Chapter 370
Then, Chu Yu was convicted of disrespecting his elders, and was fined to kneel in the ancestral hall, beat his hand, and copied the family rules.

A girl like Chu Yu, who has not been educated by the strict noble girls in ancient times, naturally has to rise up and resist in her own way when faced with injustice and injustice. Witnesses are also listed.

Chu Yu's "reporting" method, although he killed [-] enemies, also caused [-] self-defeats. Not only was Mrs. Chu taken down to beat him up, but he was also punished by kneeling in the ancestral hall.

Although Tian tried his best to defend, Mrs. Chu's eyes were not blind, and the eighth girl Chu Yan was wearing what kind of clothes and where she lived was naturally clear at a glance, and she was also dissatisfied with Tian.

It's just that Mrs. Chu has always been soft-hearted. Seeing that Tian's health is not good, she doesn't want to say anything. She just listens to Gu Fuyun's advice and asks Chu to move out of Zhiluo Courtyard, and arranges a maid to serve her.

Although Chu Yu was damaged, Gu Fuyun's goal was also achieved. In front of Mrs. Chu, he asked someone to pack Chu Yu's clothes and supplies.

And the daughter-in-law who went to clean up came back after a while, and put a lot of eye drops on Tian.

"Young Madam, there is nothing to tidy up in Miss Ba's room. Except for clothes and beads, there are no valuable things in the house. To put it bluntly, the decorations in the house of the maidservant and mother-in-law are all better than those in Baba's house. The girl's house is worth money."

Gu Fuyun looked at this daughter-in-law with satisfaction. Although she was young, she was capable of doing things well and had a good eye.

Old Mrs. Chu's face was full of clouds, and she was looking at Tian with a knife in her eyes.

Although Xiao Ba is a concubine, she is a girl of the Duke's Mansion anyway, and will be a weapon used by the Duke's Mansion for marriage in the future. Naturally, she should be cultivated well, instead of letting her aunt be humble.

The kind of aunt who is a concubine's daughter is not worthy of being a mistress.

Tian Qiang calmly said: "Xiaoba is young, if you give her something valuable, it would be a pity if it gets messed up and broken, so I just..."

Gu Fuyun interrupted Tian's words, and said with a smile: "Fourth Aunt's reasoning is fine. Children, they really shouldn't use things that are too expensive. But the eighth younger sister has always been sensible. She was in my Wanyue Hall before, but she never One item was broken. The fourth aunt was worried for nothing."

"But then again, now that the eighth younger sister is opening a courtyard alone, should the fourth aunt move out the items placed in the eighth younger sister? Put them in the new yard?"

For those who are particular about the house, the decorations in the house, such as antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and jade ware, are indispensable, and they will be replaced according to the seasons of the year.The Chu family is no exception. Therefore, there are three full rooms of ornaments piled up in the warehouse. When the season changes, they will be replaced again to show their own strength and taste.

In the past two years, Mrs. Tian has been looking for the warehouse to change the decorations for the Eight Girls' house.

Gu Fuyun's proposal this time was also insidious and outrageous.But her reason was sufficient, Tian was stunned for a long time, and in front of the old lady, she dared not say anything, so she could only reply weakly: "Okay, I was afraid that the little eight people would be small, and their hands and feet would be broken." The utensils were collected by her. Now they are all placed in the small warehouse, but I am a little uncomfortable now, and I will ask someone to clean them up, take care of them, and send them to Xiao Ba."

Gu Fuyun naturally understood that those so-called decorations were probably taken by Tian Shi and sold to her natal family long ago.At this time, I can't take it out even if I want to.It stands to reason that she should take advantage of the victory to pursue her, and now force Tian to take out the key to the small warehouse, and she personally sends someone to move it, but he has to let him "recover" with good intentions under the excuse that he is not healthy, right?

So Gu Fuyun decided to let Tian Shi go.

Anyway, Tian must make up for the various ornaments that Chu put in Tian's small warehouse.


Gu Fuyun personally visited Chu Yu in the ancestral hall.

Chu Yu's current appearance is very miserable. Not to mention the [-] spankings, the palms of his palms are also swollen, lying on the hard wooden bed, as angry as he wants.As soon as he saw Gu Fuyun, tears welled up in his eyes.

Gu Fuyun personally took a box of ointment, sat on the wooden bed, and said, "Are you wronged?"

"Hmph!" Chu Yu burst into tears again, unable to stop.

"Are you complaining that I didn't intercede for you?"

"...Humph!" Chu Yu really wanted to say this, but she also knew that everyone in the Duke's Mansion disliked her, but Gu Fuyun was still kind to her, so no matter what, she couldn't be offended. up.

Gu Fuyun said: "Do you know why I didn't plead for you?"

Chu Yu was angry in her heart, because she wanted to see my jokes.

Gu Fuyun sighed softly: "You have such a temper, you can get angry at one point, and when you get agitated, you will not choose your words, complain indiscriminately, spit out everything without thinking about the consequences at all. With your temper, you still want to marry into a noble family. ?”

Chu Yu was still angry, but after all, it was not as strong as before.

"Do you think that grandma doesn't know about my aunt's temperament? It's just that her old man usually keeps her eyes closed. Now that you're making such a noise, do you want my aunt's face? Do you want my aunt's face? You are a dignified everyone." Do you still want the reputation of being a lady?"

