Chapter 255 Acceptance
Seeing the ferocity of the goose for the first time, Chu Rui was caught off guard. After all, it was Gu Fuyun's pet. He didn't dare to go too far, so he could only kick General Bai out again.Of course, he still controlled the strength under his feet, General Bai was just kicked flying, not injured.This angered General Bai even more, so he got up and continued working.

Chu Rui hurriedly hid behind Gu Fuyun, hugging her with both hands, with a look of "I'm so scared".

Gu Fuyun struggled and said, "Let go of me."

Chu Rui had to let her go because General Bai was running towards him again.

General Bai's angry cry attracted the attention of Shu Qing and the others, who rushed in one after another to find out.

I saw General Bai covered with anger and bristling goose feathers, flapping his wings, chasing Chu Rui desperately.

Chu Rui slowed down, was pecked by General Bai on the buttocks, covered his buttocks and almost jumped up, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and was about to break General Bai's neck, but when he saw Gu Fuyun reprimanded him lightly like a silver bell, made him change his strategy.

Chu Rui didn't dare to go head-to-head, so he had to dodge all the way. He was chased by General Bai and ran all over the house, shouting and shouting: "Help, Ah Fu, you can't do nothing." His actions made the maids laugh so hard that they couldn't straighten up.

Chu Rui ran all the way, and inevitably knocked down the tea set and porcelain on the table. In order to save these porcelain, he was caught by General Bai again, and he pecked hard on his ass.Chu Rui gasped in pain, and quickly hid towards Gu Fuyun.

General Bai saw that the enemy was running around after being chased and beaten by him, his morale was boosted, his momentum was like a rainbow, and he became more brave and aggressive.

Chu Rui had to hide behind Gu Fuyun, avoiding General Bai's attack from time to time.

Gu Fuyun was dizzy and had to say: "General Bai, stop, stop. Qingjuan, quickly carry General Bai out."

If she doesn't stop, she will be fainted by Chu Rui.

Qingjuan hurried forward and hugged General Bai, ignoring its desperate struggle, and quickly carried General Bai out.

Chu Rui hugged Gu Fuyun tightly, and said after the catastrophe: "It's too scary, this is really just a goose? The fighting power is too strong."

"It deserves you to bully me." Gu Fuyun said angrily.

Chu Rui smirked and said: "But, I still have to bully you in the future."

"What did you say?" Li Fuyun raised her brows upside down.

"I said, you will bully me in the future."

"Slick tongue, how long are you going to hug?" Don't think she doesn't know his tricks.

"I'm cold." Not only did Chu Rui not let go of her, but he hugged her even tighter and slapped her.

Shuqing hurriedly said: "I'll go to Second Grandma and bring a set of Second Master's clothes." Then she led the girl and hurried out.

Gu Fuyun elbowed his waist, "Deng Tuzi, let me go!"

Suddenly something behind him changed from soft to strong, and his body froze.Just as she was about to jump away, she was hugged tightly by the man again, "Don't move, Ah Fu, let me hug you for a while, just for a while."

The man's murmured voice rang in his ears, Gu Fuyun rolled his eyes impatiently, stretched out his hand, squeezed the restless thing, and said, "If you dare to be restless again, you will be castrated."

Chu Rui froze and didn't dare to move, but chuckled in her ear: "Are you willing? This is your happiness for the rest of your life."

Although he is only fifteen years old, but he is pretending to be an adult woman, so Gu Fuyun would not pretend to be shy, and snorted softly, "Rare." He squeezed the hand still wrapped around his waist: "Here I'll be more honest."

Chu Rui let go of her unwillingly, but after a while, he hugged her again and said shamelessly: "Just don't let go."


"I just won't let it go." Chu Rui hugged her slender waist tightly. The girl's unique softness made him the essence of eating, and he couldn't let go. He put her hands on his waist and used The lower body pushed against her, "If you feel disadvantaged, you can also hug me."

Gu Fuyun blushed with anger, and said bitterly: "Shameless." However, he still hugged his waist halfway and halfway.

Well, it's not bad, it's soft and hard, without any fat, and it feels really good when you hold it.

The sexy degree of a man's small waist is actually no worse than that of a woman's slender waist, and it is equally attractive.

What she loves most in her life is a man's waist, sexy buttocks, and slender legs.

Because the upper body was bare, the waist skin directly felt the different touch brought by the girl's soft and tender hands. Chu Rui felt as if there was an electric current passing through the waist, and felt that the whole body was going to be crisp.

Somewhere began to move around again, and desperately wanted to break free from the master's control.

Gu Fuyun once again felt this guy's uneasiness, and quickly pushed him away.

"Keep an inch, don't you?" Gu Fuyun glared at him.

Gu Fuyun's eyes were originally beautiful, like Wang Qiushui, but at this moment he was staring with anger, Chu Rui always felt that his femur was limp and his body was weak, and he could hardly lift his strength.

Chu Rui couldn't bear it anymore, buried his head in her neck, and murmured: "Thank God, I finally got you."

It's fine if he doesn't say it, but when he said it, it brought back unbearable memories for her, and she stomped on him again: "You still have the nerve to say it."

Chu Rui chuckled, although it was a bit embarrassing, but if he didn't use such a trump card, he would not be easily forgiven by the beauty.

If it wasn't for time, Chu Rui would still stay in the house and spend time with Gu Fuyun.


At the beginning of Youshi, the Gu family held a family banquet to entertain Chu Rui's grandparents.Gu Gaoyun and Gu Gaohai went down to the Yamen and accompanied them.

The prospective aunt of the Gu family is naturally a delicate guest of the Gu family, and Chu Rui received the highest standard of reception.

At the dinner table, Mrs. Chu and Mrs. Gu decisively finalized the date of their marriage, and they will be married in September next year.

Gu Fuyun didn't want to marry so early, so he grabbed Mrs. Gu's hand and said coquettishly, "Grandmother, granddaughter wants to stay with grandma for two more years."

Chu Rui said unhappily: "Wait until next year? Can't it be brought forward?"

Mrs. Gu suddenly turned her head and said to Mrs. Chu: "The fifth girl is not ready yet, I also want to keep the girl for another two years, or can we discuss their marriage next year?"

Chu Rui hurriedly said: "September is just right, September is just right, neither hot nor cold, so Ah Fu won't suffer."

Everyone was amused by his tense tone.

Mrs. Gu also knows the current situation of the Chu family. Mrs. Chu is a generous and straightforward person.If the five girls are married, they will be the proper mistress and grandma, with the protection of Mrs. Chu on the top and the respect of Chu Rui on the bottom. If they give birth to a son-in-law, their status will be as secure as a rock.

Mrs. Qiao obviously thought of this, and she became more angry with Chu Rui. She generously drank Chu Rui's apology wine, said words of encouragement, and cared about his injuries.

Chu Rui knew that the prospective mother-in-law had accepted him, and she was beaming with joy: "Thank you for your mother-in-law's concern, my son-in-law is hot-skinned and thick-skinned, so it's okay."

Old Mrs. Chu said to Gu Fuyun: "In the future, if he makes you angry again, just punish him by kneeling down."

Everyone burst into laughter, Mrs. Gu said: "My girl from the Gu family can't do such a thing, don't teach her badly."

(End of this chapter)

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