In private, Mrs. Qiao asked Gu Fuyun: "What are you going to do with the servant girl in my aunt's room?"

Gu Fuyun replied: "It's better to use it. Massage is really good. It's a pity to let it go." Although Caixia Yunxiao is Chu Rui's housemaid, she is quite safe and has never been slept by Chu Rui.Moreover, the two of them were also very discerning, knowing that their fate was in the hands of the new mistress, they fell to her on the second day of their wedding, and spared no effort to slander Liao Nanny.Not only did she successfully get rid of Nanny Liao with Chu Rui's hand, but she also established her prestige.In order to vote for Li Baobao, she also had to show face to the two of them.

Mrs. Qiao hated iron for being weak: "You fool, the people in my house still need to know the basics. The Qinghong by your side, and the lily given to you by the old lady, and the wonderful voice I gave you, all look top-notch, but It’s not for you to use it as a display.”

Gu Fuyun didn't take it seriously, Qinghong was easy to use, she was also loyal to her, and her skills were not bad, so she was reluctant to let a man ruin her.I don't know which wicked ghost came up with the idea of ​​using my personal servant girl to serve men.

Caixia and Yunxiao are Chu Rui's housemaids, she will not move for the time being and let them continue to serve Chu Rui, why not?

As for whether Chu Rui wants to sleep with them, she can't control it, and she can't find her palm anyway.


There is a ten-day holiday for Chu Rui's wedding.During this period, he led Gu Fuyun to take a tour of the Duke's Mansion.He also introduced all his staff and confidantes to Gu Fuyun.

There are five staff members of the Chu family, the older one is over fifty, and the younger one is only in his early twenties.Knowing that the new mistress was not only brought back by the owner after a lot of hard work, but also that the bride is the righteous sister of Princess Ningguo, the head of Anhe county appointed by the emperor, how could she dare to neglect her, so she quickly saluted her and called her "Young Madam".

Gu Fuyun knew that these staff members were not slaves of the Duke's Mansion, they were equivalent to the employment system, as long as the salary was high and the benefits were good, they could stay and serve the boss.The boss will not only provide board, lodging, and salary, but also provide proper arrangements for his family members. If he does a good job, he will also provide him with pension.

Good staff can make the master even more powerful, and get twice the result with half the effort.It is equivalent to a senior technical consultant of a large company.

Gu Fuyun didn't dare to take it too seriously, and politely returned a half-respect.

Chief Steward Li, the Chief Steward of the Outer Court, had quite eye-catching white hair, but he was full of energy and his voice was loud, and he led the four second stewards to salute Gu Fuyun respectfully.

Although these stewards are only slaves of the Duke's Mansion, they are servants of the world. To be able to serve as stewards of the outer court in the huge Duke's Mansion, their personal ability and emotional intelligence must be beyond words.A person who is equivalent to the general manager of a large company, his personal influence spreads all over the government.

Gu Fuyun didn't dare to be negligent, nodded slightly, and said a few polite words with a smile.

Next are Chu Rui's confidant guards, Zhou Qing, Zhou Lan, Di Long, Peng Yang, and Peng Gang.

Compared with the respect and humility of the few stewards, these five guards were respectful to the point of dog legs.

Zhou Qing saluted with a long body, smiling so that he couldn't see his eyebrows: "I have seen the young lady in my humble position. I have been looking forward to it. I have been waiting for many years, and finally the mistress has come. In the future, if the young lady has any orders, let the young lady next to her Miss Qinghong will pass on the message." After speaking, she looked at Qinghong and blinked.

Miss Qinghong seems to be growing beautiful again.

Gu Fuyun was stunned at first, but then he recalled it and gave Qinghong a meaningful look.

Qinghong has no expression on his face, looking at his eyes, nose, and heart.

The others quit, Zhou Lan said: "And I, Young Madam, I can control horses. No matter how fierce a horse is, it can be guaranteed to be tame once it is in the hands of I. Not long ago, I just got a BMW. After you have tamed it, you will show filial piety to the young lady." At the end, he added, "I just don't know if Miss Lily can ride a horse?"

Peng Yang pushed Zhou Lan away, first made a long bow to Gu Fuyun, and then said with a smile on his face: "Young madam, Peng Yang, who is a humble worker, is good at ventriloquism and can imitate the sounds and songs of various animals. If young madam wants to Listen to Qu'er, even if you order the humble official. As long as the humble official is not on duty, you will definitely be there." Then he added, "Miss Miaoyin must also like to listen to Quer, right?"

No way, he was a step late in reacting, the most beautiful Qinghong was no longer his role, and this Miaoyin girl was not bad either.

Di Long also recalled it. He pushed Peng Gang away and saluted Gu Fuyun: "Young Madam, Di Long, I have seen you before. We have been expecting Madam to come in for many years."

Gu Fuyun didn't quite believe it: "Really?"

"We have been with the son for many years, but the son is useless, and the young lady has not come in for a long time, so we are also single." Di Long looked aggrieved, "Please take care of me, young lady, and give me a Daughter-in-law. Miss Qingjuan next to Young Madam is very good."

Qingjuan: "..."

Gu Fuyun: "..."

Chu Rui kicked people out of the way one by one, and laughed and cursed: "The young lady came in, you old bachelors will marry a wife sooner or later. What's the hurry? I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." Then He said to Gu Fuyun, "Don't bother with them, everyone in the outer courtyard knows each other, and I'll take you to see third uncle and third aunt."


After Chu Rui left, Steward Li shook his head at Zhou Qing and the others: "You are also quite violent. How can you imagine the maid next to Young Madam?"

The staff also nodded.

Most of the dowry maids around the hostess are prepared for the men.These bastards, think their daughter-in-law is going crazy.She even dared to fight the idea of ​​the young lady marrying a maid. Isn't this the woman who snatches the son of the world?
The three of Zhou Qing were dumbfounded.

But Di Long smiled: "I knew that the beautiful maid next to the young lady must be prepared for the son. That's why I chose Qingjuan." Although Qingjuan is not the most beautiful, she is also delicate and pleasant.He didn't pick anything, and he was satisfied if he could marry a wife.Unlike these few, who look so shabby, they are ashamed to rely on toads to eat swan meat.


Chu Rui's third uncle, Chu Jie, was in his early thirties and had guarded the border for many years. This time his nephew got married, so he came back specially, and he will leave in about two days.At this moment, Chu Jie and his wife are in the Longevity Hall, talking with Mrs. Chu.

When Chu Rui and his wife came in, the two sides had a good time.Chu Jie's wife was also surnamed Li, so Li went to talk to Gu Fuyun.

A girl in a pink dress and flower thong saluted Gu Fuyun shyly: "Sister-in-law."

Gu Fuyun said with a smile: "Fifth sister." The concubine of the third room, Chu Ling.Fifteen years old this year, like a budding flower.

Because Chu Ling is only a concubine's daughter, her father and aunt are not at home all year round, and she only stays with her aunt, who is like a shadow in the Duke's mansion.Then develop an introverted and timid character.

Facing such a sister-in-law, Gu Fuyun only needs to show the etiquette of a sister-in-law, and it is enough to properly show a three-point intimacy.It is not always possible to be enthusiastic and take care of everything when you come.

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