Chapter 363
The public warehouse was cleaned up until the end of the year. After the three sisters Chu Yu, the servants they brought and the people arranged by Gu Fuyun, there were more than [-] people who had been cleaning up for a month and eight days, and finally the cleaning was completed.

Looking at the newly approved brochure and the classified goods, Gu Fuyun was very satisfied. Not only did he reward the two sisters of Chu Yu with fifty taels of silver each, but the servant girls and servants who were in charge of counting were also rewarded with a penny each.

"Sister-in-law, I have carefully checked the old and new registration books, and found that there are a total of seventy-one items that cannot be reconciled. Zhang Youwei's family can't explain why the items are lost, and there is no record in the withdrawal booklet. In addition, there are thirty-nine items. Although there are withdrawal records for the items, there is no one's signature. There are [-] items that have withdrawal records and signatures, but the source is not correct. And..." Chu Ling pulled Gu Fuyun over, pointing at the red The objects drawn by the pen, "Sister-in-law, you see, since the year before last, these are the objects collected by Zhiluoyuan, ranging from furniture to small tableware, as well as various ornaments, jade, vases, pens, inks, paper mills, pearls, etc. Hairpins, jewelry and other things are too frequently obtained.”

Chu Yan was young and didn't take part in the warehouse inventory, that is, he was ordered by his two sisters to do some chores every day, so he also followed at this time, with a disapproving expression on his face, and said: "What's the matter, my wife is not in good health. , Grandma took pity on my wife, so she greeted the warehouse, saying that if she needs anything, just ask, and let the warehouse not make it difficult."

Chu Ling said: "However, the withdrawals are too frequent. They will be withdrawn from the warehouse almost every month. I have calculated that these items add up to hundreds of items."

It's no wonder Chu Ling was surprised, it was tens of thousands of taels of silver, and it was really not a small amount.

Chu Yan still didn't take it seriously: "Is the Duke's Mansion too poor to get rid of the pot? I heard from Madam Gu that the outer courtyard draws [-] taels of silver to the Wanyue Hall every month. Every time the Duke's Mansion holds a feast, there are all kinds of things. Gold and silver devices, jade ornaments, and rare antiques can pile up the warehouse. My wife’s withdrawal of these things is just the tip of the iceberg.”

Chu Yu looked at Chu Yan with some surprise, and sneered, "I didn't expect that you, a concubine, would defend your aunt like this. I just don't know if the fourth aunt will look at you differently if she finds out." As far as she knew, the relationship between Chu Yan and his aunt was very flat, with more than respect and not enough intimacy.

Chu Yan said seriously: "After all, it is my aunt. Although I am not close to my aunt, my aunt has never made things difficult for me."

Chu Yu sneered and said, "I didn't embarrass you, let alone be harsh on you, but last time I went to your house, the furnishings were shabby, how can you look like a lady of the Duke's Mansion? And your clothes, until now, are just scattered The pattern of the flowers and the fabric are just plain cotton. Although I am also a concubine, I am much better than you in terms of food and clothing."

The current Chu Yu is indeed rich and powerful.It's not that she can make money, but after the new sister-in-law came in, she carried out a reform on each house, no longer taking care of every detail, but giving out a full amount of money every month, so that each house can take care of itself .Although Chu Yu is the head of the house, he runs the hospital alone.Wanyuetang gave her three hundred taels of silver every month, and there were only a dozen or so servants in her yard. After excluding all expenses and careful calculation, she could still save half of it every month.The rest of the money went into his own pocket.

These days, helping Gu Fuyun to clean up the warehouse, the servants under him also respected her a lot and showed a lot of filial piety.With money in hand, he has a certain right to speak in the Duke's Mansion, and his waist is naturally hardened.The humbleness of the concubine's daughter is gone, but due to her long contact with all kinds of slaves, the sense of superiority of the time-traveling woman has also been put away. Today's Chu Yu is more down-to-earth and more down-to-earth than before.Talking and acting, also began to align with the ancients.