Chu Yu was a little puzzled, and said in a buzzing voice: "The fourth aunt was harsh on the concubine, and she pretended to be ill to deceive others. Did I wrong her? Why did grandma punish me? I don't accept it, I just refuse!"

With Chu Yu's failing EQ and negative Chengfu, it's hard for her to bear to speak out until now.It's just that the timing of what she said was wrong.

"Is it time to tell the complaint?"

"You have to remember that you are a junior, and juniors are not allowed to make unreasonable comments about the rights and wrongs of the elders. Look at you, you not only made unreasonable remarks, but also sued the elders. This is your first mistake. The timing of your complaint is also wrong, Because you didn't hold on to him, you said he was pretending to be sick, you have to show evidence."

Chu Yu was stunned, and then said after a while: "Then she is harsh on a concubine, and there are always witnesses."

"What's the crime of being harsh on a concubine? It's only natural to beat and scold a concubine, not to mention being harsh on a concubine. Even if the elders know about it, they can only knock a few words. Do you think that with the complaints you have made, you can Is it okay to let the fourth aunt eat and hang up? You will only embarrass the fourth aunt for a while. After a while, he will still be an elder, and you, when you see him, you will still have to respectfully salute and greet him. "

This time, Chu Yu no longer stiffened her neck to say that she was not convinced, but just muttered: "This ancient times is really not a place for women to stay."

Gu Fuyun smiled, and said again: "With your temperament that can't hide your words, once you are provoked, you dare to say anything, have you thought about the consequences? Fortunately, the fourth aunt is just an aunt, and you are in your mother's house. If you were in your mother-in-law's family, if you dare to contradict your elders like this, you will become unreasonable even if you are justified. If you are so unreasonable in front of your mother-in-law, just wait to be divorced."

Chu Yu's face changed greatly: "It's not possible."

Gu Fuyun sneered: "What do you think? You have seen many daughters-in-laws these days, which daughter-in-law do you think is not respectful in front of her mother-in-law?"

Chu Yu's face was angry, but she didn't speak hard anymore, and still muttered: "This is the evil old society! It's really not stupid."

Gu Fuyun knew that although she was not convinced, she must have listened to it, and said again: "You will learn your wisdom from a pitfall, and you must not act so recklessly in the future."


This time, the Tian family suffered a heavy loss. Not only did they lose control over their concubine daughters, but they also lost the way to earn "extra money". They were beaten by Mrs. Chu again, and they probably hated Gu Fuyun to death.

Tian's is not easy to deal with Gu Fuyun, but it can make Chu Yu unhappy.

As a result, the news about the four girls in the Duke Huguo's mansion being domineering and self-willed and contradicting their elders spread.Although it was only a small-scale spread, the Duke's Mansion had its own eyes and ears, and it quickly fed back to Chu Rui's ears.

Chu Rui asked Gu Fuyun what happened to Chu Yu with a dark face.

Gu Fuyun then talked about the conflict between his fourth aunt Tian and Chu Yu.

Chu Rui frowned, and quickly sneered: "I didn't expect my fourth aunt to be this kind of person. I didn't even expect that Chu Yu, an idiot, has not made any progress in almost three years. Such a person, how can you Do you expect her to bring benefits to the family? Thank goodness for not hurting the other girls in the family."

Gu Fuyun was speechless.Although Chu Yu's nature is not bad, he is impulsive and speaks without thinking.It's just that such a person doesn't matter in a small family, but in a large family, this kind of person is used as cannon fodder.

So Gu Fuyun suggested: "Then find her a low-income family. As long as the in-laws are of good character."

Chu Rui sneered: "There are also a lot of praises in the small door. But at least the low door is easy to handle."

Gu Fuyun said: "You girl, you will be eighteen years old, if you don't get married, you will really become an old girl. How dare you have such rumors again... Sigh..."

"Her reputation is not good." Chu Rui said the truth, because she had the halo of a prostitute before, and these shortcomings of being pampered and willful can be covered up.After losing her status as a prostitute, the disgusting things she did before will be infinitely magnified and publicized everywhere.I can't even wash it off.

Gu Fuyun said: "Anyway, I have to get married, so I won't be an old girl at home."

Chu Rui said: "You tell Chu Yu that I can satisfy her if she wants to live a prosperous life of a high family, but the premise is that she has the ability to gain a foothold in a high family. A low family may not be able to be happy, but at least she can be happy." Make sure she won't be bullied. Let her choose. Give her three days. My patience is limited." He thought he had done his best to Chu Yuren.

Gu Fuyun nodded, understanding Chu Rui's knot.This man was born rich and noble, and he is in the whirlpool of power. He controls the life and fate of others, so he will develop a temperament that regards other people's fate as nothing.He can treat Chu Yu like this, at least he still has kindness in his bones.

"And that fourth aunt," Chu Rui is also a vengeful, "For many years, I pretended to be sick to take advantage of my fourth uncle, not to serve my uncle, to use money from the Duke's mansion to subsidize my mother's family, and to be harsh on my Chu family girl, one by one. It's enough to sleep her three or five times. However, family ugliness should not be publicized. At this stage, I can only get the evidence first, and then find an appropriate time to take the strings that the Tian family took from my Chu family. Spit it out."

(End of this chapter)

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