Marriage is an extremely tiring task, but when it was time, Gu Fuyun was dug up, took a bath, cleaned himself up, and after drinking Wanhong jujube bird's nest porridge, he was pressed on the embroidered pier like a puppet. Quan Furen twisted the noodles for her, and then the servant girls combed her hair and put on makeup.

When the servant girl wanted to wear the wedding gown for her, Gu Fuyun said: "It's still early to welcome the bride, and it's a burden to put on the wedding gown so early, so let's put it on later."

Mrs. Qiao disagreed, and neither did the Quanfu people. They had to let her wear it. This was called early preparation to ensure that nothing would go wrong, so as not to be in a hurry.

Gu Fuyun refused to do anything, and said that he needed to go to the toilet for a while, and then said that he needed to eat.Qiao Shi was so angry that he almost strangled her to death.

Fortunately, the two sisters, Gu Xiuyun, came here, and said: "It's still early to meet the relatives, so there is no rush."

Gu Fuyun took care of everything at the beginning of Sishi, but before the groom's official arrived, she complained in a low voice: "I just said there's no need to get up so early." As a result, she could only sit and wait.

Qiao gave her a sharp look: "Speak nonsense!" He snatched the tea, and then went to slap her hand for the snack, "It's still early to welcome the relatives, and there will be several hours of delay on the way, so don't eat too much." Put on complicated clothes You can't go to the toilet with your wedding dress.

"But I'm hungry."

"Endure it." It's only a day anyway.

All the married sisters of Gu's family came back and stayed with her in the house.Gu Xiuyun smiled and said, "Fifth Sister, just listen to Third Auntie. You can eat less food, but you must drink less water, or you will suffer."

"Big sister is right!" Gu Xiaoyun also talked about her embarrassment when she got married, almost dizzy from hunger.

Only now did Gu Fuyun have time to breathe, and to pass the time, he played leaf cards with his sisters.

Some of the seven aunts and eight aunts who came to see the bride were all amazed when they saw this, and then spread word of mouth: they are worthy of being the wife of a country, look at this calmness.It can throw us out of eight streets back then.

Of course, with the elders around, Gu Fuyun couldn't be at ease for a long time, around [-]:[-], Qiao and Quanfu couldn't bear it any longer, and hurriedly urged.

Gu Fuyun felt that she could still enjoy it for another half hour, but seeing Quanfuren and Qiao's black and blue faces, she didn't dare to make too much of a fuss, so she said: "I'll go to the bathroom first."

Seeing that Mrs. Qiao was about to go mad again, Gu Fuyun hurriedly said: "Don't worry, there is still an hour before the auspicious time."

I really don't understand, did these ancient people have no concept of time at first glance?

However, she is soft-spoken and can't handle a group of elders who can catch up early and never late, so she has no choice but to cooperate.

Chu Rui's marriage went very smoothly. Although there was a lot of marriage trouble, everyone was counting the time to make trouble. Of course, it is impossible to delay the auspicious time for the sake of marriage.

It would take an hour and a half for the Chu family to leave the Gu family, but it would take about three hours to meet the relatives. In order to meet the auspicious time, they had to leave at [-]:[-] pm and arrive at the Chu family at [-]:[-] pm.

Saying goodbye to relatives, amidst the roaring firecrackers, Gu Fuyun, wearing a phoenix crown, a gold embroidered phoenix red head cover, and bow-soled shoes, sat in the bright and dazzling eight-carrying big hall with the help of maids and Quanfu people. Sedan.

Of course, such a luxurious phoenix crown can't let the red head cover steal the limelight, and the red head cover with golden phoenix pattern only hangs from the phoenix crown, just covering the face.The entire phoenix crown was completely exposed to everyone's eyes.

Wherever they went, people who saw the phoenix crown all exclaimed: "What a beautiful phoenix crown!"

