Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 380 Where did the money go?

Chapter 380 Where did the money go?
To be honest, this kind of green gold is the most inferior product in gold. People with a little money would rather use red gold than green gold because of the drop in price.

But Tian's not only used it, but the color of this phoenix hairpin looks like the old style from a few years ago, and the old style can't keep up with it, so I don't know who I am embarrassing if I wear it so red.

After Gu Fuyun and Nanny Lu sang together, Mrs. Chu also came to her senses and asked Tian: "My Longevity Hall has more than [-] people, and it only cost two hundred taels of silver last month. I built it this month. Two sets of heads and a few sets of new clothes were cut, which cost an extra five hundred taels of silver, but it is still more than enough for food, clothing, housing and transportation. How much can you spend on your Zhiluo Courtyard, just you, your fourth wife, and two aunts? Silver? I don’t usually see you wearing such a luxurious headgear and gorgeous clothes, it stands to reason that eight hundred taels of silver is enough for you to spend.”

Tian sneered: "It used to be enough. It was the fourth master. Recently, the expenses have gradually increased. He always asks me for money. There is also the third brother. The third brother has grown up. This child has grown up. There will always be three or two good friends, and it is always indispensable to travel together. Maybe you have to go to the brothel with your friends to drink tea and listen to the piano. The place that burns the most money. But the third brother doesn't have any money on him, so he can only ask my mother, how can I not give it to my mother? After going back and forth, the money is getting tighter and tighter."

The brothel mentioned by Tian is not the kind of place that only "slaps", it's an elegant place that real scholars go to.Here, there are piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poems and songs, playing and singing, and the six arts of a gentleman.A group of talented scholars hold cultural salons here and talk about it.Many famous poems, new lyrics and songs are mostly handed down from brothels.Many "cultural big Vs" are frequent visitors to brothels, they are purely holding literary gatherings, readers should not be too dirty.

The third master, Chu Ding, is sixteen years old this year. He is also a literati. He usually studies in Bailu Academy. Occasionally, he goes to the brothel with his classmates and friends. It is also a common occurrence.Places like brothels do burn money.

Old Mrs. Chu said: "If you don't tell me, I've forgotten that Sanlang is indeed not young, he has reached the age of spending money."

Seeing that her mother-in-law believed her words, Tian's confidence increased greatly, and she hurriedly said: "Isn't it true, man, if you are walking outside, if you are trapped by money and outsiders look at it, wouldn't you look petty? The third brother is the Duke of the country after all. Young master of the mansion, if you shy away from outside, wouldn’t it weaken the reputation of the mansion?"

Mrs. Chu said: "That's the reason. Money is a man's guts. It's really inconvenient to go out without money." Then she looked at Gu Fuyun, "It's not a problem for a man to walk outside without money. No, you should give one thousand taels of silver to your fourth aunt every month. The extra two hundred taels of silver is equivalent to spending for your third brother."

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "Grandmother is thoughtful and wholeheartedly thinking about your son. I think the third brother is here, and he will definitely appreciate you as an old man. But, I think, at the age of the third brother, he still reaches out to the mother. Is it a little inappropriate? Otherwise, I will tell Shizi later and ask him to increase the share of the third brother every month. The third brother is such a big man, and he has self-respect. Fourth aunt wants money? Grandma, do you think so?"

Tian hurriedly said: "It's only natural for a mother to keep the money for her son. I'm also afraid that Sanlang is young and has no money. If I give him all the money, what should I do if I spend all the money? Or hand over the money to In my hand, I will keep it for the child, so as not to prevent the child from being unable to control his own hand."

Gu Fuyun said with a smile: "Fourth Aunt's loving mother's heart really moved me. But, Fourth Aunt, the third brother will always grow. If he is not given the chance to try and make mistakes, how can the third brother grow into a real towering giant?" What about trees? If you spend even a little money and still need parental control, how can you resist the ups and downs outside?" Too lazy to talk nonsense with Mrs. Tian, ​​Gu Fuyun turned to Mrs. Chu and said, "Grandmother, when I was in my natal family, my unmarried son , and they all take care of the money directly. My grandmother means that no matter men or girls, you have to learn to manage money by yourself. Even my eleven-year-old brother is also in charge of money by himself. At first, my mother Worried, my younger brother spends a lot of money and has no success. Grandma said, I have to give him a chance to try and make mistakes. Anyway, the money has been given to him. Whether he spends it all at once or saves money is his own. Because everyone has to be responsible for their own actions. Sure enough, my brother was really lavish at the beginning, and he ran out of money before the middle of the month. He even borrowed from me twice. But after two months, my little brother We can keep our expenses under control.”

Mrs. Chu nodded again and again: "Although the old lady in-law is a housewife, she is indeed a visionary. The children raised by the old lady in-law are prudent and considerate, and the girls are dignified and virtuous. All right, just follow Dalang Daughter-in-law's idea. Let Da Lang give San Lang... one hundred taels of silver every month. Let him decide for himself. For the fourth family, don't worry about it."

The difference between one hundred taels of silver and two hundred taels of silver is too far, and it is no more than his own hands. How could Tian be willing to do it? Nothing counts..."

