Chapter 236
Su and Gu's family divorced, and there were many rumors outside, some said that the Su family was not authentic, and that the Chen family was shameless and shameless.But considering the power and wealth of the Su family, it is reasonable.

Because the incident happened at the Wang family, and it was Miss Wang's birthday party, in front of so many people, I couldn't hide it even if I wanted to.As a result, public opinion fermented quite quickly.Even if Su and Gu's family divorced, Mrs. Su's slander, Mrs. Chen's shamelessness, and news that Su San couldn't figure it out spread all over the place.

Some families who originally wanted to marry the Su family also gave up their minds seeing that Su San could do such a thing.

Miss Wang was also attacked by public opinion.

Ms. Wang also put on the hat of "concealing evil intentions".

Miss Wang was so angry that she could only hide in her mother's arms and cry bitterly.

Mrs. Wang felt sorry for her daughter's grievances, and she was so angry that she gritted her teeth, but there was nothing she could do.Because at this time, if you explain to the outside world that your daughter is only bewitched by her cousin Lin Xue, will others believe it?Even if she believed it, her daughter's reputation of "not distinguishing between right and wrong, good and evil" would not escape her.

"Mother, my cousin is so chilling. I thought I didn't offend her, but instead helped her everywhere. I didn't expect that she would plot me like this and stab me in the back."

What I hate the most is that this birthday party really lost my wife and lost my army.The maids and guards brought by Gu Wu were all edible, and the money her mother gave her was not enough at all, and she even made up a lot by herself.But it still caused a fishy body, so I was ashamed when I thought about it.

Compared with the grievances suffered by her daughter, Mrs. Wang gritted her teeth with hatred.But things have happened, and we can only try our best to make up for it.

"My son, don't cry anymore. Crying can't solve the problem, you have to find a way to make up for it." Mrs. Wang analyzed her daughter's mistakes, "How can people not make mistakes? Only by making mistakes can we learn to grow. You have three mistakes , you shouldn’t trust Lin Xue too much, you must not have the heart of harming others, and you must be defensive. Even if you send her the post, you must know who she invited, instead of giving her full power to let yourself Being passive. This is the first mistake. Things have already happened, and Chen Shi and Gu Wu are together, then you should leave a message about Chen Shi's movement. Once Chen Shi wants to make a demon moth, you should stop it immediately, or put They separated. But you didn't do anything and let it happen. It was the second mistake."

Seeing her daughter's crying gradually stopped, knowing that she had listened, Mrs. Wang continued: "The thing has already happened, and it cannot be undone. But you have to explain a few words, and explain the ins and outs of the matter clearly. At least you can give Lin Xue a slap Let everyone know that you did not invite Mrs. Chen. You are not harboring evil intentions, but were deceived by Lin Xue."

Miss Wang wept and said: "At that time, I also wanted to tear Lin Xue apart. But she is my cousin after all, and I wanted to save some face for her..."

Mrs. Wang sneered: "You save face for her, but did she save face for you?"

People in the world value face, even if they hate each other poisonously, they still have a kind face.Most of them folded their arms and tucked them into their sleeves, and rarely exposed their severed arms for outsiders to laugh at.

Lin Xue was sure that Miss Wang would not attack her on the spot, so she plotted against Gu Wu and her own cousin with peace of mind.Afterwards, I cried and said that I didn't do it on purpose. I blamed myself because I was scared at the time.

Miss Wang just wanted to have an attack, but she couldn't find a reason.But when she thought of the evaluation of her outside, she felt overwhelmed and uncomfortable.

Mrs. Wang said coldly: "I have offended you, the only way I can do it now is to find a way to make up for it. Come on, follow me to the Gu family."

"What are you doing at the Gu family?" Miss Wang was stunned.

"Of course it's an apology."

"Gu Wu won't forgive me." Thinking of Gu Wulin's meaningful eyes before he left, Miss Wang was filled with hatred.

"We don't have much contact with the Gu family, and we don't expect to be forgiven by the Gu family. We just have to make things clear, so you won't let you bear this bad reputation for nothing, right?" Lin Xue, protected by the old lady, sang again After a fight, they could only knock out teeth and swallow blood.But the Gu family must know what Lin Xue has done, right?


