Chapter 399 Tian's Fate

In this room, the prince wrote the decree, sealed it with the prince's seal, handed it to the eunuch Wang Haining, and explained it.

Wang Haining opened the decree, read it, and handed it to his apprentice Yongxiang.

Yong Xiang frantically opened it, almost thought he had read it wrong, and rubbed his eyes again, the yellow paper and black paper were clearly written, then looked at the smiling master, and then secretly glanced at the gentle and elegant prince Your Highness, Yongxiang felt a cold chill on his back.

The eyes of His Royal Highness seemed to be turning around his face, Yongxiang shivered cleverly, his teeth were gritted, and he quickly asked his master: "Eunuch, when are we going to leave?"

Wang Haining said slowly: "Let's go now. Do you know what to do?"

"I know, I know." Yongxiang hurriedly said, "Second Miss Lin really has a great fortune. Congratulations to Miss Lin, who is younger."

The prince went back to the crown princess again, and saw Lin side concubine standing in front of the crown princess, with a respectful attitude, as if listening to something.Seeing His Highness the Crown Prince, he hurriedly saluted him, and then retreated silently.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince did not look at Concubine Lin, but smiled at the Crown Princess: "Congratulations, the Crown Princess, you finally hold this sharp knife in your hand."

The crown princess raised her eyebrows and smiled: "It's all thanks to His Highness, without His Highness' cooperation, I would not be able to subdue this person smoothly."

Then he thought of something, frowned slightly, and looked at the prince, "Your Highness believes in Shibie for three days, should you look at him with admiration?"

The prince said: "Trust!"


The prince took a sip of tea and said: "When I was young, I used to be annoyed by pigs and dogs, and I often sneaked, raped and evaded when practicing martial arts and archery. My father often beat me. He said to me, how can you spend your days like this?" I'm sorry for your mother? My father also told me that he is not my biological father. My biological father and mother are someone else. He also said that my family is now in charge of the concubine, and my legitimate son has become a shameful person instead. Father Ask me, are you going to be useless for the rest of your life, or go back and take back everything that belongs to you?"

The prince looked at the princess and continued: "Since then, I have never been lazy in practicing martial arts and archery. No matter how difficult the task my father assigns me, I can find ways to complete it. People in the village always say , Eldest Young Master, I don’t know what kind of elixir he took, as if he grew up overnight, completely reborn, it’s unbelievable.”

The princess was thoughtful.

The prince said again: "I have also heard a little about Gu's experience. Under desperate circumstances, people can indeed be forced to unleash their infinite potential. I believe in this."

The princess nodded and said with a smile: "Then I can rest assured. After all, I still like her very much."

The crown prince smiled again: "Don't be too happy too soon. Gu Wu is fine, but this Chu Hengshan, the son of the protector of the country, has a big problem."


Mrs. Chu acted resolutely, and wrote to the imperial court the next day, asking for the title of Duke of Chu Rui's successor country.

Chu Rui is the son of the world. With the current achievements, it is logical to inherit the throne of the country.

According to the rules, the Duke's Mansion had to hold a big banquet to celebrate.But because of Gu Fuyun's pregnancy, the Fourth Wife of the Duke's Mansion, Mrs. Tian, ​​died of illness at this time of year. The Duke's Mansion had to organize the funeral.

The Tian family only said that he died of illness, and outsiders did not suspect it.

In fact, he was drugged to death.

Mrs. Chu wrote to the imperial court that Chu Rui would inherit the title of duke of the country. What a blow to the Tian family who was engaged in business.The Tian family, whose hope was in vain, complained a few words in front of her husband, saying why couldn't the princes of the country be brothers and sisters, and Chu Jian was also the son of the old lady, so why couldn't Chu Jian be allowed to inherit the throne of the country.These words frightened Chu Jian, and he scolded her, saying that she was too ambitious and didn't know what to say, and said sarcastically: "You should also be glad that I didn't inherit that position, otherwise I will be the first to divorce you, you stupid woman. I don't even think about whether I am worthy of the status of the Duke's wife."

