So Gu Fuyun picked up the good words again and said: "Today, the outer courtyard brought in twenty thousand taels of silver, saying that you asked the outer courtyard to pull it in. Is the cost of our Duke's Mansion so high?"

Chu Rui said: "I usually don't care about these mundane affairs. My grandmother used to take care of them. Grandma is old, and she is impatient with the housekeeper. I let a few stewards around me take care of it. Fortunately, the stewards They are all quite capable, and they haven't made any big mistakes. Now that you've entered the house, you've got to take care of the house. Stewardship is not an easy job. Give you more money and looser hands, and you'll be better at housekeeping. .”

Gu Fuyun said: "Then there's no need to give so much. Aren't you afraid that I'll use it carelessly?"

Chu Rui laughed: "The money is given to you, and you can use it as you want. You won't marry into my house and still be troubled by the money, right?"

I have to admit that silver is really a good thing.

Gu Fuyun suddenly felt that all this man's giant baby behavior was actually acceptable.

While massaging the man, white money began to flash in my mind.As long as there is no extravagance and waste, the monthly savings of four to five thousand taels is more than enough.If there is a day when you will be disliked, everything will be worth it if you have money in hand.


On this day, wait for Chu Rui to put on his official uniform, put on his belt, tie a lotus-colored purse, put on a robe and jade pendant, and a sachet that refreshes the mind and calms the mind.While arranging the hollowed-out jade-inlaid belt, Gu Fuyun said, "I'm going back to my mother's house today. My second sister-in-law is having a happy event. I have to go back and have a look. I guess I'll come back later."

Chu Rui said: "Then remember to bring guards and maids with you when you go out."


"I'll pick you up at Gu's house that afternoon."

"No need, you are busy with work. It's hard enough to go out early and return late every day. You don't need to pick me up. I'll just come back by myself."

"It's okay, I've been busy with the crown prince's wedding these days, and martial law is everywhere in the capital. I have to go to Dongcheng to patrol this afternoon. The Gu family is in Dongcheng, right? I'll pick you up by the way."

I almost forgot that the Crown Prince is about to get married, and the Crown Princess is Miss Yin from the Minister of Rites.The wedding is just half a month away.

As early as half a month ago, martial law began in the capital, and the streets and alleys were full of officials patrolling back and forth.

Gu Fuyun went back to her natal home. There was a double-drive flat-roofed black-painted carriage with the logo of the Duke's Mansion, three single-driver carriages, eight Xuanjia guards clearing the way, and more than twenty warriors guarding the road. Traveling is no worse than traveling for princes and nobles.

Gu Fuyun didn't want to mobilize people like this, so he decided to travel lightly.

However, Yingyu, the female guard of the Duke's Mansion, said: "Mrs. Shizi must have pomp and pomp when traveling. This is not only the face of the Duke's Mansion, but also your young lady's face."

Gu Fuyun said: "The face is earned by yourself, not by this kind of ostentation."

Yingyu looked at her with a little surprise, she thought that all the ladies in Didi love to show off.

But Yingyu still said: "Young Madam, you are now the Madam of the Duke's Mansion, and you must take a guard when you travel, mainly for your safety. What if you encounter someone who is not long-eyed and bumps into you on the road?" manage?"

After all, the ostentation is not for oneself, but for outsiders to see.

Jian Yingyu also arranged for an eight-member guard of honor with whips and swords, and a four-member gong and drum team, but under Gu Fuyun's strong request, the guard of honor was reduced and only escorts were taken on the trip.

Yingyu didn't understand. She also knew that when the young lady was in the boudoir, she was not only supported by noble women in the circle, but was also despised by others because of her lack of noble background.It stands to reason that now that Gao is married to the Duke's mansion, he should talk about pomp and shame.

Gu Fuyun believes that ostentation is the most boring thing in the world, and it costs money and energy.Going to the Gu's family now, these followers still need to be received by the Gu's family, wouldn't it cause trouble to the natal family?
It's just a trip back to her mother's house, so what?
To show off is also to show off in front of outsiders, what is it to show off in front of her natal family?

In the end, the two parties compromised, and removed the guard of honor of the twelve-member group, and only brought four black-armored guards, eighteen warriors, and four servant girls to travel.Yingyu, on the other hand, was wearing red soft armor, a helmet hat and a sword in hand, and followed beside the carriage.

Even so, after the group set off on the road, they still attracted a lot of attention.

Halfway through the carriage, it stopped.

Yingyu explained Gu Fuyun's confusion: "Young Madam, the opposite is the carriage of the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion, Madam Su is sitting in the carriage. The other side asks us to make way."

Gu Fuyun was taken aback, and quickly lifted the curtain to look over.

Ginger-yellow five-carriage and eight-wreath-topped carriage, which is the standard travel regulation of the Marquis.According to the general driving rules, the troika must let the other five drive.But according to the ranking system, the duke ranks higher than the marquis, so he should be courteous to the other party.

However, this also involves seniority and rank.

According to the seniority, the other party is the elder, Yipin Gaoming's wife.And Gu Fuyun is not only a junior, but also only a third-rank imperial order.

According to the rules, as a junior, you have to get out of the car and see the ceremony in person.

But this is the main road, and there are female relatives, so you don't need to get out of the car, but you have to raise the curtains and sit in the carriage to give a half-respect to the other party.

Gu Fuyun made a decisive decision and asked the coachman to give way.

When the other party drove by, Gu Fuyun lifted the curtain and saluted the other party.

Although she hates Madam Su, she still needs to have some superficial skills.This is a necessary survival skill for a big wife. All kinds of grievances and hatreds are written on her face, and she still talks about sincerity.

Yingyu first looked at Mrs. Su, and then at Gu Fuyun.The former was obviously startled when he saw Gu Fuyun, while the latter smiled calmly.I thought to myself: Is this the unique ability of every lady?If it were me, seeing someone who insulted me and looked down on me, I would definitely turn my face back after Xianyu turned over.

Facing Gu Fuyun's cleverly smiling and respectful face, Mrs. Su was really terrified.Unspeakably uncomfortable and complicated.

Everyone in the world is envious, Mrs. Su's eldest son is the son of the Marquis of Wu'an, and the second son is the son of the mighty Marquis of Wu, a family of two marquises, such an honor, it can be said that no one has ever been seen before, and there will be no one to come after.

But Mrs. Su couldn't be happy.

Now that her daughter has lost her reputation, she can only marry far away, and she married the Confucian family in Shandong, which is famous for its staid and old-fashioned.Her husband annoyed her that she couldn't tell the difference between the serious and the serious, and offended people everywhere.Not only took back her housekeeper power, but even took in several new concubines.

Now the eldest daughter-in-law is in charge of the house, although she does not dare to disrespect her in accordance with filial piety, but compared to the respectful and humble past, she has to retreat a bit, but she still can't find a reason to complain.

The servants in the family also started to treat her negatively.

Even though the concubines were quite peaceful and didn't dare to touch her bad luck, but the little sluts came to pay her respects one by one all day long, with evil fire bursting out.

The second son also separated from her, and after being adopted, he went away like a bird in a cage, never to return.

Mrs. Su never thought that she, who had been dignified and respectable for most of her life, would end up like this when she was old and full of children and grandchildren.

After finally going out today, it was unlucky to run into Gu Wu's car.Gu Wu not only let her go, but also saluted her, Wen Wenping smiled sweetly, as if he had no previous grievances.

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