Although most of the rumors outside sympathize with Gu Wu, everyone knows that the truth is the truth, there are continuous twists and turns in the marriage, and Gu Fuyun's future marriage may be difficult.

This is exactly what Qiao Shi was worried about, and hated the entire Su family to the point of blood. Although the Su family's [-] taels of silver bill was used as compensation and her daughter's relief, Qiao Shi still felt that her daughter had been wronged afterwards. It's nothing, but the queen is lustful.

Qiao Shi hated her husband Gu Gaojie again, and said to her eldest daughter, "It's all your father, an old bastard, an old bastard, if it wasn't for him, why would your sister be like this?"

Today's Gu Gaojie is still detained by the old lady in the ancestral hall to copy the family letters, ten times a day, and has been copying for half a year.More than once, Gu Gaojie asked people to bring messages to Mrs. Qiao, asking her to intercede in front of the old lady.Qiao deeply hated his misbehavior, fearing that he had not suffered enough and released him early to harm his children, and in order to save money, he hardened his heart and refused to intercede in front of the old lady.He also ordered his children not to intercede.


Chu Rui came out of the palace on horseback, wearing a black cloak woven with golden cranes, following the footsteps of the horse, it raised a beautiful arc in the air.

From the founding of the Dasheng Dynasty to the present, only a very small number of nobles have the qualifications to ride horses in the palace.

Chu Rui drove out of the palace gate, and the guards who had been waiting outside the palace gate chased after him and protected Chu Rui in the middle.

Zhou Qing steered the horse, approaching Chu Rui, facing the cold wind that cut his face, and said to Chu Rui: "Master, the Gu family has officially divorced the Su family."

Chu Rui accompanied him in the palace last night, and he only left the palace at this time.

Chu Rui was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Okay! Go back to the mansion immediately." With a horse's belly, he ran all the way to the Duke Huguo's mansion regardless of the biting cold air.

Zhou Qing gritted his teeth, but could only follow behind.

Chu Rui rushed into the Longevity Hall like a gust of wind, and after entering the yard, he slowed down, patted the crumpled crimson silk robes painted with cranes all over his body, straightened the jade belt inlaid with five-color gemstones, and wiped away all the wounds caused by running away. Shi Shiran entered the room after twisting the pouches, palace tassels, and jade pendants back into place one by one, and shaking the sleeves with colorful borders.

"The son of the world has come to pay his respects to the old lady." Her own maid opened the felt blanket.Chu Rui stepped into the room calmly, and the house that burned the earth dragon was as warm as spring. Chu Rui took off the cloak on his body, handed it to the maid on the side, and saluted the old lady, "Greetings to grandma."

Looking at the handsome grandson, Mrs. Chu's brows and eyes were full of smiles.

"Are you hungry or not? I asked someone to cook chicken soup. Drink a bowl quickly to replenish your vitality."

Chu Rui drank a large bowl of angelica and black-bone chicken stewed soup, the warm soup, mixed with the medicine of angelica, and the unique chicken fragrance entered the throat, and after a while, the whole body became warm, Let the stiff limbs brought about by the wind and rush all the way be liberated.

"The Gu family and the Su family divorced, grandma should have heard about it." Chu Rui drank chicken soup and ate a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake before getting down to business.

Mrs. Chu said indifferently: "It has been spread all over the world, and of course grandma has heard of it."

"Then grandma should go to Gu's family to propose marriage?" Chu Rui resisted the excitement in his heart, pretending to be plain and authentic.

Mrs. Chu's expression was even calmer than his: "What's the hurry? The Gu family just divorced the Su family, and we ran to propose marriage at the back. If we don't know, we will go in. It is said that the Gu family divorced the Su family after climbing a high branch. .” At any rate, I have to wait until the limelight passes before going to propose marriage.

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  Woohoo, Taozi has no other requirements, but I just ask the sisters to support me.

  The landlord's house is almost out of food.

(End of this chapter)

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