"Don't say anything, please, please? I've endured it, retreated and retreated, please, Miss Chen, please give me a way to survive." Gu Fuyun seemed to have found inspiration, A stomach full of words that could never be opened at ordinary times spewed out like a spring, and it was out of control. While rubbing his eyes, he begged, "Please, don't talk about your cousin every time you have a conflict in the future." Can you just keep talking? Please don’t always target me, please? I’m begging you like this, and I’m already without dignity in front of so many people. Why don’t you Willing to let me go? Why? Why?" Gu Fuyun, who was possessed by Qiong Yao's heroine, cried hoarsely, and it really made everyone feel angry and sad.

The eyes of the onlookers were all on Chen Yan, with coldness and contempt in their eyes.

Everyone is not a fool, and now they finally fully understand.This Chen Yan is not a good thing at all, once he wants to achieve his goal, he will solve it by crying.And Gu Fuyun just imitated Chen Yan's tricks to block her, and the effect was really good.

Looking at Peng Yuzhu again, such white flowers are really annoying, and they should be far away from now on.

Also look at Gu Fuyun, uh, to deal with the kind of person who is a whore and still plays the chastity card, you have to learn from Gu Wu, fight crying with crying, fight poison with poison.

Under Gu Fuyun's mournful cry, Chen Yan, a little white flower, couldn't bear it, so she immediately used the second move, rolled her eyes, and her body was on the verge of falling.

Seeing this, Su San hurried forward to support her, "Cousin, what's wrong with you? Gu Wu, can't you say a few words less? See how angry my cousin is."

"Cousin, don't care about sister Gu's affairs. I'm wrong. It's all my fault. I shouldn't be willing to be humble and seek humiliation. I shouldn't. I shouldn't provoke sister Gu. Now it's all my fault. I asked for it." Chen Yan burst into tears first, then her body softened and she fell down.

But Qingjuan shouted loudly: "Miss Chen, don't get dizzy, there are snakes under your feet."

"Ah!" Chen Yan didn't suspect him, and quickly jumped away with a scream.

After jumping eight feet away, Chen Yan realized belatedly that she had been fooled again.

Qingjuan said contemptuously: "Did Miss Chen learn from Huadan, the head of the troupe? Look at this neat movement."

Facing Wu Shuangshuang's contemptuous and sarcastic sneering eyes, Chen Yan's brain exploded with a bang, his mouth opened, and finally he bit his lip and cried, "I'm dead."

She had already prevented this woman from crying, fainting, and hanging herself. Under Gu Fuyun's signal, Qingsi strode forward, grabbed Chen Yan's arm, and then pulled it back. Chen Yan's petite and slender body was pulled. With a stagger, Qingsi slapped the past again.

Qingjuan put her hips on her hips, and was responsible for the output of mouth skills: "If you want to die, go back and die, don't dirty my girl's eyes."

Pointing at Chen Yan, he threatened, "Have you heard my girl's words? From now on, I'll talk about your cousin and see if I don't tear you up."

"Being a whore and still erecting a torii, and being a thief still has the face to call for a thief, what the hell?" Then he pouted heavily
Not to mention how ashamed and annoyed Chen Yan was when she was scolded by a mere maid.

When Gu Fuyun came in front of Chen Yan, Chen Yan covered her face, her eyes were fierce, as if she wanted to devour someone, she hated Gu Fuyun, but she was also faintly afraid.

Qinghong hurried forward, stood in front of Gu Fuyun, and said loudly: "County Master, be careful, be careful that this person hurts you."

Qinghong really had a wink, and when he called out Gu Fuyun's identity as the county lord, the fierce look on Chen Yan's face disappeared immediately.Even Su San, who was about to roll up his sleeves, stopped subconsciously.

It was also thanks to Qinghong's reminder that Gu Fuyun knew that he still had the identity of the county lord.

So he looked down at Chen Yan, who had half of his face swollen, and said, "Chen Yan, let me warn you again, your trick of crying, fainting, and looking for death does have a lot of room for development when dealing with others. It is used on most people. It can be used on people, but it is a pity that it is used in the wrong place when it is used on the county lord."

"This is the last warning from the county lord, don't mess with me if you have nothing to do. If there is another time, don't blame the county lord for being rude."

For a little white flower like Chen Yan, it takes a stick to hurt her to the bone marrow to restrain her.Because this kind of green tea whore, most of the time, he just looks at people and picks up soft persimmons.

After tidying up Chen Yan, Gu Fuyun looked at Peng Yuzhu who was still pretending to be pitiful, with disgust flashing in his eyes.

"Peng Yuzhu, do you want to go with me to Shuntian Mansion, or to the palace?"

Peng Yuzhu was dumbfounded and panicked.

"Do you know the origin of this bracelet?" Gu Fuyun raised his wrist, revealing the sprite bracelet, which is extraordinary, coupled with the white wrist, it looks even more noble.

"You dare to snatch the bracelet that the Empress gave you, how can you have the guts?" Gu Fuyun sneered.

Peng Yuzhu's face turned pale.

"Tell me, should I go to Shuntian Mansion, or go to the palace and ask the empress to make a decision? Or, let me slap my mouth?"

