Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 244 I have to decide Chapter 1

Chapter 244 I have to make a decision

Shu Qing was quite excited. If the girl was engaged to be the son of the Protector of the Kingdom, then the girl was indeed Xianyu turned over... Bah, bah, bah... But, what should she be called if she is not called Xianyu turned over?

After the excitement, Shu Qing felt her back straightened, and the stale air that had been suppressed in her heart was exhausted.

Shu Qing has already figured out how she will be cursed by people from all walks of life after marrying into the Duke Huguo's mansion together with the girl, so she can't wait to hide and laugh three times...

Compared to the happy faces of the maids, Gu Fuyun quickly suppressed the unknown excitement in his heart.You don't need to guess to know Chu Rui's motive for marrying her. There is really nothing to be excited about.

Of course, there is still a lot of excitement deep in my heart.

This kind of excitement did not come from love, but from the sense of superiority brought by the top nobles of the Duke Protector's Mansion and the resounding response to the neglect and humiliation of the Su family.

In fact, she still has a lot of resentment towards Chu Rui, hating this guy for doing so many stupid things to her, and she can only swallow all the bitterness in silence.

All the disgusting things about the Su family were brought to her by this guy.

She had to treat him regardless of past suspicions.

Well, all the forbearance in the past finally paid off handsomely.

Thinking of what Master Hongya had said, Gu Fuyun slightly raised his eyebrows, and went to Shou'an Hall without saying a word.

Gu Xiaoyun didn't understand why, so she thought that the girl was too excited, shook her head, laughed and cursed, and then went to Shou'an Hall.

When she went to the Shou'an Hall, the joy she imagined did not appear, but the girl's helpless crying, she couldn't help but rushed over in three steps at a time.Then everyone in the room stared with big eyes, looking devastated, but Gu Fuyun knelt under the old lady's knees, hugged the old lady's legs and cried loudly: "...Have you forgotten, grandma? Why did you order me for the prince of the protector of the country? The main reason is that our horoscopes are not compatible. What kind of person is Master Hongya? Both sides will be hurt, and there will be a bloody disaster. Grandma, you can't push your granddaughter into the fire pit."

Everyone was anxious, the fifth girl had finally re-arranged the marriage, and she was still a disciple of the Chu family, she almost woke up laughing from a dream, why did she have another nightmare of incompatibility?

Mrs. Gu also thumped: "Really?"

"It's more real than pearls. Brother of the Chu family, who wouldn't be tempted? The granddaughter wants to marry even in her dreams. Grandmother forgot, so why did the little Liu come to settle the granddaughter? Isn't it because the little Liu has evil intentions."

Mrs. Qiao was also dumbfounded, her daughter's joy of marrying a noble family was once again poured cold water.

Also because Chu Rui's marriage proposal greatly exceeded psychological expectations, the two parties automatically saved the procedure of combining horoscopes.

Gu Gaoyun was not very willing to part with such in-laws as the Chu family, and said disapprovingly: "These so-called horoscopes are only used to comfort the world, so there is no need to take it seriously."

Gu Gaohai also nodded.

But Qiao Shi was entangled.

To be honest, the disciples of the Chu family are [-]% satisfied.

When a daughter marries, she is a real in-law, which is also of great benefit to the Gu family.

But the characters don't match...

Seeing this, Gu Fuyun said again: "What kind of person is Master Hongya? Since he has said it himself, even if he is forced to marry, there will be changes. When the time comes to implicate the Gu family, then the granddaughter will become the eternal sinner of the Gu family. .”

She couldn't be more clear about the purpose of Chu Rui marrying her.

She doesn't mind marrying Chu Rui, and only by marrying into the Chu family can she be humiliated by the disgusting Su family, and she can be regarded as a real salty fish turning over.

But let her marry into the Chu family with tears of gratitude, but the other party has a face of grace and redemption, and she feels very weak.

In comparison, my own marriage is difficult, and I have to take a step back in front of the urine stone of the dignified prince.

