Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 408 Su 6 has a good wife at home

Chapter 408 Su Liu's Family Has a Good Wife
Su Lan, the eldest son of the mighty Marquis, was delighted to receive a daughter, and the full moon banquet was held grandly.

Su Lan looked at the long list of gifts in hand, the mighty Marquis has the identity of the prince and the adoptive father of Princess Ningguo, and his heir also leans against a big tree to enjoy the shade, and received a lot of gifts for her daughter's three baptisms, including the gifts from the full moon banquet , It is full of warehouses.

However, Duke Huguo's Mansion actually sent two generous gifts, and the steward who received the gifts dared not do anything special, so he reported to Su Lan.

"One is in the name of the Duke's Mansion, and the other is in the name of Mrs. Gu. They are both generous gifts. On the day the eldest girl was born, the Duke Protector's Mansion also gave two generous gifts." The mighty Marquis naturally also heard about it. The love affair between the eldest son and Mrs. Gu can't help but fantasize about it.

Even his wife, Fang Shi, was a little puzzled when she saw such a generous gift: "Why did Mrs. Gu send such a generous gift?" She also heard that her husband and Gu Shi were engaged. Nothing happened to her.

Fang didn't dislike Gu Wu, but she couldn't say she liked him either.

Gu Wu sent such a heavy gift, probably because he wanted to repair the relationship between the two families.

After all, the current Su Lan is not what it used to be.

Although Gu Wu is the honorable wife of the Duke, there are rumors that Duke Protector Chu Rui has been suspected by the Crown Prince, and the Duke Protector's mansion may go downhill.

Sure enough, flowers never bloom forever, and Feng Shui takes turns!

Therefore, Fang graciously handed over the gift list to Su Lan.

Su Lan picked up the two gift lists for comparison. The ones sent by the Duke Huguo's Mansion were all valuables, which belonged to the standard gifts for the right family.The gifts from Mrs. Gu are mostly for women and children, but each one is exquisite.

It is a normal human relationship for the Duke Protector's House to give gifts.

Gu's gift was given in his own name, and he gave it twice in a row, so why?

Is it really because Chu Rui was jealous of the prince, so he came here to hug him?
Su Lan was also dreaming for a while.

He read the hundred and ten words on the gift list over and over again, seven-color makeup brocade, flashing face, top-grade blood bird's nest, white fungus, hundred-year-old wild ginseng, red gold Luoying double fish bolus lock, south beads, five-color gemstones, And the golden pig made of red gold, the daughter is a pig, and the golden pig made of gold is quite meaningful, which shows its intention.

There is also a line of big characters written on the gift list: happy guests laugh, like flowers and beautiful jade descending to the world.The lower line is smaller, congratulations to Mrs. He Yahui on her granddaughter, Congratulations to Mrs. Gu on her granddaughter.

Obviously, Gu's gift was only in his own name.

Su Lan read and re-read this line, although it may not have been written by Gu Shi, it still made him fall in love with it.

Back then when she was married to the Fang family, the Gu family not only came, but also brought several concubine daughters of the Chu family who had not left the court.

Now, Mrs. Fang covets her daughter, and Mrs. Gu is pregnant, so it is inconvenient to come here, so she has prepared generous gifts.

This gift was even more important than the gift he received when he got married, but it made him feel an indescribable sense of loss.

Ever since he divorced Gu Shi, he has never seen her again. Her eyebrows are picturesque, with a pair of beautiful and bright apricot eyes. The beautiful woman has withdrawn from his life.

Looking at the gift list in her hand, Su Lan was in a daze for a moment, as if she had returned to the osmanthus tree, and when she learned that he had brought a basket of hairy crabs to the door, she smiled at him, a smile as light as a pear blossom but astonishing as a peach blossom.At that moment, Su Lan seemed to hear the sound of flowers blooming on Moshang, and saw the grand scene of a hundred flowers blooming together.

There is nothing better than a smile.

Later, Su Lan also met her occasionally, and she always smiled lightly.

