Chapter 282 The Hot County Head
"Let's go, I'll see you off." Chu Rui took her hand and lifted the curtain of the car.

Probably Chu Rui notified Gu's family in advance, so the gatekeeper specially opened the door for him, and didn't bother because Gu Fuyun changed his hairstyle.But at this time, it was Zi Shi, and most of the elders had already fallen asleep, only Shu Qing and Qing Hong, who had been ordered, were still guarding the gatehouse. Seeing Gu Fuyun returning home, they hurried forward: "Girl, you are finally back!" .”

The careful Shuqing didn't notice that Gu Fuyun had changed her hairstyle, but she didn't say much, holding a lantern to open the way ahead.

Back in Lanxiangyuan, Shuqing asked: "Why did the girl come back so late?"

"Well, it's already the time of Hai when you come out of the palace." In fact, it was only Xu time when you came out of the palace.But it took more than an hour on the road.

Thinking of Chu Rui's heinous behavior towards her in the car, Gu Fuyun blushed again with guilt.

Fortunately, there was not enough light at night, so the maidservant didn't notice Gu Fuyun's strangeness.

Just entered the room, lit the candles in the room, and when serving Gu Fuyun to clean his face, Qinghong looked at Gu Fuyun's red, swollen and bright lips and exclaimed: "Girl, your lips..."

Shuqing shot suspicious eyes over, Gu Fuyun subconsciously covered his lips and said: "Probably I accidentally touched it when I got off the car, it's okay, I'm so sleepy, hurry up and help me wash my cough."


The next day, it was rare to see a clear sky, and the spring was beautiful.

When greeting Mrs. Gu, Mrs. Gu asked Gu Fuyun, "Did the fifth princess not make things difficult for you yesterday?"

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "No, how could Fifth Princess make things difficult for me. We had a great time yesterday."

"It's fine if you don't have one." Mrs. Gu said, "It's also fortunate that you are engaged to Chu Hengshan and found an excuse to bring you back, otherwise you would really have to rest in the palace last night."

Although the imperial palace is a place that people all over the world yearn for, there are endless conspiracies and tricks in it, as well as a strict hierarchy. Mrs. Gu does not want her granddaughter to have too much involvement with the nobles in the harem.

Gu Xiaoyun asked Gu Fuyun: "Did Chu Shizi personally send you back?"

"Yeah." Gu Fuyun lowered his head with a shy expression on his face.

Mrs. Gu smiled and said, "Fifth girl, you don't know your blessings. It's so late that Chu Shizi can send you back in person, which is very rare."

Just as they were talking and laughing, another servant girl rushed in: "Old madam, the imperial decree has come from the palace, and it's for Miss Wu."

Everyone stood up suddenly, looking at Gu Fuyun with hot eyes.

I don’t know whether it’s the five girls’ hard work or their blessings. From stumbling and everything going wrong, to suddenly singing and advancing, not only have a great marriage, but now they are also named the county head. .

The person who came to proclaim the imperial edict in person was the number one celebrity around the emperor, Eunuch Fuquan.

After reading out the imperial decree, Eunuch Fuquan handed the imperial decree to Gu Fuyun himself with a smile, and said with a smile: "Congratulations to the fifth girl, you should not be called the head of Anhe County."

Gu Fuyun stood up, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry that Eunuch Fu made this trip in person."

Mrs. Gu had already had someone stuff a thick red envelope over, and said, "There is Father-in-Law Fu, and I hope Father-in-law will accept this small gesture."

Fuquan quickly pushed the red envelope over, and said with a smile: "Old Madam, this really ruined our family. Our family is also entrusted by the blessing of Anhe county magistrate to get such a good job. It is already a privilege to make a trip in person. It is a great blessing, how can I ask for the gift from the old lady?"

Mrs. Gu thought he was just being polite, and pushed the red envelope over: "It's just a little kindness from the old lady. Please also please Eunuch Fu to be happy, and please accept it with a smile. Don't think too little."

"Old lady, no." Fuquan pushed the red envelope back again, "Our family has already been blessed with happiness, so we can't do anything else." Even if you really accept it, won't you be snatched by that female bandit when you go back?It's better to do favors now.

When Mrs. Gu saw that he refused to accept her life and death, at first she thought that Fuquan looked down on the Gu family, but after seeing that Fuquan was respectful from beginning to end, she felt relieved.Obviously, the title of Wu Yatou, the county head, should be granted by the emperor willingly.

Madam Gu guessed right.The emperor's reward for Gu Fuyun was quite heavy.

Not only was he awarded the title of county lord, but he was also given a lot of rewards. There were twenty pieces of various royal tribute fabrics, a box of huge Dongzhu, eight various head ornaments, bracelets, and a box of small gold made of red gold. Pigs, and the [-] mu of fertile land bestowed by the emperor.

In addition to the rewards from the emperor, there are also rewards from the queen and the five princesses.

After sending off Fuquan, Mrs. Gu hurriedly took the list of rewards and ordered people to register all the rewards in the book.

Seeing so many rewards, Jin's eyes were red with jealousy, and she said a lot of acid words aside.

It's just sour and sour, and it's useless if no one pays attention to her.

Although Zhou's was not as blatant as Jin's, he was somewhat out of balance in his heart.Looking at the calm and composed Gu Fuyun, he felt uncomfortable.It's true that people can't be judged by their appearances. I didn't expect these five girls to have such good fortune. It's true that the world is impermanent.

Gu Fuyun got the reward, so naturally he couldn't take it all by himself, so he kept half of the Dongzhu, and the rest was divided among the sisters equally, and each sister had two Zhuhua.

A box of golden pigs weighing three jins was given to Gu Yuanshan's son, Brother Yuan.

As for the jewellery, such a precious jewel-encrusted head, Gu Fuyun, who suddenly became rich but was still thrifty in his bones, was reluctant to give it away. Except for privately gifting it to Qiao Shi and Gu Xiaoyun, the rest was locked up by himself. The Hundred Treasures Nine Palaces Cabinet.

Gu Fuyun was granted the title of county lord, and for several days in a row, there was an endless stream of people coming to congratulate him.

A few days later, sixteen-year-old Gu Xiaoyun put on her wedding dress and married into Yun's family.

The eldest aunt Gu Xiuyun also came back. She was dressed in a red gold eight-treasure hairpin and bead bun, with bright red embroidery everywhere, a gold neck inlaid with rubies and a long bezel. Gu Xiuyun was luxurious, noble and elegant.

Gu Xiuyun is proficient in poetry and talented. Not only did she marry into a noble family, but she is also good at dancing with long sleeves. She is exquisite in all aspects. As soon as she came back, the entire Gu family became her home stadium. Its light hides.

At this moment, Gu Xiaoyun's room was already full of female relatives, all of whom were chatting endlessly around the bride.With Gu Xiuyun's arrival, the voices of the female relatives became louder.

Gu Fuyun looked at the peacock-like Gu Xiuyun with some dissatisfaction, you, a married aunt, went back to her natal home to attend her sister's wedding, but stole her sister's limelight, what's the matter?

Seeing all the female family members talking around Gu Xiuyun, Qiao's face was not very good-looking, but the direct daughter-in-law of the Princess Mansion, Qiao's anger can't be lost, so she can only comfort herself, my daughter is not bad, hot The magistrate of the county.

 After the beginning of autumn, it will be cooler sooner or later.I have probably adapted to the daily high temperature of 38 degrees, and I haven't suffered from heatstroke anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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