Although Tai Hospital also has experience in treating stones, it cannot cure them completely, especially urinary stones.And her acupuncture and stone removal skills are rare.It is not a loss to use the position of the wife of the prince of the Duke's Mansion in exchange for a future body and peace.

But in the eyes of outsiders, and even in the eyes of my own family, the Chu family who came to propose marriage is a kindness to the Gu family and a salvation for her.And she has to be grateful.After marrying into the Chu family, it's all right to be a cow and a horse, and to do your best.

Why should she be a cow and a horse for the Chu family?It is obvious that she is the one who is kind, and it is obvious that the other party is the one who calculated first.

She is willing to marry Chu Rui, but she can't marry with a grateful heart.

If you want to marry, you have to marry in a fair manner, and you have to be careful.It is even more important for the world to understand that she, the fifth girl of the Gu family, was forced to marry by the Chu family, not her.

Mrs. Qiao really felt sorry for her daughter, so she said, "In that case, old lady, it's better to call off the marriage."

Gu Gaoyun disagreed, and Qiao Shi angrily scolded: "Great love is not your own daughter, of course you don't feel bad. If Ah Fu married in the past, there will be troubles, can you take responsibility?"

Jin was happy to agree with Qiao and said: "That is, my own flesh and blood, and only myself hurts." Fortunately, the fifth girl was not lucky, and she finally got engaged to Chu Rui, and the characters were not compatible. God has eyes.

The Zhou family was a bystander, and said to Mrs. Gu: "Madam, why don't I go home and ask my uncle?"

The old lady Gu's eyes brightened instantly, "Yes, my uncle is a well-known geologist." The old lady was also unwilling to borrow the Chu family's marriage.After all, today's elation is all thanks to the Chu family.

So Mrs. Gu decided to go to the Chu family in person to test the Chu family's reaction first.It's not a big deal if the horoscope does not match, and it can be solved by finding a geologist.

Of course, it is not that Mrs. Gu has not considered the worst plan, but with the Xiao family and the Jiang family at the bottom, and the sincerity of Chu Rui when he proposed to marry, she is not particularly worried.


Knowing that the grandson was one step ahead, and had settled Gu Wu, who had just divorced the Su family, Mrs. Chu was surprised, but at the same time she smiled happily, and patted Chu Rui's shoulder: "That's right, man, if you want to do it, you must do it. Be fast, ruthless, and decisive."

After hearing what Da Lang said, Mrs. Chu was also frightened for a while: "Thanks to your quick action, otherwise Gu Wu would really be ordered to leave."

Chu Rui also became terrified after knowing it. It was really dangerous. If he hadn't acted quickly and colluded in advance... Bah bah, he bought Gu Yuanshan in advance and had his tip-off, otherwise there would be nothing wrong with him.

So Chu Rui complacently showed off his collusion with Gu Yuanshan, and secretly seduced his cousin Chen as a proud event in his life, which aroused the surprise of Mrs. Chu.

"It turns out that the cousin of the Su family was actually planned by you secretly, so that you are a bastard who is not as good as a beast."

Chu Rui explained: "The Chen family is just the daughter of an ordinary official family, and their family fortune has fallen, so they have no choice but to join the Su family. After seeing the wealth of the Su family, how can they be willing to leave the Su family? I will try my best to stay. I will give some help from it, and I will not worry about her not performing hard."

Mrs. Chu was both surprised and delighted: "That's the reason. Gu Wu is indeed the material to be a mistress, and saved you twice, both public and private. You must marry back, and you can't take advantage of the Su family boy."

"It's also inseparable from grandma's wise and powerful plan." Chu Rui flattered the old lady again. If the old lady hadn't come forward in person, she had invited Mrs. Zhongding Hou to analyze the disadvantages of her niece being a concubine for her son to Mrs. Su Even Mrs. Su would not agree to divorce so quickly.

