Chapter 263 Cramps

"Charcoal wood painting also needs inspiration. Once you have inspiration, you can draw quickly. You also need to be calm. If you are impetuous, you will not be able to draw the essence." In order not to be given too much expectation, this product is also No matter how hard he tried, he could come up with such an excuse.

Because there is no such painting method yet, everyone really believed it.

The county magistrate of Jiahe brought it over, took a closer look, and said, "Second sister-in-law's painting skills are indeed top-notch, fresh and connotative, and spiritual. But I still think your painting style is unique, three-dimensional and realistic. Of any school of painting, I'm afraid I can't find another one that can have such realistic painting skills."

The most important thing is that although the second sister-in-law Gu Shi is a famous talented woman, her relationship with Gu Shi always has a sense of disobedience that makes people feel powerless.

She didn't realize it before, but after she got together with Gu Fuyun, Jiahe County Mistress finally understood why she didn't like getting along with her second sister-in-law.

Princess Jiaoyang and County Chief Jiahe stayed at Gu's house until three quarters before leaving.Jiang Shumei is also a talented woman, she is good at calligraphy, and she writes neatly and neatly in small letters with hairpin flowers in one hand. She is a teacher of Guozijian Jijiu Fang's wife, and she is still well-known in the Qinggui sect.It's just that they rarely appear in the circle of top ladies.Most of the circles she joined were civil officials and Qing schools similar to the Jiang family.Today, I am fortunate to get along with a top-notch noble lady like Princess Jiaoyang, and I have gained a lot.On the one hand, he learned simple charcoal drawing from Gu Fuyun.Secondly, she got acquainted with Jiahe, the lord of Jiaoyang County, and was even recommended by the two to become a member of the Boya Society.For Jiang Shumei, who is not yet married, this is one of the best ways to raise her status, which is more solid than Lao Tzu's promotion.

Princess Jiaoyang and County Princess Jiahe left together, and when the troika of gold-embedded jade-encrusted azurite hangings, necklaces and tassels inlaid with treasures and tassels drove out of Gu's house, Princess Scorching Sun asked Princess Jiahe: "You used to value birth the most. Yes, why are you so approachable today?" His attitude towards Zhu Wei can be regarded as friendly.

Jiahe's temperament is not good, and he can be described as defiant.Usually her status is not as good as hers, and she is useless, and she never takes a look at her.Even if the status is noble, as long as it doesn't suit her, he will directly throw face.Very capricious.

Before Jiahe didn't pay much attention to Gu Wu, why did he change his temper later?
Jiahe was silent for a while, and said: "Gu Wu once said something to me, and I think it makes sense."


"She said that noble daughters like us are born noble, but the chance of going high and high is only one in a hundred, because our starting point is already high enough, and the possibility of further progress is almost zero. And those of low birth Girl, it’s easy to drive low and go high.”

Princess Scorching Sun's complexion changed slightly, and he was thoughtful.

The head of Jiahe County said again: "After all, it is the county head appointed by the emperor's uncle. If we look down on him in every possible way, wouldn't we slap the emperor's uncle in the face?"

In this room, Gu Fuyun, who sent off the guests, was also secretly asked by Gu Xiaoyun: "When did you get so close with the Jiahe county magistrate?"

If it was just because Gu Fuyun and Chu Rui were engaged, it would be fine if Jiahe treated them differently, but when Jiahe posted a post to Gu Fuyun, the incident with the cousin of the Su family had only happened a few days ago.

Gu Fuyun smiled, and replied: "There is also a Jinghe county magistrate in the Boya Society. This person is not only superb at archery, but also first-class in riding."

"What do you mean, I don't understand." Gu Xiaoyun was at a loss.

It's not easy for Gu Fuyun to speak too clearly, after all, it's just her speculation.

Furthermore, since you sincerely want to have friendship with others, you can't say anything against them in front of anyone.

Gu Xiaoyun saw that she refused to speak, so she thought to herself, she is also a smart person, and when she thought of Jinghe county master who was famous for riding and shooting, she understood it.


In a blink of an eye, it was March in Yangchun.

Although the cold is still there, flower viewing banquets have sprung up like bamboo shoots in every household.

Gu Fuyun, who had received at most three or five sporadic invitations in the past, received no fewer than twenty within half a month.

Qinghong sorted out these posts one by one, including the party of a certain lady from the Earl's Mansion, birthday invitations for a noble lady from a certain Marquis's mansion, and a poetry club organized by a certain Miss from the Duke's Mansion.

Gu Fuyun is not familiar with these ladies, even if they meet each other, they don't even have a word, so naturally they don't want to go.

She had kept in mind the time of Boya Club, the head of Jiahe County, and it was less than five days away.

And the only thing she can do is a refreshing sketch.For a while now, I am retreating at home, painting day and night.Don't ask for a blockbuster, just don't be left behind.

"Girl, are you going to reply to these posts?" Shuhong tore down all the posts and put them on the desk one by one.

Gu Fuyun is fighting with the eyes on the plain paper. The tears in these eyes, whether they are happy, joyful, sad or hesitant, can be drawn by a skilled painter with charcoal.Although her realistic skills are not bad, the description of the eyes and expressions is far from enough.It's been working hard to make up for it.

"Let's all go back, let's just say that there have been many things recently, and I have already accepted the invitation of the Jiahe county magistrate, and I am holding my feet at home temporarily."

Qinghong said: "How can you say that? Otherwise, those people don't know how to belittle the girl."

Gu Fuyun stopped writing, and said seriously: "What's the saying? A bad person can instantly become a Buddha by putting down the butcher's knife, and a good person will reveal his true colors when he does something bad. Do you want your girl to reveal her true colors? Become a Buddha?"

"There is no such metaphor."

"Oh, your girl is not very knowledgeable, otherwise how can I compare it?"

Qinghong was stopped by the question, but she also admitted that what Gu Fuyun said was quite reasonable.

"Girl, then I will really write back and post like this."

"Well, let's write. It's just cramming. As a human being, you have to be honest."

The corners of Shuqing's lips twitched, this is not honesty, it is clearly lowering the expectations of others, and when the time comes to make a big splash, it is clearly pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

 If you don't have any special skills, you will feel ashamed to transmigrate into a noble girl.

  If you don't have an idea and IQ, you won't be a good mess even if you time travel.

  My heroine doesn't have a blockbuster ability, so she can only figure it out slowly.

  Personally, I still like the type of thin water and long flow, one step at a time.

  The readers who can catch up to the present probably have the same preferences as me.

(End of this chapter)

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