Gu Xiuyun suppressed her smile, and said in a deep voice: "Grandma Zuo, what's the point of using the Eastern Palace Imperial Food as a favor? If you have the ability, please invite our sisters to your residence to see and see."

Mrs. Deng opened her mouth, and hurriedly said: "Second Grandma Zhao, look at what you said, what kind of respect is there in Anyang Princess's Mansion? What is usually thrown away is better than what we eat. Our family is just an ordinary family. How can we treat you? I can afford Second Grandma Zhao and Mrs. Chu."

Gu Xiuyun said coldly: "In this case, then Grandma Zuo should eat more." Then he said to Gu Fuyun, "Fifth Sister, stop eating, lest Grandma Zuo will gossip about you." It's not that you don't blame Gu Fuyun, why eat so much on this occasion?It's useless to say bad things to others.

Deng said angrily, "Second Grandma Zhao, what do you mean?"

Gu Xiuyun said: "Isn't it your Grandma Zuo who dislikes my Fifth Sister for eating too much?"

"When did I say that?" Deng was anxious.After all, she was young, and she had just become a daughter-in-law not long ago, so it was time to perform conscientiously, and she was afraid that she would make a mistake, make people laugh, and let my uncle find an opportunity to anger himself.

Gu Xiuyun snorted coldly: "Dare to do it but dare not be it. Hmph!"


Gu Fuyun asked calmly: "Grandma Zuo, do you think I eat too much?" Pointing to the noodles, "Although I can eat, I know the rules, I only eat what I deserve. Big sister doesn't eat much, so I ate big sister's share too. What's wrong with you?"

There are also rules for banquets in the palace. Each rectangular table sits four people, two people sit next to it, four cold dishes and four hot dishes.Each dish is precisely rationed, and each person only eats one or two servings.No matter how greedy Gu Fuyun was, he wouldn't be able to eat other people's share.But for the nobles who have always paid attention to their reputation and face, such important occasions are usually paid only lightly, for fear of leaving others with the impression that they are too edible.But Gu Fuyun is different, she has a good psychological quality, so she is not afraid of being laughed at.So no matter what the occasion, she can eat it.

Mrs. Deng couldn't lift her head up because of Gu Xiuyun's squeeze, and now she was told by Gu Xiuyun, it was even more embarrassing. She didn't have the ability to give first aid on the spot, so she could only sit there, embarrassed to death, and could only weakly say: "Mr. Chu Madame misunderstood, I didn't mean that."

Mrs. Ning Guogong's second wife smoothed things over: "Mrs. Chu is really blessed. I really envy you for having such a good appetite." Then she spoke for Deng Shi, "Deng Shi has no other intentions, please don't talk to her. Experience. She is just envious of your good appetite. She also wants to eat, but she is afraid that she will get fat and her husband will dislike you. Unlike you, no matter how much you eat, you will not gain weight." Gu Fuyun smiled, " So it seems that I misunderstood Grandma Zuo." Then he raised his glass and toasted Deng, "I'll punish myself with a drink, you can do whatever you want."

The verbal maneuvers between the women have been exposed, but a new episode has emerged.

A woman not far from Gu Fuyun fell to the ground for no reason. This fall was terrible. It not only fell on the Korean lady, but also affected the female relatives sitting in the surrounding seats. When he fell to the ground, he was doused by the hot dishes on the table, screaming and screaming at each other.

With such a change, everyone in the hall was stunned.

The princess wanted to beat someone over to ask what was going on, but someone was hurt.

The one who was injured was Mrs. Han from the Marquis of Cheng'en's Mansion. The empress' aunt, this first-rank lady, clutched her old waist and screamed, it seemed that her waist was injured.

The princess hurriedly asked for an imperial physician and sent Mrs. Korea to the inner room.

It was later learned that the wrestler was Shou Wang's fiancée, Lin Shi.

This Lin family is none other than Lin Xue's younger sister Lin Shuang, who has dealt with Gu Fuyun several times, and the second daughter of the Jiangnan Lin family.

Lin Shuang said with a pale face, "I didn't do it on purpose. I wanted to get up and toast my grandmother, but I stepped on something and slipped. It was not my intention to hurt Mrs. Han."

The princess hurriedly ordered someone to check the ground.

Sure enough, someone picked up a pearl on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, someone picked up several pearls on the ground.

It seems that someone's pearl head was broken, so Lin Xue was implicated, and the Korean husband and wife were innocent.

Then someone asked, who owns this pearl face?
The Crown Princess glanced at a group of female relatives, each of whom was covered in pearls and emeralds. The women wearing pearl heads all touched their own tiaras, and then breathed a sigh of relief: "I wear them too, but mine didn't fall off."

Every woman who wears a pearl headgear says the same thing, but no one will recognize the broken pearl headgear.

Suddenly someone said: "Miss Lin, where's your pearl mask? I remember that you did wear a pearl mask today."

Everyone immediately looked at Lin.

Lin Shuang's face turned pale, and she subconsciously touched her bald bun.

It soon became clear that the pearl face originally belonged to Mrs. Lin, but it fell to the ground and was accidentally dropped by Mrs. Lin, who fell down and hurt everyone, and even injured Mrs. Han.

Lin Shuang knew that she could not deny it, so she had to admit her mistake to the princess, and put the responsibility on Qianjin Pavilion. This jewelry was originally bought by Qianjin Pavilion, and the quality was so poor. Very responsible.

So everyone, Lin's dissatisfaction turned to Qianjin Pavilion, and they all condemned Yu Xing, a profiteer.

Only Gu Fuyun sneered in his heart, this Lin Shuang was just like Lin Xue, both of them had wicked schemes, liked people behind their backs, and pretended to be innocent when they were discovered.If you directly admit your mistakes, kowtow a few times, and pay some losses, the matter will be exposed.

It's so stupid to talk about the Qianjin Pavilion.

Sure enough, the former Mrs. Shou Enbo, now the freshly-baked Mighty Mrs. Marquis who is the adoptive mother of the prince and Princess Ningguo, said, "Miss Lin, did you buy this bread from the Qianjin Pavilion? The quality is so poor that they really have to pay for it." Loss. It’s just that the Qianjin Pavilion has always had a rule that all purchases of jewelry will be issued with a written receipt, and the Qianjin Pavilion will also be archived separately. Miss Lin, take out the written receipt, or go to the Qianjin Pavilion to find the file.”

Lin Shuang's face turned pale.

Mrs. Wei Wuhou said again: "Evidence is necessary for everything. Otherwise, what you say is useless, and you can convict with just a word of mouth. What do you need the Metropolitan Procuratorate of Dali Temple for?"

Everyone thought it was right, and asked Lin Shuang to take out the purchase receipt, or go to Qianjin Pavilion to find the file.

Lin Shuang's expression changed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he explained in a panic: "I seem to have misremembered this, it seems that I didn't buy it from Qianjin Pavilion."

There is still something that everyone doesn't understand, and they are all contemptuous.

It was still Lin Shuang's aunt, who stepped forward to rescue Lin Shuang: "You, a simple thing, you have to make it complicated." Then she said to everyone, "This pearl was indeed bought by Qianjin Pavilion, and it was me who bought it. She went to buy the pearls herself. There should be a record in Qianjin Pavilion. She should have strung them up and put them on her head. Who would have thought that the pearl strings would break and cause a catastrophe.”

Everyone nodded, Madam Li's explanation was also reasonable.But I still have a lot of opinions on Lin Shuang, it was just an accident, you just admit it directly, why bother to get involved in Qianjin Pavilion.

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