Peng Yuzhu was really shocked by this. Although her surname is Peng, she is just a descendant of Uncle Pingyang, and she has never seen the world much, so she naturally has a deep-seated fear of the imperial power of the government.

"Cousin... No, county lord, I was wrong, please forgive me this time." Peng Yuzhu was completely discouraged.She really shouldn't have moved her family's tactics from the sisters' tricks to the capital.If he had known how powerful Gu Fuyun was, he wouldn't have done it if he killed her.

"If kneeling is useful, what do you need the Sansi Yamen for?" Gu Fuyun sneered, "Then I will also rob you of your money and jewelry, and then kneel down and beg for an excuse, so I can just expose it without mentioning it." gone?"

The other ladies said: "Yes, such a person is too hateful. If everyone follows her example, it will be a mess. Let the empress deal with her, or send her to the Shuntian government office."

The lady who had also been forced to send her was extremely disgusted with Peng Yuzhu.

Peng Yuzhu had no choice but to look at Su San and Yang Ba as if asking for help.

Su San was turned away, and hated this person to death. If it wasn't for her, she wouldn't be ashamed.

Others can see death without saving or throw trouble, but as the host, Miss Yang Ba can't, so she can only step forward, hold Gu Fuyun's hand and say: "My dear sister, I know you have been wronged. Cousin is really hateful and annoying, You should scold her and beat her, but please, for my sake, please forgive her this time."

Gu Fuyun pulled her hand away expressionlessly, and said in a cool tone, "When I was forced to give the bracelet just now, I never saw Miss Yang Ba say a word for me."

Yang Ba: "..." Gu Wu usually calls himself Sister Yang, and it seems that he also has complaints about her, and he regrets it in his heart.

Gu Fuyun ignored Yang Ba, and said, "It's fine if I don't punish her, but there must be a condition."


"What is the order of the county lord?" Qinghong said calmly.

"Write down everything that happened just now."


Gu Fuyun looked at everyone: "Today's matter, for the sake of the reputation of the ladies, I don't want it to be spread. But I also don't want someone to tell the truth behind my back, so it's best to write it down in black and white. All the ladies present have their fingerprints in triplicate."

The crowd fell silent.

Even Peng Yuzhu and Chen Yan completely extinguished the idea of ​​"let her be arrogant". These two are the kind who are not good at quarreling with others, but pretend to be weak and pitiful, and secretly set up a pitiful person for themselves. It is their innate ability to be domineering and arrogant to others.Originally, they wanted to cry and complain in front of the elders afterward, and beat them up, but Gu Fuyun's move directly nailed them to the pillar of shame forever.

Gu Fuyun's words just now have two meanings. One is that he doesn't want today's incident to spread. Once it spreads, if there are rumors that are unfavorable to Gu Wu, Gu Wu can take out the documents to smash the rumors, and instead they all Stick to death.

The other is to prevent and put an end to the innate skills of these two people secretly using the white lotus.If they dared to do it, Gu Fuyun would dare to publicize the documents, and then they would really lose face.

Originally, Su San and the others wanted to go home and complain to their elders, but seeing Gu Fuyun's action, they also stopped thinking. Now she is completely afraid of Gu Wu, he is really a thorn in the side, and she will stay away from now on. some.

Qinghong came to Yang Ba calmly, Fufu body: "Miss Yang, please prepare pen, ink and paper."

Yang Ba gave Gu Fuyun a complicated look, and had no choice but to ask someone to prepare it.

Qinghong has been able to read since he was a child, and he has read a lot of books with Gu Fuyun. It is not a problem to make a record. He quickly wrote down the cause and effect, and read it to everyone present.

When she read about Peng Yuzhu's refusal to return the bracelet, beating her upside down, and crying about her poverty, Peng Yuzhu's face turned blue and then pale, then pale and red again.

Although she often used this trick at home to get a lot of good things from her sisters, and she was always proud of it, but it was still blatantly embarrassing to be exposed today.

When Qing Hong read about Su San and Chen Yan's siege of Gu Fuyun, Su San and Chen Yan's faces also turned green.

The most annoyed person is Qingsi, this guy can't read a single word, but he has a very good memory, so he hurriedly said: "No, Qinghong, you missed a sentence. Miss Su San also said, 'Isn't it just a bracelet? , look at your pettiness. Just give it to her, why not.' This must be added."

Su San: "..."

Qinghong glanced at her, and sure enough, she picked up the pen, added it, and continued to read.

When she read what Chen Yan said, Qingsi reminded her again.

Qinghong added again.

Chen Yan bit her lips tightly, and an embroidered handkerchief was strangled tightly. She couldn't help but said, "Sister Gu, isn't it just a misunderstanding? Why did you drive people to a dead end?"

Gu Fuyun said leisurely: "Is there? Who did I force? I forced Peng Yuzhu to take my bracelet? I forced you to speak for her?"

Chen Yan bit her lip, really not knowing what to do.

Gu Fuyun sneered: "I knew this earlier, so why bother?"

After Qinghong finished writing, she continued to read, Qingsi made supplements, and the rest of the young ladies' reactions and speeches were also written down.

The mere maid, not only looks beautiful, but also can read and write.This seemingly tall and thick-looking maidservant can not only stand up to three of them, but also has the ability of photographic memory.

The maids are so powerful, where can the master be so bad?

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