Chapter 292 Chapter 293
For Miss Yin, Gu Wu's praise is definitely salvation in a desperate situation.

On the way to Fengyi Palace, I also met the wives and ladies from various families who came back from wandering in the Imperial Garden.

Gu Fuyun nodded slightly for those he recognized but not for.

Yin Moli and Gu Fuyun were together, some of these women knew each other, and some didn't.But those who knew and those who didn't know also smiled and nodded kindly.

Gu Xiuyun also entered the palace with his mother-in-law, and greeted Gu Fuyun very cordially.

As worthy of being a noble daughter of the imperial capital, Gu Xiuyun can afford it and let it go. Since she can't stop Gu Fuyun's rise, she won't be jealous like a short-sighted woman, but let it go after getting along with each other.

Under Gu Xiuyun's deliberate friendship, the two sisters are indeed cordial with intimacy.

Even in the face of Miss Yin who had a flawed reputation, Gu Xiuyun was polite and showed no signs of disgust.

Today's Gu Fuyun is not what it used to be. Princess Ningguo is the sworn sister of Princess Ning, and she has friendship with the fifth princess. She also has friendship with noble daughters of the clan like Princess Jiaoyang. She is also the head of Anhe County appointed by the emperor. No matter how self-reliant these foreign wives are , and had to smile and boast: "The county master Anhe has really come out more and more exquisite."

Gu Fuyun greeted her with a smile, with a sweet and pleasing mouth, and got another comment of "The girls of the Gu family are all excellent".

On such an occasion, Mrs. Wu'an Housu was naturally indispensable.

Miss Wang and Lin Xue, the cousins, also came.However, anyone with a discerning eye could see that compared to Miss Wang who was joking with the little sisters, Lin Xue seemed alone.

Gu Fuyun took the initiative to greet Miss Wang, saluted each other, and called her sister Wang. When she saw Lin Xue, she smiled but said: "Miss Lin, why don't you see your good sister, Ms. Chen?"

Lin Xue pinched the handkerchief, pretending to be surprised and said: "Sister Gu, did you misunderstand something? Which Miss Chen? I don't seem to know any Miss Chen."

"It's Miss Chen, the cousin of the Marquis of Wu'an. Last time at Wang's house, Miss Lin and Miss Chen talked about everything, and even spoke for Miss Chen several times. I was just thinking, Miss Lin and Miss Chen talked about everything. Miss's friendship must be extraordinary." Gu Fuyun said with a smile, but what he said pierced Lin Xue's heart like a knife.

Lin Xue's complexion turned ugly in an instant, and she didn't know which wicked and smoldering thing publicized the fact that she had received five thousand taels of Chen's reward, causing her to be contemptuous no matter where she went.Some cultured ones don't know what to say, but their attitude is indifferent.Some straight-tempered ones would stab her a few words and greet her.Even her grandmother, her only backer in the capital, treated her a lot colder.

Not to mention the eldest aunt, mother and daughter, who looked kind on the surface, but tried to trample her on the inside.All the fame she had accumulated with great difficulty was gone.Not to mention finding a high-ranking marriage in the imperial capital.

Lin Xue was extremely anxious, but she didn't know how to break this situation. Today, she had the audacity to deceive her grandmother to get the qualification to enter the palace. She wanted to find a chance to turn things around, but Gu Wu kept mentioning the Chen family's matter.

Lin Xue still reacted on the spot, and said apologetically after hearing the words: "Miss, are you still blaming me for helping Ms. Chen? It's all my fault, and I shouldn't be coaxed by Mrs. Chen. It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now. I know Miss Gu is angry, if you want to scold me, just scold me."

The posture is lowered.

To admit mistakes directly is just to be coaxed by Chen.

There was still an indescribable grievance on the face of knocking out teeth and swallowing blood.

Some simple-minded people are really shaken. Could it be that Miss Lin was really deceived by Mrs. Chen?
Gu Fuyun sneered in his heart, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "It seems that after getting along with Ms. Chen for a long time, Miss Lin's ability to sing, read, and fight has also improved."

Lin Xue had an aggrieved expression, "Miss, won't you believe me?"

Gu Fuyun had a half-smile but not a smile: "If you dare to do it, you have to be the one who dares to be. Then I have to exaggerate that you are a person. Being and standing at the same time is even more contemptible."

Immediately, someone laughed out loud. Isn't Lin Xue's attitude just like being a whore and setting up a memorial archway?

Too lazy to talk to her anymore, Gu Fuyun walked away.


Unlike other noble ladies who entered the palace early, Mrs. Su came late, which is also the reason for her confidence as a powerful Marquis.

When she came to Fengyi Palace, Su San, who had excellent eyesight, saw Miss Yin and Gu Fuyun in the crowd at first sight.

He hurriedly said to his mother: "Mother, look, Gu Wu and Yin Moli, why are they together?"

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but the mother and daughter managed to find the figures of Gu Fuyun and Yin Moli among the many ladies in fine clothes.

Someone also spotted Mrs. Su and came forward to say hello.

These people who said hello also had bad intentions, and quickly directed Mrs. Su's gaze to Gu Fuyun, and laughed loudly: "Mrs. Su, your sixth master is really magnificent, and you have dismissed two noble daughters one after another. Looking at the entire capital, there is no one with such confidence than your Marquis of Wu'an."

The woman who spoke was so disgusting, as if she was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, her voice was so loud that it was hard for Gu Fuyun not to hear it.

All eyes were on Gu Yin and the second daughter, and their eyes were full of gossip.

Ladies don't have much entertainment on weekdays, so listening to gossip and watching good shows have become their favorite and most yearning hobbies, none of them.

The pair of interested eyes made Gu Fuyun very unhappy, and subconsciously looked at Yin Moli, who looked calm and unwavering, but looked at herself with calm eyes.

Gu Fuyun was determined, smiled slightly, and said to Yin Moli: "Mrs. Su is here too, she is an elder after all, sister, let's go, let's greet Madam."

Yin Moli smiled slightly, and followed Gu Fuyun gracefully to Madam Su, feeling blessed.

"Madam is well." Gu Fuyun blessed Mrs. Su, and then gently blessed Su San, "Miss Su is well."

Yin Moli did the same, her tone was calm, her expression remained unchanged, and everyone's surprise remained unchanged, which almost made people suspect that it was not she who was unilaterally canceled the marriage.

Facing the two little girls with calm expressions, Mrs. Su was a little at a loss.

Gu Fuyun smiled cleverly again and said: "It's been a long time since I saw you, Madam has become more noble and graceful."

Even when facing Mrs. Wu'an Housu, who almost became her mother-in-law, Gu Fuyun saluted and greeted her without changing his expression, his movements were graceful, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Madam is still as dignified and elegant as before, it's Miss Su San, who seems to have grown taller again." Gu Fuyun said with a smile, as if the relationship with Madam Su was really just a simple elder and junior relationship.

Mrs. Su looked at Gu Fuyun with a complicated expression. To be honest, she had never liked her, but at such a young age, she couldn't bear the slightest loss, and even choked her to death.Because Gu Fuyun was alone, causing her to lose such a big face, she was even more displeased.

(End of this chapter)

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