Later, after Chen's falling into the water incident, she changed from a faint smile to a polite, polite, alienated, and perfunctory smile.

It's a pity that at that time, he was still ludicrously dreaming of hugging left and right!
When Su Lan regained consciousness from the flying thoughts, and regained the indifference and calmness of the mighty prince, he said to the butler, "Receive everything to the warehouse." He also randomly threw the gift list on the table.

Without deep affection, where is the regret?

He was just lamenting the stupid things he had done in the past.

That Gu Wu, who has never regarded him as a lover from beginning to end, has hated and resented him. After he was adopted to the second uncle, those resentments suddenly became insignificant.

After becoming the son of the mighty Marquis, his horizons have been expanded and his heart has been opened. Looking back on his past actions again, he suddenly feels ashamed.The person who he wanted to use secular ethics to restrain and suppress women to achieve left and right hugs could only watch the beautiful woman leave him in the end.

In his capacity, how could he regret it?
Fang's family background is not bad either, a scholarly younger brother, Fang's family is full of nobles, Mrs. Yahui's beloved daughter, and a rare virtuous person, after only half a year in the family, he took the initiative to take two concubines for him.

How majestic and prestigious Chu Heng Mountain is outside, the Holy Majesty favors it, and the Prince attaches great importance to it.Although I didn't know why a while ago, after three months of contemplation behind closed doors, and later regained my prestige, I ended up with a reputation of fear of guilt.I don't know how many people's big teeth were laughed off.

Everyone was laughing at Chu Hengshan, the majestic Duke, who was still afraid of guilt.No one expected that the Yongningbo Mansion, which has a reputation of being clean and upright, would actually raise a Hedong Lion Roar.

The eldest aunt also specially said to him: "It's a good thing you didn't let you marry that Gu Wu. Otherwise, you would never look up in your life." Fang praised her a lot.

Compared with Gu Wushan's jealousy, his wife Fang Shi is indeed a model of virtuousness.


"Master, the Eldest Master and the Eldest Mistress are here. The Eldest Master is in the main hall of the front yard, and the Eldest Mistress has gone to the Young Madam's place." The servant's voice sounded.

Su Lan gave a faint "um", got up, flicked her sleeves, and went to the main hall to meet his biological father, Marquis Wei'an who can only be called uncle now.

In the main hall, Wu Anhou and Wei Wuhou are in the high hall.

"I've seen my uncle, I've seen my father." Su Lan saluted the two respectively.

"There are no outsiders here, so call it whatever you want, it's not an outsider anyway." Mighty Marquis still has that carefree and informal temperament.

Marquis Wu An said, "Courtesy cannot be discarded. Since Xiao Liu was adopted by you, you should be called like this."

Su Lan sat down and respectfully listened to the teachings of the elders.

Every time Marquis Wu An saw him, he always said, "Your second uncle is not easy, so you have to teach him well in the future," or, "Your second uncle is amazing, learn more from your second uncle."

This time I finally changed the way of preaching, and it became: "After all, you are a father, and you should be prudent, and you can't do anything wrong in the future."

In the past, Su Lan would definitely jump up and refute, but now, he would respectfully say yes and humbly accept the elder's admonition.

Sure enough, Marquis Wu An said with relief: "This child is really sensible." He also said that it was thanks to his brother.

But Wei Wuhou said: "Xiao Liu has always been very sensible and very thoughtful. I really don't understand why you and sister-in-law always don't understand him, which made him ridiculous for a while."

Su Lan listened quietly, with a look of shame appearing on her face from time to time.

The past period of walking around the streets to play with dogs, eating and drinking with friends and friends can really only be called absurd years.

 People like Su Liu are not bad in nature, but the period of rebellion is relatively long, which is contrary to the feudal ethics of pursuing a gentleman and prudence, and his parents blindly suppress the policy, so they become more rebellious.He's not a scumbag, he's just a normal feudal man.

(End of this chapter)

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