs. Su was so frightened that her heart thumped, and it took a long time before she said softly: "Master Hou calm down, what happened? Made Master Hou so angry?"

Marquis Wu An dropped another teacup and kicked a few pieces away. He roared angrily: "The Gu family came to the door just now, and they are going to divorce the engagement. He threatened that if the Su family did not agree to the divorce, they would go to Shuntian Mansion to file a lawsuit, or ask the emperor to decide. Mrs. Chen, I didn't expect that your majestic lady would do such an extremely shameless thing."

A look of pain and infatuation.

Mrs. Su had done all her calculations, but she never thought that the Gu family would divorce, so she hurriedly said, "Why did the Gu family want to divorce? Didn't Gu Wu promise well before to let Yan'er in? Why are you canceling the engagement again?" If the marriage was retired for the sake of the family, the Su family would really become a joke.

Marquis Wu An sneered: "The Gu family said that Ms. Chen didn't care about her reputation and face in order to make a child for our son. The Gu family was deeply moved by such infatuation and decided to withdraw voluntarily to fulfill Ms. Chen's infatuation. Besides, everyone in the capital We all know that it was you who ordered Mrs. Chen to kneel and beg Gu Wu. Gu Wu didn't want to embarrass you, so he voluntarily withdrew to fulfill your aunt and nephew's love."

Mrs. Su was startled, opened her mouth wide, and hurriedly said, "I didn't instruct Yan'er to kneel down and beg Gu Wu, who did Hou Ye listen to?"

Chen Yan was overjoyed, she didn't expect Gu Wu to be so useless.

Only then did Marquis Wu An discover Chen Yan, and his hawk-like eyes shot over.Chen Yan shivered, her uncle's eyes seemed to be devouring, it was terrifying.

Marquis Wu An squinted his eyes, and clenched his fists to resist the urge to hit someone.

Beating his wife and daughter was fine, but if there were rumors of beating his niece, it would be really embarrassing.

Glancing at Chen Yan, Marquis Wu An sneered at his wife again: "Madam is tricky. Knowing that the girl is thin-skinned, as long as Mrs. Chen begs in front of Gu Wu and builds momentum, she will be able to get her wish. Your aunt and nephew did get their wish, Gu Wu voluntarily resigned from the marriage to fulfill you. Mrs. Chen, are you going to celebrate with each other?"

Chen Yan was shocked, and quickly made an innocent and pitiful expression.

"What did uncle say? Yan'er couldn't understand."

Marquis Wu An sneered, at this time Chen Yan was still kneeling on the ground, becoming more and more weak and helpless, but Marquis Wu An disdained him even more, and said condescendingly: "Mr. , you achieved it. But in this life, you can only be a concubine."


Marquis Wu An was too lazy to look at her, pulled Su San, and slapped her: "Nie Zhan, what did you do when you went to Wang's house today, tell me honestly!"

Unexpectedly, Su San would be slapped by his father, and was dazed by the slap, covering his face with tears rolling in his eyes.

Mrs. Su hurriedly hugged her daughter, and said angrily: "Master Hou, why are you so angry at me, what are you doing for beating your own daughter?" How can a father beat his daughter without asking innocence.

Marquis Wu An said angrily: "I won't beat her, and wait for her reputation to be ruined? You know, the whole capital is now rumoring that I, Su's wife and daughter can't get it right. A rare and shameless concubine."

"Mr. Chen, it's fine for you to be shameless yourself, but don't teach my daughter badly." When Marquis Wu An thought of the outsiders' comments on her, he was angry and said sadly, "Feng'er, your mother is confused, and Mrs. Chen is confused. Why are you so confused? Have you read all your books into the stomach of a dog? In front of outsiders, you actually spoke for a shameless concubine, and even framed your own mother for injustice, you... She is really a good daughter of my Su family."

Marquis Wu An was only angry when his niece did such a shameless thing.But his own daughter was also involved, and Marquis Wu'an was not only disappointed, but also heartbroken.This girl is the daughter of the Su family's careful education, how could she be so stupid?

Seeing that his wife wanted to protect his daughter, Marquis Wu An pointed at Su San, and said to his wife, "Do you know what this villain said to force Gu Wu to agree to let Mrs. Chen in?"

"This evil actually said that it was ordered by you."

Madam Su shook her body.

(End of this chapter)

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