Facing Chu Yu's ridicule, Chu Yu was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "My mother-in-law said, I am a little girl, I should not be extravagant and wasteful, but should be frugal in managing the house. So I am not allowed to wear brocade clothes and match pearl hairpins, so that I will not be raised at a young age. Be extravagant and wasteful." Seeing that everyone listened seriously, Chu Yan said again, "And my aunt, the house has also been laid off, and only two servant girls are left to serve. The aunt said that the money should be used wisely. You can't raise idlers to waste rice and grain. He also said that as an aunt, you have to abide by the rules of my aunt. My aunt is not allowed to wear beautiful clothes and expensive jewelry. Even the monthly payment has been reduced by half. Said that my aunt usually stays in the house In the middle, there is no place to spend it, and giving more money will only make you stubborn."

Hearing this, Gu Fuyun realized that the little girl was not talking to her aunt, but suing her aunt in a tactful way.

It was at this time that Gu Fuyun discovered that the eighth girl Chu Yun's clothes were indeed ordinary, although she also wore earrings and beads, they were really ordinary and not worth a lot of money.Although the clothes are ankle-length skirts that can only be worn by young ladies, the styles are simple and the fabrics are just ordinary.

"Oh, by the way, my wife's natal family will visit my wife at the end of the month. Every time I leave, there are big bags and small bags. In the next few days, my wife will have a bad temper. No matter what my aunt does Be careful, you will be punished for no reason." Chu Yan tilted his head and thought for a while before saying, "My aunt said that my wife was beaten hard by the autumn wind, so I must blame my aunt."

"Sister-in-law, what does it mean to beat the autumn wind? My aunt doesn't even explain it to me."

After Chu Yu and Chu Ling's reminders, as well as Chu Yan's supplement, Gu Fuyun can basically conclude that the Duke's Mansion actually has a Shuoshu.

At the reminder of Chu Ling and others, Gu Fuyun couldn't help paying more attention to Sifang.It was discovered that Wu's mother-in-law would come to the Duke's Mansion every other month, and every time she left, she would be covered with bags.

And in the next few days, the Tian family will indeed send people to the warehouse to collect the items, most of which are gold and silver devices.

Gu Fuyun also found that apart from Tian's frequent withdrawals from the warehouse, the medicines were also used more frequently, and the money for the medicines was quite a lot.But before Mrs. Chu spoke, whenever the fourth wife needed to withdraw medicinal materials from the pharmacy, and withdraw utensils from the warehouse, she was not allowed to stop her.He even sent a message to give the fourth wife an extra monthly subsidy.Because Sifang has two aunts and concubine children, Wanyuetang draws a thousand taels of silver from Sifang every month.This is not enough, Sifang also withdraws medicinal materials and items from the pharmacy and warehouse from time to time every month.Although these are registered, they are all accounted for by the public.What surprised Gu Fuyun the most was that the medicines that Mrs. Tian took were all prescribed by the same doctor, and she had to pay nine hundred taels of silver to the accountant every month.

"What disease does Fourth Aunt suffer from? Do you need to take such expensive medicine?" Gu Fuyun was stunned. Even though the Duke's Mansion is rich, it's not like this.Once he had doubts about a certain person, he would continue to pursue it, which made Gu Fuyun dig up more tricks.

 "The Last Atheist in the Entertainment Circle" was finally uploaded at the starting point after many interviews and consultations, with some revisions made at the beginning, so it can't be uploaded to Ah Piao right away.I hope everyone understands.Babies who like supernatural creatures don't forget to support Taozi.Fortunately, starting point and Xiaoxiang are both the same BOSS.It does not affect everyone's escape from "prison" to read the article.DS Xiaoxiang again, but I can't log in to the backstage. Now I always enter the author's backstage from the starting point.

(End of this chapter)

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