After Zhu Dahu recognized his ancestor and returned to his clan, he specially took the prince and Zhu Wei to the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion.After the Su family held a grand banquet, Su San used to say "Brother Prince" from time to time in public, calling him very affectionately.Rumors soon spread that this Su San might be the future crown princess.

Xiao Wei sneered: "My brother and I want to see the Buddha's face, but she doesn't know how to praise her. Not only does she have to look around, but she also dares to step on my future sister-in-law. Do you think my brother can forgive her lightly? Even I can't forgive her."

"My sister's future sister-in-law..." Gu Fuyun said while looking at Yin Moli.

Xiao Wei pointed at her forehead with a smile, and said angrily: "Fool, are you still pretending to be confused with me? It's a pity that you have betrayed you a long time ago."

Gu Fuyun chuckled, hugged Yin Moli, and shouted wildly: "Sister Jasmine really wants to be the mother of the world in the future? Then don't I have another thigh?"

Yin Moli was startled, pushed her away again, and said angrily, "What are you talking about? Do you dare to say such nonsense? You are not afraid of being beheaded."

Although Yin Moli refused to admit it, Gu Fuyun still smiled, feeling that she was really the chosen one.There are two thick thighs of the princess best friend and the future queen best friend. As long as you don't make big mistakes, is this the iron cloth shirt with the golden bell cover?

Although he wanted to know the love story between the prince and Yin Moli, but after that, not a single word came out.On the contrary, it was Su San who was locked up in the Punishment Department of the palace, but the Su family was frightened, and went to Zhu Dahu overnight to intercede for help.

Gu Fuyun was not very clear about what happened afterwards.I just heard that Su San was released that night.

Immediately afterwards, Miss Chen Jiabiao died suddenly.The Su family also had a simple funeral.

After another half a month, there was another news that Marquis Mighty Wu had adopted his elder brother's second son, Su Lan, as his heir.

Marquis Weiwu also held a special adoption ceremony, and the Gu family was also honored to participate.

Gu Fuyun didn't go, she was bound at home to embroider the dowry.

Because in two months, she will have to put on her wedding dress and get married.

But the two sisters, Gu Shuyun and Gu Qingyun, including all the unmarried daughters who were invited, went to the Marquis of Mighty Mansion.

Today's Su Lan is no longer the Su Liu who everyone in the capital frowns upon hearing about it, he is a tyrant in the capital.Instead, he transformed himself into the son of the mighty Marquis, the golden bachelor, the fifth king of diamonds, and the future Marquis of Marquis.Candidates for the son-in-law of all the famous families in the imperial capital.


Throughout the summer of this year, Gu Fuyun was detained at home.She gets up before dawn every day, and Mrs. Zhou personally teaches her the skills of managing the house.

Because the Chu family is weak, once she gets married, she has to take on the responsibility of being a housekeeper.So Mrs. Gu said something, and asked Gu Fuyun to hug her feet temporarily.Otherwise, if you marry into the Chu family, your eyes will be darkened, you won't understand anything, and you will rely on men for everything, what's the point?

The Gu family never thought that Gu Fuyun would have such a fortune.Although Mrs. Zhou is the general manager of the Gu family, it is just an ordinary company with only a hundred employees, and has managed it for more than [-] years. Practice makes perfect.The Chu family is different, it is a large listed company with thousands of employees.She was a little white girl who had been a temporary helper for several months, but she took over the huge company in one step.For a rich family like the Chu family, even if the family population is simple, there are many members of the Chu clan, and there will be no fewer servants over the years. These servants over the years are not as good as ordinary servants, and they also have a complicated relationship network .Even more face and power than the unfavored master.If she can't suppress it, then wouldn't her mistress be a joke?
Although Chu Rui often comes over the wall, she doesn't have to worry too much.Grandma and her elders have always been impatient with these common chores, so it's easy to take care of them?Although Chu Rui also assured her that he would definitely support her.

Gu Fuyun knew that the man's promise at this time was definitely more real than Pearl.But she also understands that it takes hard work to forge iron.If she was always supported by a man, she, as a mistress, would have no prestige in front of her servants.

In case a goblin appears around Chu Rui one day, she, the mistress who can't even control the inner house, will be even more dangerous.Slaves are also human beings, but all human beings will step on the low and climb high.

If the man changes his mind, if the mistress can control the inner house, she won't be afraid that the man will turn the world upside down.I'm afraid that I can't grasp the man's heart, and I can't grasp the inner house power, then it's really dangerous.


Seeing the boxes and cages all over the yard and the long gift list, Mrs. Gu was extremely pleased.After briefly looking at the gift list, he said to Qiao: "The Chu family's betrothal gift is so heavy, we can't be too shabby. In addition to the three thousand taels from the public, just like the big girl, I will subsidize another ten thousand taels privately!"

The dowry for the concubine daughter of the Gu family was three thousand taels of silver when she married her father, while the concubine's daughter only had one thousand taels of silver.

Looking at the betrothal gifts all over the yard, Mrs. Zhou silently scanned the gift list, feeling quite uncomfortable.

Mrs. Jin glanced at Mrs. Zhou, and said with a smile, "The Chu family has always kept a low profile. I didn't expect to wait so generously. It's even richer than the [-] taels of silver that Princess Anyang received as a betrothal gift."

Qiao said: "How can Ah Fu compare with my aunt? The Chu family has such a big stake, and I feel uneasy. If Ah Fu has half the skills of my aunt, my heart will not be as high as seven." Under eight."

This remark pleased Mrs. Zhou, so he smiled and said, "Third younger sister, you underestimate Wu Yatou too much. Wu Yatou is very smart. She has followed me to learn how to be a housekeeper and director. Although she is a bit jerky, she is quite like everyone. Given time , you can stand alone."

Mrs. Jin hurriedly said: "I don't know about the daughter I gave birth to myself? Sister-in-law, don't coax me with good words. Sigh, if Ah Fu is as good as my sister-in-law said, I will have to burn incense."

The old lady Gu decided to keep one third of the dowry gift from the Chu family, and gave the rest to Gu Fuyun as a dowry.

Zhou raised her eyebrows, and silently calculated that even if [-]% was retained, that would be considerable.

Mrs. Zhou looked at Mrs. Jin, who was already beaming, and then Mrs. Qiao, who had a calm face.

Mrs. Zhou said hesitantly to Mrs. Gu: "Old lady, this...isn't it right?" At the beginning of the dowry of Princess Anyang, the old lady decided to keep only [-]%, and the rest was used as a dowry for the daughter. What was intercepted was also charged into the private account of the big house, and it was not entered into the public account.And the public also gave three thousand taels of silver, she made up for it privately, and the old lady gave ten thousand taels of silver.After all, when the big girl gets married, the long house still makes money.

Now, the old lady cut off [-]% of the fifth girl's betrothal gift, and she wanted to take [-]% to the public. She was afraid that Mrs. Qiao would be unhappy.

Although she was jealous of the Chu family's dowry, she still wanted to save face.

The old lady Gu said: "The fifth girl is capable. She doesn't need to rely on the dowry to survive. She also has enough silver in her hands. So I decided on my own. The Chu family withheld [-]% of the betrothal gift, [-]% to the public, and the rest All of them will be given to the third room." She said to Qiao, "The fifth girl's dowry is almost ready. I still follow the regulations and just subsidize [-] taels." Qiao said quickly: "Thank you, old lady, I have listened to it." Old lady's."

Jin Shi pursed her lips, she had never seen such a stupid person, the old lady seemed to be fair but actually helped Da Fang.The bride price of the fifth girl, although fattening the third room, also fattened everyone.This Joe can actually tolerate it!

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