Tian was so angry that he almost lost his breath.

Then he complained in front of his son.

The third master Chu Ding was taken aback, and quickly looked around, only to find that there was no one, so he was relieved and said to his mother seriously: "Mother, don't mention it again. The position of Duke belongs to the elder brother. Only the elder brother can inherit it." The son's ability is limited, and he can't take on the big responsibility."

Tian's complaints reached Gu Fuyun's ears through someone with a heart.This made Gu Fuyun's new enmity add to his old enmity, and he could no longer bear it, so he revealed the news of Tian's feigning illness to Nanny Lu through Li Youyin's family.

Nanny Lu naturally asked for proof, and then Gu Fuyun secretly presented the evidence of Tian's collusion with Doctor Jiang from the pharmacy outside to Nanny Lu.

Nanny Lu had the exact evidence, so she told Mrs. Chu all about it.

Once Mrs. Chu gets really angry, the lethality is quite large.He ordered people to show the imperial physician the prescriptions that Tian usually took, and confirmed that Tian had been feigning illness for many years.Immediately, people arrested Tian Shi, slapped him several times, and locked him in the woodshed.

Tian Shi was really sick this time, and she was so frightened that she was lying on the bed, dying.She knew that the old lady was furious this time, so she could only place her hope on her son Chu Ding.

Gu Fuyun was also afraid, afraid that Mrs. Chu's heart would be soft, and she would gently lift it up and put it down, and also afraid that Chu Ding would intercede, so people blocked the news under the pretext of "family ugliness should not be publicized", so that Tian's family was imprisoned. The firewood room can't even deliver the news.Chu Ding was also sent out by Manager Li who found an excuse.

Gu Fuyun was really tired of Tian's being a monster several times, so he decided to beat Tian's death with a stick, and it would be over once and for all.He also quietly revealed the fact that Tian's delusion to get involved in the Dukedom of the country, and secretly instigated Mrs. Ji, Nanny Qin, to frame her.

Originally, he was debating whether to divorce Mrs. Tian or send her to the family temple, Mrs. Chu, but she heard that Mrs. Tian still had such ambitions, so she finally made up her mind to kill her directly without doing anything else.Anyway, she was sick all the year round, which was known inside and outside.He was poisoned to death, and no one doubted it.

According to Mrs. Chu's original words: "Troubled wives and ruined three generations. A stupid woman like Tian can no longer stay in my Chu family. Hugh going back will have a great impact on Saburo, so let her shut up forever."

Tian was not dismissed and returned to her natal family, but was buried in the name of the fourth wife of the Duke's Mansion. According to the rules of filial piety, Chu Ding had to observe filial piety for three years, and Chu Rui and his wife had to observe filial piety for three months.

Gu Fuyun was upset, instead of this, it would be more satisfying to retire Tian Shi back to her natal family.

Mrs. Chu explained: "Da Lang has won the sacred heart, and has received important errands. Now he inherits the throne of the country, and it is full of flowers, and the fire is cooking oil. You should also be quiet, so as not to attract wind. It just happens to borrow Tian's funeral. , keep a low profile."

Chu Rui deeply believed it, and Gu Fuyun also admired Mrs. Chu's foresight.After Tian's funeral was handled, the Duke's Mansion closed its doors to thank the guests, and announced to the outside world that they would keep filial piety for the aunt for three months.

The outside world also praised Chu Rui for his filial piety.

Chu Rui not only handed over the errands in his hands, but even thanked guests behind closed doors.

This made His Royal Highness, who was struggling with whether to continue to reuse Chu Rui, almost flicker.

 Many readers, like me, are short-tempered.

  Tian's feigning illness, why didn't the hostess expose her?This chapter is the answer.

  Ask for some tickets and rewards, for Tian's death!
(End of this chapter)

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