Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 396 Lin Shuang's Hole Card

Chapter 396 Lin Shuang's Hole Card

Seeing her speak so solemnly, the Crown Princess winked left and right, and all the palace people in the palace retreated, but secretly, there were still a few vigorous maidservants hiding behind the curtain.

Lin Shuang walked a few steps on his knees, only three steps away from the princess, and then said word by word: "What I will say next, in the eyes of the princess, must be incredible. Nothing to hide."

Seeing her speaking so solemnly, the princess also restrained her smile: "Okay, you can tell."

"In the next year, Concubine Lin will replace the Crown Princess and become the new Crown Princess."

The Crown Princess frowned, and said displeasedly: "Miss Lin, Concubine Lin is your first sister, and she is related to you by blood. You know, slandering the Concubine of the Eastern Palace without evidence is a capital offense."

Lin Shuang raised her head and said, "Crown Princess, the ministers are telling the truth, there is absolutely no falsehood. Because the ministers are reborn."

"Rebirth?" The princess was stunned, thinking that she was listening to a book from heaven.

Lin Shuang said again: "Whether the Crown Princess believes it or not, the minister can't hold back anymore, and she can't vomit. In the last life, the minister lived to be twenty-one years old. Therefore, the minister will know what will happen in the next three years Clearly."

The Crown Princess stared at Lin Shuang with a dignified expression, "Is this true?"

Lin Shuang nodded solemnly: "It's absolutely true. The purpose of my daughter's resurrection is to take revenge. Why does my daughter hate my sister so much? That's because she died at the hands of my daughter in her last life."

The Crown Princess was confused by the news that Lin Shuang was reborn, and like everyone else, she inevitably had to ask about what happened in the future, for example, the future between her and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Lin Shuang said angrily: "His Royal Highness will ascend the throne in six years. But you, the Crown Princess, have been tricked by Lin Xue. You will die of a strange disease next year at the most. Because Lin Xue practiced witchcraft in the palace I have a hunch that there must be a witch cup in Lin Xuedian, and it is placed in the rockery outside the main hall of Ruiying Palace. In the last life, she used the witch cup to punish many people. The family members can only exterminate relatives righteously and expose this person's conspiracy. I just ask the Crown Princess not to blame the Lin family."

The crown princess was furious, and immediately sent someone to search the bedroom of the side concubine Lin.

After a while, the palace people found a villain from the rockery of Ruiying Palace. Although there was no needle inserted and no date of birth, the three words "Yin Moli" written on it were enough to identify Concubine Lin. sin.

The concubine looked at the little man covered in mud, and said to Lin Shuang with satisfaction, "Thank you for telling me in advance and saving me from trouble. Concubine Lin has ulterior motives, and she deserves death."

Lin Shuang kowtowed again and said, "My Lin family is full of people, and all of them are loyal to His Highness the Crown Prince. The Crown Princess is tolerant and amiable, and the courtiers have long regarded her as a sister-in-law, otherwise they would not have risked the risk of killing the family and told the Crown Princess you. Please, His Highness, hurry up and take revenge on the Lin family."

The concubine said gently: "This is natural. I will reward you for your outstanding achievements. Now that something like this has happened, Concubine Lin can no longer stay. His Royal Highness has always valued the Lin family. Don't worry, I will not I have treated you badly. Go back and wait for the good news."

Lin Shuang's heart was settled, and he kowtowed again to thank the princess for not killing her.But there was an unspeakable addiction on his face.

The princess asked: "What else?"

Lin Shuang hesitated to speak, and under the repeated urging of the princess, he hesitated and said: "There is a saying, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"There are no outsiders here, so you can just say it." The princess was gentle and magnanimous.

Lin Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said, "Crown Princess, I think that Mrs. Gu, the protector's son's wife, is weird."

"Huh?" The princess's expression froze.

Lin Shuang said again: "My daughter is reborn. I clearly remember that in the last life, the Gu family had a reputation of calculating Chu Rui, and died of a sudden illness not long after marrying into the Chu family. But in this life, that Gu family not only cleared her reputation, but also became a talented woman. She made great strides forward, not only made good friends with Princess Ningguo, but also made good friends with the Crown Princess. Don't you find it strange?"

The crown prince's face was solemn, trying to recall every detail of her relationship with Gu Fuyun in her mind, and said hesitantly, "You mean, Gu Wu was also reborn?"

Lin Shuang nodded, "At first, my courtiers were also skeptical. But later, I felt that the Gu family should not be reborn, but should be resurrected with a dead body."

The princess was startled, "How can I see that?"

"In Gu's last life, the courtiers remembered clearly that she died of a sudden illness shortly after marrying into the Chu family. It was later rumored that Gu's disobedience to women was beaten to death by Chu Hengshan. If Gu was reborn, she would definitely I will take revenge on Chu Hengshan instead of marrying into the Chu family again."

The princess nodded in agreement.

Lin Shuang said again: "Thus, the courtier suspects that Mrs. Gu must have resurrected her soul through a dead body. Otherwise, how could this person be good at writing, painting, dancing, and even medical skills overnight? Gu Wu in the past, how could he not learn?" Wushu's reputation for being competitive is well known."

The Crown Princess looked dignified, and asked Lin Shuang a lot of questions, and said to her: "You have made such a remarkable achievement, and I will definitely reward you well. You go back first, and wait for the good news from His Royal Highness."

When Lin Shuang left with satisfaction, Concubine Lin behind the curtain was also dragged out.Cloth was stuffed in his mouth, tears were all over his face, his expression was numb, and his face was ashen.


On this day, at the second quarter of Xu time, Chu Rui was called into the East Palace, saying that His Royal Highness had something important to discuss.

Knowing that Lin Shuang entered the palace today, Chu Rui was also called into the East Palace.Gu Fuyun knew that Lin Shuang should enter the palace to show her hole cards.

I don't know what kind of trump card this woman has in her hand. The turbulent rumors outside these few days have not shaken this woman in the slightest. She really is a ruthless character.He has a strong psychological quality and a strong heart, and he is a person with the highest EQ and IQ. Being targeted by such a person really put a lot of pressure on Gu Fuyun.

Gu Fuyun tried hard to force himself to calm down. Traveling so far, except for the first time he was blamed, and then he was disgusted by Chu Rui, Su Liu, and Chen Yan respectively, and suppressed for a while, and then gradually turned things around step by step.After almost two years of comfortable life, she was once again caught in the predicament of being calculated, which made her very angry.

I went through all the things that might happen, but I didn't get the point. I was half angry and half angry. This Lin Shuang, who is young, has a lot of skills. It is amazing that he can push me into such a situation.

Looking at the night outside the window, it's midnight, and Chu Rui hasn't come back yet.

Gu Fuyun took a deep breath, regained his sanity, and began to think and investigate. Finally, according to Lin Shuang's words, he could rule out the identity of the time traveler, but this person is so confident, he must have other unknown abilities.

Since Lin Shuang is not a time traveler, but she is doubting herself, is it possible that she really regards herself as a ghost who has resurrected from a dead body?Or, does she have other evidence in her hand?
If so, it's a bit tricky.

After all, the ancients were not tolerant in this regard.

 Lin Shuang's setting is the most powerful villain, the kind that can push the protagonist into a corner.Moreover, Lin Shuang is also a person with a strong heart and a high adversity quotient.I also know that readers are going to hate me now.Don't worry, just be patient.

(End of this chapter)

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