Chapter 261 Boya Society

"Fourth sister, it's okay. Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs." Gu Fuyun comforted a few words, and then called Gu Shuyun by name, "Seventh sister, it's your turn."

There were two noble daughters of the clan present, and the youngest Gu Shuyun was a little stage frightened, so she said, "Sister Zhu should go first."

Gu Fuyun said: "It's okay, you go ahead. It's just for entertainment, why put pressure on yourself?"

Gu Shuyun stepped forward, fortunately, two of the eight arrows hit.

"Not bad, not bad, better than me." Gu Fuyun applauded.

Gu Xiaoyun also boasted: "Seventh Sister is not good at archery, so it is not bad to have such a result."

Gu Shuyun's originally uneasy heart was relieved.

When it was Jiang Shumei's turn, she was hit by three arrows.

"Although Miss ** is not as good as the top, she is more than the bottom, haha." Gu Fuyun said with a smile.

"I made everyone laugh." Jiang Shumei was also a little embarrassed, "It seems that I have also held everyone back."

"I don't blame you. If I want to blame, I blame your group for having bad Feng Shui." Gu Fuyun said.

The head of Jiahe County quit, and said, "Gu Wu, you plant, you and I are singled out."

Gu Fuyun said: "One-on-one is one-on-one. But I have one condition."

"You said."

"I want to choose someone to team up with me."

The head of Jiahe County rolled his eyes: "Success, I will choose Zhu Wei to form a team with me."

Everyone was surprised, because it was well known that Jiahe county magistrate looked down on Zhu Wei.

Gu Fuyun was furious: "How can it happen? Sister Zhu is my righteous sister, so she should form a team with me." Then he said to Zhu Wei, "Right, sister?"

Zhu Wei said, "It's only natural."

Gu Fuyun looked at the Jiahe county magistrate triumphantly.

The head of Jiahe County pursed his lips and said, "Forget it, you guys continue."

Next was Gu Shuyun, her shooting skills were only average, and she only hit two shots.No matter how she voted, with Zhu Wei's jewels in front, their group would lose.

Gu Fuyun announced that the Princess of the Scorching Sun's group won, and the winning group could share the lottery equally.

Princess Scorching Sun had seen all kinds of beads before, so she said to the team members: "You guys choose first."

Gu Xiaoyun said modestly: "How can this be done? Let the princess choose first."

Princess Jiaoyang said: "I haven't made much contribution, so the person who contributed the most should be chosen first. County Lord Junning, you can choose first."

Zhu Wei said: "I am a guest, and the guest is up to the owner. The host should choose first." Let Gu Xiaoyun choose first.

Gu Xiaoyun said casually: "Sixth sister is the youngest, so why not let Sixth sister choose first."

Gu Qingyun was even more embarrassed to choose first, because she contributed the least, so the person who contributed the most should be chosen first.

Seeing their politeness, Gu Fuyun simply said: "Don't be modest, let me divide it." Number all the prizes, write the numbers on bamboo sticks, throw them into the box, and let everyone choose bamboo. sign.The number on the bamboo stick is the corresponding lottery head.No one suffers.

Everyone felt that this idea was good, but it was difficult to choose which one to choose.

Gu Fuyun said: "Why is this so difficult? The one with the highest score should be drawn first. Do you have any objections?"

It is indeed the fairest to draw the one with the highest score first, so Zhu Wei draws first.She was really lucky, she actually won the lottery of Jiazhu County Mistress and Jiaoyang County Mistress.The Princess of Scorching Sun, Gu Xiaoyun, and Gu Qingyun took turns to draw, and they returned home with no dissatisfaction.

Gu Youyun lost her bead ornaments, she was really distressed, but she didn't dare to show it out, so she could only smile on the surface and said to Zhu Wei: "Sister Zhu is really amazing, not only her archery skills are first-rate, but her luck is also first-rate."

Zhu Wei glanced at her: "Are you jealous?"

"..." Gu Youyun hurriedly said, "Sister was joking, I want to be jealous of such an excellent person, but my sister is so warm and generous, I like it so much, I can't get jealous."

"I hope you mean it."

Princess Jiaoyang said to Zhu Wei: "I didn't expect your casting skills to be so good. At the beginning of next month, it's the turn of Jiahe Mansion to hold the Boya Club. Are you interested in participating?"

Everyone gasped.

On the contrary, Zhu Wei asked, "What is that?"

Gu Xiaoyun explained: "The Boya Society was originally founded by Mrs. Yahui, the wife of Mr. Fang Fang, who was in the boudoir, which is now the Guozijian. Gatherings of art, riding, archery, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Later, these noble ladies each invited the noble ladies who were familiar with and had special skills to join together, and gradually formed an elegant club gathering where there were many scholars talking and laughing, and there were no casual contacts. Then it gradually evolved into As long as a noble girl has a skill, she can join the Boya Club. If three members of the Boya Club recommend it together, she can become a member of the Boya Club. I have little talent, and I have heard of her name, but I have never participated in it. My eldest sister, Is one of the members of the Boya Club."

According to Gu Fuyun's explanation, the establishment of the Boya Club, to put it bluntly, is a cultural salon held by ladies who are proficient in talents, and only talented ladies are eligible to participate.Being fortunate enough to be a member here is a sign of being recognized by the mainstream cultural circles. They bring their own gold bars, and they bring their own hair dryer and stereo when walking.

Princess Scorching Sun is a well-known talented woman in Beijing, so she is naturally a member of the Boya Society and the president.The head of Jiahe County is the vice president with superb chess skills, calligraphy and painting.

Jiaoyang recommended Zhu Wei to join the club, which is to recognize Zhu Wei's shooting skills, and also to win over Zhu Wei.

After listening to Gu Xiaoyun's explanation, Zhu Wei said: "Thank you, princess, for your kindness, but, in my capacity, I'm afraid I'm not suitable to participate."

The Jiahe county head said: "Anyway, you are also the county head appointed by my emperor's uncle, so I can't be more suitable. I will give you a vote too." Then he said to Gu Fuyun, "I will also give you a recommendation, and you also go."

"Ah, me?" Gu Fuyun pointed at himself, quickly waved his hand and said, "I'll forget it, I can't know how much I own." It's better not to lose that ugliness.

The head of Jiahe County said: "Although you are really not good at reciting poems, your stick figures and charcoal drawings are amazing enough."

Princess Jiaoyang also said: "Jiahe is right, I will write you a recommendation later."

Gu Fuyun secretly thought that the medical skills that my sister is good at are not qualified to show off.On the contrary, the sketches that I have learned in calligraphy and painting classes for several years in elementary and junior high schools can still come in handy.It's also thanks to the skills of this idea, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to break into the circle of noble women.

(End of this chapter)

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