Chapter 267 Gu Xiuyun

Gu Fuyun said: "That's not true. You and I are both invited by the Jiahe county lord, so at least we have to give the Jiahe county lord a face."

The head of Jiahe County wanted to say: "I really don't need you to give me face. If you want to rob, just do it and don't care about me."

But on the surface, he said, "County Junning, Gu Wu is right, at least you have to show me some face." That's all, anyway, Jinghe has learned a lesson, even if she hates her, she is not afraid.

Only then did Zhu Wei let Jinghe go, "Hurry up, and don't let me see you again, or I will hit you every time I see you."

Jinghe didn't dare to speak harsh words anymore, covered her face and ran away crying.

The head of Jiahe County said to Gu Xiuyun: "Second sister-in-law, please send someone to send Jing and cousin back safely."

If anything happens on the road, don't blame me.

Gu Xiuyun hurriedly said: "Okay, I'll do it now." He hurriedly led the maid and left.This sister-in-law is really poisonous, even the bandit's daughter was invited here, and Jinghe was offended, she wants to be quiet, and then go to the mother-in-law to clarify the matter, so as not to be involved.

After walking a few steps away, Gu Xiuyun turned back to look at Gu Fuyun, the girl was talking to Jiahe, Jiahe nodded with a smile, and then the two went to the pavilion side by side.

Gu Xiuyun continued to walk forward, but his heart was full of twists and turns, when did the fifth sister and sister-in-law get so close?


Zhu Wei's tough style, Jiahe's protection, and Jiaoyang's courteous treatment, even if these noble ladies still have some complaints in their hearts, how can everyone dare to show their heads for Jinghe's fate.

Even Miss Su San, who had just made a fool of herself, was slapped by Zhu Wei. At this time, she was also a gourd with her mouth sawn, and she no longer had the same air as before.

On the contrary, it was Zhu Wei who won praise from everyone for her superb shooting skills.Throw the pot with one hand, throw the pot with both hands, and come with a wave.Even throwing the ear of the pot with both hands is impossible for ordinary people. Anyone who can throw the ear of the pot with one hand is already a master.Then throw the pot ears with both hands, ten times and ten hits, with such a brilliant record, who would dare to question her identity as the daughter of a bandit?
If you really annoyed him and ended up like Jing and the county master, why bother?

Therefore, apart from the unhappiness caused by Jing and the county lord at the beginning, the Boya Club gathering this time has achieved unprecedented success.

Cuiying Pavilion occupies a vast area. On the other side of the shadowy bamboo forest, Zhao Jingming, the third son of Princess Anyang, seems to be entertaining friends on the other side.

Because separated by the bamboo forest, I can't see clearly, only five or six young men.Zhao Jingming is not yet married, presumably the young master who he is in contact with should not be married either.

As a result, the ladies spoke more harmoniously, and their manners and conversations became more refined.

Gu Fuyun also vaguely understood a little bit, but she didn't care. Anyway, she was engaged, so she didn't care about these so-called images.

Suddenly, most of the fear of marrying Chu Rui disappeared.

Because Zhu Wei alone took most of the limelight, neither Gu Fuyun's charcoal sketch nor Jiang Shumei's lower script came in handy.But as long as they are human beings, they seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Gu Wu's family background and the status of the future wife of the protector of the country, as long as they are not blind, they will not offend them openly.Even if Gu Wu is really ignorant, so what?The original intention of the Boya Club was not only to create momentum and increase the status, but also to expand the social circle and bring visible benefits to the family?
As for Jiang Shumei, the daughter of a fourth-rank civil official's family, she is indeed not outstanding.But the members of the Boya Society are all talented women with real talents and knowledge, and there are also many people with lower family background than her.It was also because Jiang Shumei was not threatening, but she was more able to get away with it than Gu Fuyun.In just half a day's work, he became acquainted with the daughters of several civil servants.

In this liberal arts society, throwing pots is the first project.Although Gu Fuyun's skills are not good, but because he is in the same group as Zhu Wei, he has been leveling up and fighting monsters along the way, and has gained a lot of benefits.

The technology of the leader of Jiaoyang County is not much better, but if he chooses the right partner, he will simply win.

The second project is to recite poems and make pairs.Both Gu Fuyun and Zhu Wei were not good at it, so they voluntarily abstained.Also because Zhu Wei was not easy to mess with, no one dared to say that half of them were not here.

Jiang Shumei showed off a little bit, giving her a sense of presence.

The third project is Poetry Fighting. Everyone sits on a big round table and beats the drum to pass the flowers. When the drum stops, whoever gets the flower gets up and writes a poem related to "Spring".If you can't do it, you will be punished with a glass of wine.

Gu Fuyun took advantage of the fact that he didn't know how to compose poetry, so he took the initiative to take on the job of playing drums, which was regarded as participating in the activity, and he didn't sit on the bench.

On the contrary, Jiang Shumei was almost a blockbuster. Not only did she know the pairs, but she could also compose poems. Although the poems were not very good, they were still original.

Playing until noon, under the warm sunshine, Gu Fuyun's biological clock, which has to take a nap every afternoon, rushed.

Eyes are astringent, I really want to sleep.

I couldn't help but yawned.

Someone suggested to go horseback riding.

But Gu Fuyun took the opportunity and said: "I don't know how to ride a horse, so I won't go."

The head of Jiahe County's eyes flashed: "It's fine, you can do your own activities. Oh, by the way, the peach blossoms in the back garden are blooming, you can go and see the peach blossoms."

"Princess Mansion is so big, I still don't want to wander around, what if I get lost." Gu Fuyun didn't dare to walk around, if something happened again, he would really jump into the Yellow River and wouldn't be able to clean himself up.

"It doesn't matter, I'll send a woman to show you the way." The head of Jiahe County really pointed out a woman to her.

The county magistrate of Jiahe and a group of young ladies went to ride horses at the racecourse, the woman said to Gu Fuyun with a big smile on her face: "Miss Gu Wu is going to enjoy the peach blossoms, please come here."

But Gu Fuyun said: "No, I don't want to go to admire the peach blossoms right now, let's go to my big sister first."

She just wants to find a place to sleep now, otherwise she won't be able to feel refreshed all afternoon.It shouldn't be a problem to take a nap at Big Sister's.

Only then did the woman realize that Miss Gu Wu was not only a guest invited by the county lord, but also the second grandmother's natal sister, so she smiled and said, "Second grandmother lives here, please come with me, Miss Gu Wu."

The place where Gu Xiuyun lives is a large courtyard with five entrances. The layout of the garden within the garden, entering the courtyard, surrounded by tall walls, isolates a new world, rockery, pond water, small bridges and lotuses. The scenery of each courtyard is different.This courtyard alone is equivalent to half the size of Gu's residence.

At this time, Gu Xiuyun was still busy in the courtyard, who said that today is the day when my sister-in-law entertains the ladies?The eldest grandma just gave birth and is recuperating.The job of serving and assisting my sister-in-law to entertain guests fell on Gu Xiuyun.

Gu Xiuyun was arranging today's dinner, when the servant girl reported that the fifth younger sister had arrived, she put down her work and got up to greet her.

"Fifth Sister doesn't play with her sisters, why did she come to me?" Gu Xiuyun smiled and pulled Gu Fuyun over, and sat on the Arhat bed with herself.

 The three brothers stay in the store in turn to do odd jobs, the boss is doing okay, the second is handsome for only three seconds, and the third is messy and twisted, alas

(End of this chapter)

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