Chapter 387 Anti-General Army

Mrs. Zhao is a little unhappy. She has been in charge of the inner house for decades, and has dealt with sisters-in-law, seven aunts and eight aunts for many years. Tian's complaint and questioning are really not on the table.She has a good impression of Gu Fuyun, she is a little girl who is very good at dealing with people and warm to sleep.Just now the old sister told her that this granddaughter-in-law is generous, unites the clan, loves the sister-in-law, respects the elders, how can she be harsh on the aunt?Unless this aunt is a bad thing.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if Mrs. Gu has neglected this aunt, Mrs. Tian shouldn't directly lash out in front of her as an outsider.So Mrs. Zhao said: "There must be a reason why the storehouse doesn't give you bowls, chopsticks and tea sets. You just need to call someone up and ask them carefully. Is it necessary to talk to the elders?"

Tian: "..."

Mrs. Chu was also a little displeased, but she had always owed this daughter-in-law, so she tolerated it all the time, and said, "Fourth daughter-in-law, is there some misunderstanding here?"

Tian said: "Old lady, my daughter-in-law also hopes that this is just a misunderstanding. It's just that I waited all afternoon, but no one answered my doubts, and no one brought over the bowls and chopsticks, so I had to go there myself." Then he looked at the Gu Fuyun smiled again, "Dalang's daughter-in-law is capable, she just finished the old lady's birthday banquet, and there are still many complicated errands on her hands. It must be difficult for me to put such a small matter in your heart." let's go."

Gu Fuyun regretted to death in her heart, she really should have crippled her with a stick.She smiled apologetically on her face and said, "It's just a set of tea sets. Let's see how anxious Fourth Aunt is. But I don't understand how many bowls and chopsticks were broken in Fourth Aunt's room? Is it possible that all of them are given to you?" Broken? Can't find a complete piece? I'm really curious?"

Three pairs of eyes looked at Tian Shi.

Tian hurriedly said: "I took the medicine today and my body became weak, so I accidentally touched it, hey, I said Dalang's wife, now is not the time to discuss these things, but, when will Dalang's wife let people know?" Bring it to me."

Gu Fuyun grasped the clues in Tian's words: "Aunt Si told me just now that she became weak after taking the medicine and had no strength to go out, but now she said that she broke the teacup after taking the medicine. Aunt Si, you When was your teacup broken?"

Tian hurriedly said: "I was wrong just now, the maid accidentally broke it, it was broken this morning."

Gu Fuyun raised her eyebrows and said: "Which maid is so careless? She broke all the teacups in the fourth aunt's room?" Gu Fuyun also felt a little disgusted with Tian's behavior, and she got angry with her in front of the guests, didn't she just want to Let the guests mistakenly think that her niece and daughter-in-law are harsh aunts?

Hmph, she is unkind, so don't blame me for being unrighteous.

And Mrs. Zhao was really sorry for Gu Fuyun's serving of tea and water just now, and she actually took up the conversation: "Is that right? What kind of maid is so bold that she dares to break all the tea sets, bowls and chopsticks in the mistress' room? It's the other way around, if you don't want to be beaten to death, you have to tie them up and sell them."

Mrs. Chu was taken astray, and she really asked Mrs. Tian: "Is it because you have been sick for a long time, and the maids in the house started to neglect you?"

"Old lady, I..."

"You don't have to worry about it. Half of the servants in your house are assigned to you by me. Before, I saw that they were reliable, honest, and able to take care of others, so they were pulled out to serve in your house. Now you dare to bully the master, forgive me They can't." Mrs. Chu said to Gu Fuyun solemnly: "Daughter-in-law, you go to the kitchen to arrange meals, and immediately tie up that scumbag and leave him alone."

Seeing Tian's expression changed drastically, Gu Fuyun happily took the order and left.

After arranging the meals, Gu Fuyun went to the Zhiluo courtyard in the fourth room.

Gu Fuyun charged in with a group of men and horses, alarming the entire Zhiluo Courtyard's servants.

Ji's mother, who was serving in Tian's house, also rushed out to welcome her, smiling all over her face: "What wind brought the young lady here? Didn't my fourth wife go to look for the young lady? The young lady came by herself. "

Gu Fuyun said with a cold face: "I was ordered by the old lady to lock up the slave who broke the bowl in the fourth aunt's house. Sister Ji, do you know which slave broke the bowl? "

"Ah?" Ji's mother had a question mark on her face.

Gu Fuyun frowned and shouted in a deep voice: "Why are you still hesitating? Get back to me quickly."

Gu Fuyun has a high prestige in the Duke's mansion, giving orders, he naturally has a certain majesty. This time, his brows are deep and his voice is deep, with a majesty that cannot be violated. Mother Ji was shocked, and secretly "broken", and hurriedly She smiled and said: "Young madam misunderstood, the fourth madam probably didn't make it clear that the bowl was indeed broken by a maid. But it was just carelessness, because the maid caught something under her feet, so she put it on the table All the bowls on the table were broken on the floor. The maid didn't do it on purpose, so the fourth wife couldn't bear to embarrass her."

Gu Fuyun couldn't deny it, "There are many loopholes. The dishes are all packed and placed in the kitchen, so how can they be put on the table? Could it be that all the dishes in the fourth aunt's house are placed on the table? It was broken? It must be that some of you are bullying my fourth aunt." Then he rushed to the kitchen and checked the dishes and household items himself.

The kitchen is not big, about six or seven square meters, and the wall is full of wooden cabinets. The women opened the cabinets and checked one by one, and found that there were indeed very few dishes.

Gu Fuyun went to the main room again, and found that the decorations in the main room were pitiful. The Duobao Pavilion was specially used to display antique vases, jade wares or small objects. Room, and secondly, it also plays a decorative role.But at the moment Duobao Pavilion is empty, Gu Fuyun pointed to Duobao Pavilion, and asked Madam Gu: "The last time I came to visit my fourth aunt, there was a sky-blue makeup vase here, and a snow-coloured vase here." Beauty goblet, there is still a jade unicorn here, why is it gone now? Where have they all gone?"

Ji's mother's complexion changed drastically, and she squeaked. She said that she was put away by the fourth wife, that she was sold by the fourth wife, and that she was given away by the fourth wife.

Seeing this person's guilty expression, Gu Fuyun knew that there must be something tricky about it, so he was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, so he immediately had Mama Ji tied up.

Tian's making such a fuss today also severely swept Gu Fuyun's face.Fortunately, Mrs. Zhao had experienced the battlefield for a long time, and immediately saw through Tian's tricks, so that Gu Fuyun could turn against the army.Taking the opportunity to catch Tian's sore spot.

As for Mrs. Chu who was slow to respond to the inner house, Gu Fuyun was a little dumbfounded.But then again, there is a shrewd old lady who is not beautiful as a daughter-in-law.

Because there were still guests, Gu Fuyun did not immediately interrogate Mother Ji, but had her tied up, and then went to Yanshou Hall to continue serving Mrs. Chu and the guests.

At this time, the small flower hall of Yanshou Hall had set up a dining table, and the two old ladies had already sat down at the dining table and began to move their chopsticks.Tian's head was sitting on pins and needles, seeing Gu Fuyun coming in, her face showed a bit of urgency, but she wanted to ask, but because of her guilty conscience, she didn't dare to ask, it was very uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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