Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 250 The Truth About Falling into the Water

Chapter 250 The Truth About Falling into the Water

Even Zhou Qing suddenly understood, and immediately ran towards Qingsi, shouting, "Help me..."

Qingsi stretched out her hand in disgust.

Zhou Qing was pushed out and fell a long way.

Gu Fuyun looked down at him: "Okay, tell me!".
Chu Rui withdrew his hand and knelt down again, his eyes were like a frightened little man, floating around, clearly looking like a guilty conscience.

Mrs. Chu's heart thumped again, could it be that this bastard who is worse than a beast has done something even worse than a beast to the little girl?
Chu Rui gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and then quickly said: "At the Princess Anyang's mansion, I met the fifth girl on an arched bridge. When the fifth girl passed by me, she accidentally stepped on a stone, and her body fell to the ground. Go sideways." At this point, Chu Rui raised his head to look at Gu Fuyun, then quickly lowered his head, "At that time, I subconsciously reached out to pull Wu girl, but when I saw Wu girl, by accident, I followed Wu girl. With the strength of the girl, she fell from the bridge into the water..."

The room was very quiet, absolutely silent.

But Chu Rui knew that this was just the calm before the storm.

After a while, there was a loud roar: "So it was you who killed my son!"

It's Trader Joe's.

Qiao also threw herself at Chu Rui with all her strength, beating and scratching him, scolding him while beating: "You bastard, you made our Ah Fu miserable, you bastard..."

Immediately afterwards, Gu Yuanshan also came back to his senses, rushed up and kicked, cursing while kicking: "You despicable villain, you have no shame."

Not willing to be left behind, Gu Yuanhang also lifted his robe to help kick people.

Mrs. Zhu got up, twisted the handkerchief, looked left and right, and stepped forward without falling behind, showing that she, the sister-in-law, did not neglect her duties, and she was only trying to vent her anger on her sister-in-law.

Looking at the grandson who was beaten by the crowd, Mrs. Chu covered her eyes, unable to bear to look any further.

Afraid that she couldn't bear it, she also stepped forward to join the gang fight.

Even Mrs. Gu's eyebrows trembled. Thinking of the grievances and rumors that her granddaughter had suffered, she really wished she could come forward and make amends.

It's just that Qiao's is too careless, so why just slap her in the face?
Seeing the bloodstains being dug out on Chu Rui's face, Mrs. Zhou quickly got up and pulled Mrs. Qiao up before Mrs. Gu could speak: "Third siblings, be careful when your hands hurt." Together with the maid, drag Mrs. Qiao to death Pulled up.

Qiao's hands were stopped, and he did not forget to stretch his legs to kick Chu Rui's feet.

"Let go of me, let me beat this little bastard to death, let you plot against me, and let your whole family despise me."

Old Madam Gu saw that the more she talked, the more she became unseemly, so she hurriedly said: "Come here, take Third Madam back to rest."

Mrs. Qiao refused to go back to the house, she broke away from Mrs. Zhou, and went to hold Gu Fuyun and cried fiercely: "My poor son, who are you provoking? So many sins. God, you really don't open your eyes."

Gu Fuyun also started to cry, threw herself into Qiao's arms and cried softly, "Mother, I said at the beginning that I really didn't do it on purpose, but everyone refused to believe me!"

Anyway, Chu Rui's lifeblood is in his hands, it's a great opportunity, if he doesn't take the opportunity to avenge his revenge, how can he live up to the forbearance these days?
"I won't marry, I will never marry." Qiao said fiercely, "Even if the heavenly king and I come, I will not marry you to the Chu family. Even if I raise a girl for a lifetime, I will never marry my daughter to you again." people."

Mrs. Chu hurriedly said: "My wife, please calm down, and speak up if you have something to say."

"There is no in-laws here. The old lady can ask someone else to go. Anyway, I don't agree with this marriage. I firmly disagree." Mrs. Qiao really put it all together.If anyone dares to force her to marry a daughter again, she will fight for him.

Seeing that the brothers Gu Yuanshan had almost kicked people, Mrs. Gu said: "Da Lang, Er Lang, that's all, stop."

Gu Yuanhang waited for this, and then stopped angrily, seeing that Gu Yuanshan was still kicking people, but Chu Rui didn't say anything, his feet were itchy again, kicked again, and then sat back on the chair again.

Gu Yuanshan kicked and kicked, and now he was the only one left, and he was too embarrassed to continue kicking, so he said angrily: "It's too much to bully people, it's really too much to bully others."

Mrs. Chu hurriedly said: "It is absolutely impossible."

Mrs. Gu also said with a straight face: "Fifth girl, come here."

When Gu Fuyun came to her side, the old lady pointed to the scar on her forehead: "Come and see, come and see, this is the fifth girl who was tricked by your grandson back then. You can't argue with what you're referring to, so you can only prove your innocence. You didn't see the tragic situation of the fifth girl at that time, she was really bleeding profusely... almost died..." At this point, Mrs. Gu thumped again. Heartbroken, he howled, "I'm to blame too, I'd rather believe outsiders' words than my own granddaughter, forcing the fifth girl to hit the post to prove her innocence, my miserable granddaughter..."

Mrs. Chu was so angry that the words of Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Qiao pierced her heart like a knife, and all of this was planned by her precious grandson. Rui greeted him, beating and cursing: "You bastard, you are not ashamed to kill you."

The old lady is also a martial arts practitioner. Her red gold dragon head crutches are solid, and it hurts to hit her body. Chu Rui hurriedly put her head in her hands and begged for mercy: "Grandma, I was wrong, I was wrong."

"I'm not the one you're apologizing to, and it's not I'm the one who was hurt by you. There's a point in apologizing to me." Mrs. Chu was frothing, and her strikes were extremely heavy. After a few crutches, Chu Rui He was beaten until he cried and begged for mercy.

"Grandmother, I was wrong, fifth girl, I was wrong. I won't argue for myself, just please don't ignore me."

But Mrs. Gu, Mrs. Qiao, who was in a fit of anger, would not agree to this marriage, and insisted on canceling the marriage.

Mrs. Chu became anxious, and put down her cruel words: "Miss Wu is my grandson-in-law who has been chosen out of thousands of people. If you don't marry back, I won't recognize you as a grandson."

Chu Rui hurriedly said to Gu Fuyun again: "Fifth girl, I really know I was wrong, I know, I'm an asshole, I deserve to die..." Then he said pitifully, "Just give me another chance, okay? "

"Chu Shizi, if everyone is like you, if they do something wrong, they will be beaten up, and they will be done with an apology, and then everyone will follow suit in the future, so that's okay?" Gu Fuyun said coldly.

Chu Rui's face was scratched with several blood marks by Mrs. Qiao, part of his hair was loose, and his body was covered with shoe prints. He looked really embarrassed.He said pitifully: "I know that I have sinned a lot, and you won't forgive me for a while, but I promise you that I will never do it again in the future."

Gu Fuyun turned his head, unwilling to look at him again.

Chu Rui was helpless, and looked at Mrs. Chu begging for help.

Mrs. Chu kept a straight face, and shouted: "Don't look at me, I knew this earlier, why bother."

Chu Rui looked at Mrs. Gu pitifully again.


 Out of words

  Chu Rui: If you come out to mess around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.

  Gu Wu: Tolerate things that ordinary people can't bear, and enjoy the blessings that ordinary people can't enjoy... I can't make it up anymore. After all, it's not just relying on rare goods to live. If you don't take revenge now, when will you wait?
(End of this chapter)

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