Mrs. Chu said disapprovingly: "One hundred taels of silver is not too much, you don't need to worry."

Seeing that she couldn't convince the old lady, Tian had another idea: "Last month, Sanlang took nearly five hundred taels of silver from me, but now I only give Sanlang one hundred taels of silver a month, isn't it a little less?"

Mrs. Chu said displeasedly: "Old four, if you are not in charge of the family, you don't know the price of oil and salt. In the past, when Xiao Liu was in charge of the family, Da Lang only had a monthly rule of twenty taels of silver a month. Da Lang persisted for three years, but he didn't see you again What did Dalang say? Now that Sanlang has a hundred taels of silver a month, you are still not satisfied?"

Don't look at Mrs. Chu who is not good at housekeeping, let alone understand the twists and turns in the inner house, but when she speaks, she can't beat around the bush.

I saw her directly firing at Tian: "In the past, when Da Lang received a monthly allowance of twenty taels of silver, why didn't you speak for Da Lang? I don’t see you as poor. Why, I’ll give you [-] taels of silver right now, and you still think it’s too little? Do you think it’s too easy for Dalang to earn money to support his family, or do you think Dalang’s wife and housekeeper can manage a cornucopia? ?”

"Old lady, I didn't mean that..." Mrs. Tian hurriedly explained, "Daughter-in-law means that Sanlang is walking outside and has a tight budget. How can he communicate with his classmates? Buying a book today, and buying a calligraphy and painting tomorrow. Spend money, let alone go to the brothel. What the daughter-in-law means is that our Duke’s mansion is not short of money anyway, and giving more money will not hurt the bones. Doesn’t he have the air of a son of a prince’s mansion?”

Gu Fuyun said in surprise: "Fourth aunt, I don't see the third brother much on weekdays, but I also know that the third brother is not the kind of person who spends money."

Tian's hated Gu Fuyun to death, and couldn't hold back his anger, and said: "Every time your third brother spends a sum of money, you have to report to your sister-in-law next door? Is the eldest daughter-in-law too strict?"

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "Look at what Fourth Aunt said, how much money does the third brother need to spend to be suitable? Or, why don't you find out by calling the third brother's personal servant?"

Tian: "..."

Gu Fuyun was sure that Tian would not dare to call the servant for questioning.

Sure enough, Tian really didn't dare to call Sanlang's servant for questioning, so he could only grit his teeth and agree in the end.

Although the Tian family failed to take advantage of it, Gu Fuyun was still unhappy. Wouldn't it be nice to enjoy the "central air conditioner" comfortably at home on a hot day?I have to come here to fight with you, but I can't get angry.

So Gu Fuyun couldn't help but stab Tian's: "I heard that the fourth aunt's natal family recently bought another [-] mu of fertile land?"

Mrs. Tian had a ghost in her heart, so she didn't dare to answer, and hurriedly said: "I don't know very well about my mother's family. It must be my sister-in-law who manages the house well."

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "Uncle Tian's family is able to earn such a family fortune, which really makes me admire."

Tian sneered, because of a guilty conscience, she did not dare to say anything more.

But Gu Fuyun didn't want to let her go, so he smiled and said: "I remember, the uncle of the Tian family, the moon and silver, and the aunt of the Tian family can also wear a red gold head mask. Fourth aunt, the pearl hairpin on your head is Green gold, right? Fourth Aunt, you are too frugal, you have to use red gold anyway. Also, your fabric is only thick, not to mention ice silk satin, shiny gold, at least you have to use it. Use floral satin or jacquard. I remember that Tian’s aunts all wore jacquard, and it was woven with gold and silver thread.”

Weaving clothes with gold thread is the treatment that rich people deserve. Uncle Tian’s family is just a small sixth-rank admiral in Henan Province. Wear gold and silver, call slaves and maids, buy land, buy shops, unless the uncle of the Tian family is corrupt.

There were quite a few officials in the Dasheng Dynasty who were greedy for ink. Once something happened, the whole family would be ransacked, and even three generations would be affected. It was also a shameful behavior in the circle.

However, Tian knew that her elder brother could not be corrupted, otherwise, her mother and sister-in-law would not come to her often to have fun, so of course she had to tell her how honest her elder brother was and how he cherished his feathers.

Gu Fuyun said meaningfully: "Fourth Aunt is right, it must be Tian's Aunt who manages the family well." Then he stared at Tian's plain attire, "Compared to Tian's Aunt, Fourth Aunt is much more respectful. Learn from the four aunts. Uncle Tian’s moon and silver are only three or two, and look at Aunt Tian’s usual clothes.”

Mrs. Chu also had some recollection, and asked Tian: "I don't usually see you wearing such gorgeous clothes and expensive hair. Why is the money not enough? Where has all your money been spent?" Mrs. Chu The person also came from the daughter-in-law. At the beginning, the little Liu's housekeeper often smuggled the property of the Duke's mansion back to her natal family, and when Gu Fuyun mentioned the Tian family who bought the property and land, she narrowed her eyes: "You're the one who bought the land. The money was given to your natal family?"

 This article has tens of thousands of words to finish, but every time I finish it, I waste a lot of brain cells, alas

(End of this chapter)

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