Although it was a wedding ceremony, the guards of Duke Huguo's Mansion were still strong. Thirty-six iron cavalry guarded both sides of the sedan chair. The honor guard of [-] people from the Duke's Mansion was at the front, followed by the Suona team of [-] people, and then the horsemen on horseback. The tall groom.The bride's six-room dowry team followed by a team of twenty-eight people, followed by the dowry team.The first, second and third carriages were bestowed by the empress, engraved with a century-old good jade wish, six bricks and stones representing [-] acres of fertile land, and half a coin worth [-] golden peanuts; the fourth and fifth carriages were bestowed by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince The sailing boat made of red gold, eighty-eight golden melon seeds made of red gold; the last ten are the red coral bonsai given by Princess Ningguo, a good horse from the Western Regions, a red leather whip inlaid with gold and jade, gold pillows, etc. ...The next thing is the dowry prepared by the Gu family. Eighteen lifts of bricks and stones represent [-] mu of land for dowry.Eight tiles represent eight dowry manors or shops.Eighteen sets of various furnishings in the room, including six large pieces and seven small pieces such as Babu bed and Arhat bed, which can be changed in four seasons, twenty-four beds of bedding, eighteen sets of clothes, shoes and hats, four sets of cosmetics and toiletries, which are rare and expensive Thirty-six kinds of medicines, ninety-eight volumes of books, eight sets of each of the Four Treasures of the Study, sixty-six sets of decorative paintings, vases, antique jades, ornaments, sixty-eight sets of beaded heads, eighty pieces of various silks and satins, and eight sets of cash and silver. One thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight taels, all made into the shape of a golden pig, because the bride is a pig.

Other well fences, medicine mortars, food cabinets, sinks, clang axes, pots and urns... etc. have already been sent to the Chu family.The most eye-catching thing is that in the dowry team, in addition to the BMW given by Princess Ningguo, there is also a big white goose held by the servants. Passers-by who are watching laugh and say that they did not expect a goose to be used as a dowry.

The Duke's Mansion is grand, and the bride is full of red makeup. Many people who know the Gu family are all stunned and discuss: Didn't it mean that the Gu family has suffered before and the family is weak?Look at the ten miles of red makeup, almost comparable to marrying a princess.

The dowry of the girl's family can also show the family background.For a real wealthy family, the girl has been saving dowry since she was born, including everything from bed furniture to washing utensils and decorations.The dowry prepared by the Gu family included not only the legendary six large and seven small ones, but also housewares, decorations, screens, chairs and stools. It was enough to see its background, and it was not as weak as the outside rumors.

"God, I did the math just now, the dowry is at least five or sixty thousand taels of silver."

After a while of envy, another person asked: "What is this? I heard that the Chu family's dowry is tens of thousands of taels of silver."

"But no matter how rich the Chu family's betrothal gifts are, they can't make these things!"

After all, the Gu family is not as poor as the outside rumors say, otherwise how could they prepare such a generous dowry for their daughter.

"Did you see that? The palace rewards a total of twenty-one lifts. This kind of face can be regarded as the first person under the princess."

Looking at the long wedding procession, even though he had learned from his mother that Gu Fuyun's dowry could no longer be measured by money.Although most of them were returned by the Chu family's betrothal gifts, the rewards from the palace were not only expensive, but the Fifth Younger Sister did have the ability to make money.

Gu Xiuyun has become numb, she even lost her jealousy, because there is no way to compare.


Knowing that the journey would take two hours, Gu Fuyun would not be so stupid as to sit obediently.When Chu Rui bid farewell to the elders with her just now, this guy still said in her ear that there are pillows in the sedan chair, and if you are tired, you can lie down and take a nap, anyway, the time on the road is long enough.

Sure enough, there was a soft and big pillow lying in the wide sedan chair. Gu Fuyun took off the phoenix crown decisively, and lay down. I really can't help myself.

This sleep really fell asleep, until the deafening firecrackers sounded.Gu Fuyun just woke up from his sleep, and found that the light had dimmed. He lifted the car curtain slightly, and sure enough, the sky had turned dark blue, the air was full of the smell of gunpowder smoke from firecrackers, and there were countless noisy sounds in his ears. It's all a bright red color of joy.

The Chu family has arrived.

Gu Fuyun hurriedly adjusted the wedding dress, and carefully put on the phoenix crown.

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