After carefully reading the engagement document, Mrs. Chu said with a smile: "In two days, I will go to the Gu family to finalize your wedding date. Finally, your marriage has been settled, and grandma will feel at ease."

Chu Rui knelt down in front of his grandmother's knees and said, "The grandson is not filial, let the grandmother worry about it."

The afternoon sun was particularly warm, and the house was full of joy, and the grandparents and grandchildren were immersed in a warm and beautiful atmosphere.

Mrs. Gu's visit made the grandfather and grandson look at each other in dismay.

"I just got engaged in the morning, and it's coming this afternoon. Will there be any changes?" The pessimistic Mrs. Chu couldn't help her heart pounding.

Chu Rui was also a little flustered, but he still said calmly: "Impossible, the document has been written, and both parties have pressed their fingerprints, unless there is an unavoidable reason. Probably Mrs. Gu has other things."

The grandfather and grandson calmed down and warmly received Mrs. Gu.

It's just that when they saw Mrs. Gu with a serious face, the two of them inevitably raised their hearts.

Although she had a bad premonition in her heart, Mrs. Chu still stepped forward to greet her: "Old sister, although you and I have known each other for many years, this is the first time you have visited the door. You are really a rare visitor. From now on, you can walk around more and more. Yes."

Mrs. Gu, who was dressed in royal blue and covered with tens of thousands of words all over her head, smiled shyly, "That's natural. After all, you and I have been friends for many years."

Looking at Chu Rui, I was a little surprised: "My son is also here."

Chu Rui respectfully said: "I met the old lady. I made a marriage contract with the fifth girl, and I came back specially to tell my grandmother, so that my grandmother would be happy."

Old Madam Gu felt more and more uncomfortable, and almost shed tears.

"You are all good. I also know the sincerity of the son of the world to the fifth girl. It's just, just..."

I really come here for whatever I am afraid of.

Mrs. Chu and Chu Rui looked at each other, Mrs. Chu hurriedly said: "Old sister, what's wrong with you? But you are not satisfied with my Dalang?"

"My son has such a character and appearance, and such a family background, we are [-]% satisfied. It's just... well, it's also our girl who is unlucky, and she doesn't get along with my son. If other fortune tellers would Forget it, it happened that Grandmaster Hongya personally cut it off. Sigh, how can you take such a risk with such a noble son?"

Mrs. Gu was wiping her tears while testing the other party's reaction.

Amidst the wafting fragrance of tea, Mrs. Chu's eyes darkened and she almost fell to the ground.

Horoscopes don't match, is God trying to play tricks on people?

Chu Rui calmed down a little, but his heart was pounding, and he hurriedly said: "Why did the old lady say this? The characters don't match? How is this possible? Who is the old lady looking for?" Block, crushed bones and ashes.

Mrs. Gu sighed and said: "Master Hongya of Huguo Temple, Master Hongya is highly respected and a famous monk in the capital. The prophecy is really..."

Master Hongya's name is indeed quite well-known in the upper circles of the imperial capital.Mrs. Chu could barely lift her breath, it was really uncomfortable.

Chu Rui looked strange: "Hongya?"

 Isn't it just an engagement? I see how excited you are.

  Don't get too excited yet, be realistic.

  The Bai family in "Knowledge" brought a million-dollar dowry to marry the hero's father, saving her husband's family from the fire and water. It can be said that without Bai's million-dollar dowry, the Gu family would have ruined their certificates and won the title.According to normal people's thinking, Mrs. Bai is the great benefactor of the Gu family.In fact, the entire Gu family only regarded Bai as a climber.If you didn't have a million dowry, my Gu family would have married you?How miserable is Bai Shi?Not to mention one dead body and two lives, the only son was also squeezed out and framed, and his body was miserable.

  Don't underestimate the ancient views of disciples, it is a sense of superiority that penetrates into the bones, and it is not something that can be eliminated if you have medical skills and a dowry.Our heroine is also planning for a rainy day.

  Come, come, applaud our smart, visionary heroine who has not been dazzled by victory! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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